Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1575: Peerless wine

Chapter 1575 Peerless Wine

Seeing that Long Chen had come to invite him as usual, Bai Yue'e nodded and smiled, and said, "Chener get up quickly."

After hearing the words of the mother, Long Chen also laughed and got up.

Seeing Long Chen stand up, Bai Yue'e said to Long Chen: "How many times have I told you that you are the monarch of a country, you don't have to do these gifts to me."

After hearing Bai Yue'e's words, Long Chen smiled and said, "Although I am the king of a country, my mother-in-law is still my mother-in-law! It is essential to please Anna every day."

At this moment, Long Meng stepped forward and saluted to Long Chen; "Long Meng, please treat the emperor!"

"Well, please be polite." Long Chen waved to her sister and said.

Following a rebuke-like tone, she said to her, "You're here to rest after disturbing your mother."

"Me?" When Long Meng heard Long Chen's words, she reluctantly said, "I don't have one! The mother-in-law said that she was bored every day in the palace, and she liked that I would come and talk with her every day."

Hearing Long Meng's words, then the mother-in-law Bai Yue'e nodded and smiled and said, "Yeah! I like Menger to come and stay with me."

Both Longchen and Longmeng recognized Bai Yue'e as their mother-in-law.

Looking at these two sons and daughters, sometimes, in the mind of Bai Yue'e, the two figures often appeared, "Fenger! Linger!"

"My Fenger, my Linger, don't know, how are you doing now? Are you okay? Mother misses you so much!"


At this moment, the four-headed serpent finally flew out of the East China Sea with four people of Shi Feng.

The ground ahead is an endless wasteland that stretches to an endless distance.

Although out of the East China Sea, the four snakes did not stop at all, and continued to fly aggressively south.

Gradually, among the earth ahead, a city in the sight of Shi Feng's four appeared.

When seeing the city, Shi Feng was moved, and the four big snakes flying down below once again shone with extremely **** light, and Shi Feng was retracted into the space of the blood stone monument.

Immediately after, the four of Shi Feng were suspended in this void.

Following this, Shi Feng said to Shi Ling, Xiao Tianyi, and Ghost, "Go, go to that city, we will take the space teleportation array to the Yunlai Empire."

"Okay!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the three nodded, following Shi Feng's four figures at the same time, and dived down to the big city.

At the breaking speed of the four people, they fell into the gate of the city in an instant.

This city is a small border town near the East China Sea, and it may be close to dusk. There are few people at the gate of the city.

On both sides of the city gate, there were only a dozen soldiers wearing bronze battle armors guarding them, collecting the Yuanshi entering the city.

After Shi Feng had handed over Yuan Shi who entered the city, they walked to the city, and within a few steps, the female ghost sensed the ghost's charm behind them and walked on.

These ants are so brazen!

The ghostly, cold and white face became even colder, turning her head towards the rear, and at the same time, a Ling Ran's killing intention emanated from her body.

Suddenly, the dozen or so guards at the gate of the city only felt an invisible and powerful coldness, violently rushing towards themselves. For a moment, they felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped sharply, and their bodies were like falling ice caves. Among them, the body seems to be frozen, frozen and broken, becoming extremely stiff and unable to move.

But their thighs trembled involuntarily.

Most importantly, the dozen or so guards only felt that breathing became extremely difficult, uncomfortable, and felt they were about to suffocate.

This is the ghost's intention to keep his hands. Without the command of the emperor, he did not take away the lives of these ants.

Otherwise, the coldness emanating from her body could make these ants soaring and their souls flying away.

"Let's live!"

"Rao ... life!"

"Rao ... Rao Ming!"

The guards immediately realized that they kicked the iron plate today.

This beautiful woman in black armor was not the existence of these little guards who could offend them, one by one panicked and pitiful, begging her for mercy.

If they knew, this beautiful woman is one of the eight great ghosts who are famous all over the world.

Hearing the ants asking for forgiveness, the coldness emanating from the ghosts stowed away, then continued to follow Shi Feng, and gradually walked away on the street.

Immediately following, the gate guards softened their legs and sat on the ground.

He breathed heavily in his mouth, staring at the black horror figure that disappeared into sight.

"Hoohoo! Hoho! Hoho!"

"Who ... this ... this woman ... well ... so strong! What is her existence? In my opinion, her martial arts level has at least reached the realm of martial arts, right?"

"It's more than King Wu! In my opinion, Wu Zong is possible!"




Immediately after that, the gate guards exclaimed, Wu Zongqiang, who is in the top of their entire Yuexiao Empire.

The Emperor Wu Zong can fly to the sky, and the Emperor Wu Zong is omnipotent in their hearts!

Only the top ten of their Yuexiao Empire can have such a state!

Thinking of the woman's horror realm, thinking of their situation just now, one by one seemed to walk around the gate of the ghost door, taking a deep breath.

If you are really a strong Emperor Wu Zong, take the lives of these border towns, it is estimated that you are dead for nothing.

However, among these guards, no one noticed that there was a guard with a flash of light in his eyes, grinning a sneer, and secretly saying:

"Everyone in the world knows that Bai Feixin's son likes beauty, and he prefers beautiful women with unique talents! They don't even know that now Bai Feixin's son is in our little seaside city!

If I go and tell Bai Feixin, we have such a beautiful and talented woman in Linhai City! I guess ... it's not an estimation. As Bai Feixinzi, there will definitely be a great reward!

Bai Feixin's reward ... "

The guard thought for a moment, and suddenly, a look of greed appeared on his face.

Everyone knows that Bai Feixin's son has a generous shot, and there are rumors. He once smiled for Bomei and gave a rumor of one million yuan!

Thinking of this, the guard immediately said to the other guards: "I'm not quite right, brothers, I'll leave first."


Shi Feng holding Shi Ling in his hands, followed by Xiao Tianyi and ghosts, walking on this Linhai City street.

Although this city is ruined, it has an ancient atmosphere. This small city should have existed for many years.

It is now dusk, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. It is not crowded at all. On both sides of the street, street vendors are also in twos and threes, which is very lively.

But immediately afterwards, there was a burst of noise from the right side of the four Shi Feng. Shi Feng turned his head and looked at it. This should be a tavern. In this tavern, it was lively and full of people. .

In particular, the sign of this pub attracted Shi Feng's attention: "Great wine!"

On the two black pillars in front of the door, there are two rough and impenetrable words: Peerless wine, this is the only one in the world!

After drinking this wine, the other wine is shit.

"It's a big breath!"

(End of this chapter)

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