Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1587: His name is Tian Yi

Chapter 1587: His Name Is Tian Yi

"Resolved? The weird things that have plagued us for so long, have we been dealt with like this?"

"God of War said that he had dealt with it, so it should have been dealt with."

"What is the identity and strength of the God of War, and how can he lie to us?"

"That's great!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the lord of the city of Rosan City, Xu Da, heard the words of Shi Feng, and was immediately happy, and his rough face followed with a smile.

This space-transporting altar has always been weird and self-destructing, and it has already become a major event for him. Today the Holy Ghost pays so much attention to this matter, but he has to reach, but has been powerless.

At this time, Xuda spoke again and said to Shi Feng: "Wei Chen will send someone to go to the imperial city as soon as possible to meet the Holy One, tell the Holy One everything here, and please send the Holy Spirit Master again."

"No need." But just after Xu Da's voice fell, Shi Feng opened his mouth and stopped him. Then he said, "No other masters are needed."

"You don't need to come over from other artificers?" When I first heard Shi Feng's remarks, it took a while to respond, why did Shi Feng say no.

Since it is said that the altar self-explosion has been dealt with, and since it is said that the altar self-explosion will not happen, it should be brought to Luosang City as soon as possible, and rebuilt as soon as possible.

Could it be ...

Just when the city owner Xu Da had just reacted, he saw Shi Feng slowly turned his head and looked at Xiao Tianyi, who was not far away.

The **** of war, Shi Feng, said those words, and looked to the person of extraordinary magnificence, Xu Da immediately understood something, his eyes opened, and his face was startled again, startled: "You, you are a surgery Master Alchemist? Or Master Alchemist who has reached the fifth-order imperial realm? "

After Xu Da's words fell, exclaimed in the hall.

"Spell Master! Master Spell Master!"

"I didn't expect that this adult turned out to be an adult master!"

"Actually, I have seen that this person is not ordinary!"

"Will anyone who can walk with God of War be a simple person? But he did not expect that he would be an adult master!"

"Even if the Altar of Teleportation is recast, the Orthodox Master can't burn the teleportation pattern, activate and open it. This can only be done by the host of a Senior Master Master who has reached at least Level 5 Emperor!

"And since the God of War said no to the city master, that is to say, there is no need to send another high-level magician to the Holy Spirit, which means that the master of the magician, the practice of magic, has reached at least the fifth level. Dashu Lian of the imperial realm! "

Masters are distinguished, and becoming masters is extremely demanding. In the entire Yunlai empire, there are only two fifth-order masters.


After hearing what Xu Da said, Xiao Tianyi nodded with a smile and replied, "Yes, I'm a smelter. I have already reached the fifth-rank emperor level long ago."

Xiao Tianyi said a long time ago, it was indeed a long time ago. He Xiao Tianyi, is not only a magician who has reached at least the fifth-order imperial realm, he is the world's first magician, Master Xiao Tianyi!

"Okay, that's great." Hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, the city owner Xu Da, who was again in shock on his face, laughed again.

Today is really a godsend to help him. Not only has he dealt with the important issues that have troubled him for a long time, but he also comes with a senior master.

"Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, Fengshui has taken turns! It seems that I must have reached the end of bad luck, luck has arrived!" Xu Da said secretly in his heart.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth and asked Xiao Tianyi: "Tianyi, this teleportation altar needs to be rebuilt, or can it be repaired?"

Rebuilding and repairing, if rebuilding, it will definitely take some time, as well as manpower and material resources, it is a troublesome and time-consuming thing.

If it can be repaired, it will be much faster.

However, just as Shi Feng's words had just fallen, a burst of astonishing exclamation sounded from the mouth of a famous man again.

"Tianyi, have you heard it! God of War just now, but call this Master Master of Spellcraft, call him for ... call him Tianyi! Did I hear you right?"

"No, I didn't hear it wrong! I heard it! Tianyi, now our first master of the Tianheng continent is the disciple of Emperor Jiuyou, Master Xiao Tianyi!"

"Should ... this lord ... hiss! Wouldn't it?" Someone thought of the identity of the "Tianyi" master and took a deep breath, and he was afraid to continue thinking.

That idea is so shocking and crazy!

"Tianyi, in fact ... maybe it's just the same name? I heard that the emperor of the Northern Xinjiang Dynasty was also called Tianyi!"

"Perhaps, the name sounds the same! Or, after all, Master Xiao Tianyi is our first master of the Tianheng continent, and the master of the master. So I changed my name to be the same, and Xiao Master Tian Yi is the goal. "Another said.

"Well, it should be like this! Don't forget all of you. There are rumors in the world that the God of War is the disciple of Ling Yefeng, the death emperor, and Master Xiao Tianyi is the master of the death emperor.

If this adult is really Master Xiao Tianyi, then God of War should call his uncle right, how could he call his name? Moreover, when seeing God of War toward him, there is nothing like the junior to the elders. Instead, this person followed behind the God of War when he walked, and showed respect to the God of War. "

"Well, it makes sense for you to say that."

When they heard the words of the person in front of them, they all breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that it should be just like the name.

Otherwise, Master Xiao Tianyi, the world ’s first master of refining and practicing, came to the city of Rosen, and that was too scary.


In the hall, others were exclaiming, guessing, and Xiao Tian also heard Shi Feng ’s words, and said, “It is not necessary to rebuild and repair, it can be repaired. However, this teleportation altar is so damaged, many The materials have been completely damaged, and if I repair them, I still need some materials. "

After hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, the owner of the city, Xu Da, said, "Material, Lord Tian Yi, this space conveys the altar. Can it be repaired if it needs materials?"

"Yes!" Xiao Tian also replied.

"But ..." Xu Da said:

"In the past, the space teleport altar blew itself up. Every time the Master of the Holy Spirit invited by the Holy See, it was judged to be completely destroyed and needs to be rebuilt. This time, the space teleport altar is more damaged than ever. To be serious, the most thorough ... "

Speaking of this time, Xu Da didn't say any more, but apparently, he had some doubts about what Xiao Tian also said could be repaired.

And Xiao Tianyi, naturally understood what he was going to say, smiled coldly, and said proudly: "How can the artificers you call compare with me!"

Even if he had a good temper and a low profile, Xiao Tian was naturally uncomfortable when compared with a fifth-rank imperial master.

And also doubted his ability of Xiao Tianyi!

(End of this chapter)

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