Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1574: Country mother

Chapter 1574 National Mother

Tianheng Continent, Eastern Region, Yunlai Empire, Former Tianmo Empire Palace!

Early in the morning, the Emperor Yunlai of the Lai Dynasty, wearing a crown and wearing a dragon robe, sat high in the Golden Hall, and the civil and military officials below shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor!

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

"Long live my lord, live long live!"


Facing the worship of the civil and military officials, Long Chen said lightly: "Ai Qing, flat body!"

Today, Long Chen has succeeded to the throne for three years. Nowadays, he has become more and more emperor-like.

"Long live Xie!" Baiguan cried, again and again, like a row of mountains and rivers.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp shout rang out from the eunuch: "There is something to start, nothing to retreat!" The sharp voice echoed in the entire Jinyin hall.

The early dynasty of the Yunlai empire is just the beginning. The civil and military a hundred officials began to play the world's major events and the people's livelihood. The emperor Longchen listened attentively.

The emperor of the Yunlai Empire, Longchen, the well-known monarch of the Ming Dynasty, the beloved Mingjun of the people, the virtuous minister and the villain!

He who knows the people's hearts well knows the truth of the world, and loves the people as a son. He often deals with the country's major affairs very sharply.

In the early dynasty, the voice of admiration from the emperor's hundred officials was continually sounded "Emperor Shengming!"

"Holy Emperor! There is no way to wait!"

"Emperor! Holy Ming!"


Born in such a time, and governed the world with such a bright monarch, the minds of the hundred officials all raised the idea: With a monarch like this, the Yunlai Empire was destined to flourish.

At this time, many Jinwu palaces were once the officials of the Tianmiao Empire. Two years ago, the Tianmiao Empire had such a demon and killed the Tianmiao Empire's royal family in one fell swoop.

It's been almost three years now, and officials have long adapted to the new Lord of the Ming.

Under his administration, under the new policy he launched, the national strength is now getting stronger and stronger, and it has surpassed the former Tianmiao Empire.

For that evil ... people still have fresh memories, the proud figure of the imperial city, with their own power, let the four words "Tianmiao Empire" completely become history.

After that, it was said that the evildoer left Yunlai Empire and went to a wider world.

However, the legend about that evil spirit is still circulating in the East Region.

Two years ago, he was rumored to have killed the major evildoers and powerful men in the Tianlan Empire, overthrowing the first forces in the Eastern Regions, Tian Kunzong and the Sun and Moon Gods, and has become the Tianlan Empire and the Eastern Regions. The beautiful horse's bridle.

After that, his deeds slowly fell silent, but not long ago, people heard a rumor that the evildoer was even more shocking and unbelievable for a while.

Dongyu finally came out of a peerless Emperor Wudi, known as an extraordinary emperor, talented and unparalleled, and esteemed the entire Dongyu.

Even the East Empire, the first empire of the East Land, which has existed for countless years, was destroyed by the power of an extraordinary emperor.

However, that evil spirit was born again, and turned around with his own power. It is rumored that Wo Fengshan spiked tens of thousands of troops and killed all the great powers in the Eastern Regions. The Demon Flame Mountain killed the only Eastern Emperor in the Eastern Region.

The name of the wicked stone maple resounded throughout the eastern region.

Several countries around Yunlai all know that the Emperor Yunlai of the Yunlai Empire, Long Chen, has a close relationship with that stone maple. Around the Yunlai Empire, the war **** statue of Shifeng has been built.

Not long ago, countless countries in the Eastern Region sent envoys to pay tribute in order to please the Emperor Yunlai.

Several of these great powers are stronger than the existence of the Yunlai empire.

"Retreat! Chaos!" As the **** erupted again in the Jinyu Hall with a sharp shout, this morning ended this morning.

After the emperor Long Chen retreated, he did not continue to deal with government affairs, nor did he go to the harem to concubine, but came to the most magnificent building complex in the harem.

It didn't take long for Emperor Longchen to stand in front of the palace's largest building. This building, both in size and momentum, far surpassed Longchen's own emperor's palace.

The reason is without him, because this dormitory is the residence of the mother country of the Yunlai Empire! The most aloof person in the Yunlai Empire, the first thing Long Chen did after he went down every day was to greet his mother.

National Mother, National Mother!

In front of the palace door, dozens of eunuchs and palace ladies stood on both sides, and saw the emperor Longchen coming, and immediately bowed down and said, "See the emperor!"

"See you emperor!"

"See you emperor!"

To those eunuchs who were kneeling down, Long Chen nodded, followed by opening her mouth, and said to one of the palace ladies who was kneeling in front of her: "Notify the mother, come here to please!"

Unexpectedly, the emperor Long Chen came to ask for peace, but also required the eunuch's maid to report.

"Slaves obey!" After the voice of the palace lady stood up slowly, carefully stepped towards the golden gate, pushed it open, and walked in.

Long Chen waited quietly.

Not long after, the palace maid opened the door and bowed to Long Chen: "The emperor, the mother please invite you in."

When the voice of the palace maiden came down, the eunuchs and housewives around them slowly got up and opened the golden door for Long Chen thoroughly.

"Okay!" After hearing the palace girl's reply, the golden door was completely open, Long Chen stepped in, and soon entered a magnificent and elegant palace.

"Hee hee hee!" Not long after entering, Long Chen heard a happy and eerie familiar laughter.

Hearing this laughter, Long Chen was not a big accident. For many years, this girl often came to the mother's dormitory to accompany her.

Over the years, Long Chen has repeatedly and deliberately or unintentionally recruited a martial arts horse for her, but this girl seems to despise others at all.

Long Chen knew in his heart that even after so many years passed, the girl still had that evil spirit in her heart. No matter what kind of good man she saw, she was intentionally or unintentionally compared with that evil spirit.

But in this world, who can compare with that evildoer!

And Long Chen knows that that evildoer now has the world's first beautiful princess!

"Hey!" Thinking of this, even as the supreme Longchen of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, sighed secretly.

As he went deeper into the palace, it didn't take long for Long Chen to meet the important person.

National Mother of Yunlai Empire, Bai Yue'e!

Mother of God Stone Maple.

Emperor Yunchen of Yunlai Empire.

At this moment, Bai Yue'e wore a golden phoenix crown and a golden phoenix suit, with graceful elegance, extraordinary looks, and a mother-in-law style. She was half-lying on the phoenix couch.

Princess Long Meng, sitting on her couch at the moment, was talking to her.

At this moment, Long Chen stepped forward immediately, kneeling down towards Bai Yue'e, and shouted, "Children give my mother a greeting, I wish my mother's phoenix health and happiness, generations to generations!"

Over the years, Long Chen has treated Bai Yue'e as if he was a biological mother. He knows very well who he depends on now!

Without him, he would be nothing now!

Without him, he might have lost Huang Quan and fell into an abyss! How can this nine-five-year supreme position be worshipped by all officials!

(End of this chapter)

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