Chapter 1588 Master Li Mo

"How can you compare with me!"

The sound of arrogant disdain echoed in the hall.

How can the fifth-level imperial skill trainer compare with his Xiao Tian!

For a moment, the hall suddenly became silent. After Xiao Tianyi's words fell, no one spoke again.

Although this Master Sect Master looks arrogant, he also has real talents to learn so that he can be so arrogant.

What's more, he is a sorcerer with God of War. Maybe he can really repair this space teleport altar.

At this time, it is best to keep silent, lest you accidentally say the wrong words and offend a distinguished master of smelting!

What's more, the gods of war in front seemed to have great confidence in this magician. The city mainly sent people to the imperial city and asked the Holy Spirit to send a high-level magician to come. The **** of war said that it was unnecessary.

At this time, the city owner, Xu Da, realized that what he said just now was a bit inadequate, and spoke to Xiao Tian again, respectfully saying, "Then, I'll leave it to you, Master Tian Yi! If you need anything, you can just tell me. "

After hearing this, Xiao Tian also took out a jade bamboo slip, following the thoughts, the power of the soul moved, and a thought was imprinted into the jade bamboo slips in his hands.

Later, Xiao Tian also walked slowly and handed the jade Jian to the city owner Xu Da, saying, "The materials I need and the amount of materials I need are all in this jade bamboo. You send someone to arrange to collect it."

These materials are not rare materials, they should be collected in this city of Rosan.

"Well, okay! I'll send someone to this city's Guild of Craftsmen." After receiving the jade letter from Xiao Tianyi, Xu Daxin vowed.

"Li Xu!" At this time, Xu Da shouted.

"The end is here!" A Qingjia warrior would hear Xu Da's call, then stepped forward and drank.

"You must go to the Guild of Craftsmen now, there must be no mistakes!" Xu Da passed the jade slip to Li Xu and said.

As for how to do it, there is no need to say more.

"Let's take orders!" Li Xu took Yujian, followed him outside the main hall, and went to the Guild of Ransomists in Rosan City.

Guilian Masters Guild, Tianheng mainland is a transcendent force composed of Tianlian masters, spreading all over Tianheng mainland. Basically, every city in Tianheng mainland has this force.

The general named Li Xu went to the Guild of Craftsmen, and it took some time to purchase the materials.

Therefore, the owner of the city had to arrive and ordered someone to bring tables, chairs, tea sets, and snacks, and invited Shi Feng to take a seat.

He stood beside Shi Feng, personally poured tea for the four of them, and listened to the God of War at any time.

Time passed slowly, and a few people waited anxiously.

It didn't take long for the door of the hall to open again, and the sun shone in, followed closely by the familiar figure of the green armor. It was the warrior Li Xu who returned to the Sorcelier Guild to purchase materials.

However, Li Xu was standing aside at this moment, leaning sideways, with a respectful face, as if he was making a please gesture towards the people outside the main hall.

Subsequently, three long shadows reflected in, and immediately followed, three people in loose white robes entered the hall.

"People from the Guild of Swordsmen?" Looking at the three people who entered, and looking at the clothes they were wearing, Shi Feng immediately recognized their identities.

"The Guild of Craftsmen! That person is not the president of our Guild of Craftsmen in Rosen, Master Mu Sui?"

"Yes! It is Master Mu Sui! Master of the fourth-order king-level art refining master, Mu Sui! But who is this man who walks in the middle? The master Mu Sui is walking with him, his body is so unexpected Taking a step back! "

The master Mu Sui shouting from people's mouths is an old man walking on the left, nearly seventy years old.

As a fourth-ranked king-level magician and the president of the Rosan City magician-guild, on weekdays, Mu Sui is the focus wherever he goes.

But at this moment, the people in this hall had gathered their eyes on the old man in the middle of walking.

The old man also looks like he is in his sixties, with a ruddy complexion and a magnificent personality.

Immediately afterwards, a personal sight gathered on the badge worn by the old man in the white robe on his right shoulder, and immediately after that, the soldiers in this hall almost boiled.

"This ... oh my! What am I seeing! This is the badge of the master of seventh-level masters! Master of the seventh-level masters!"

"We have a seventh-ranking master of masters in Rosenville! Seventh-rank master of masters, we have only three people in the entire eastern region, right? Here, which master is coming to us what?"

"No wonder even the master Mu Sui walked beside the master, taking a half step back!"

At this moment in this hall, with the exception of the four people of Shi Feng, the others are basically no longer calm, even the city master Xu Da, so secretly exclaimed: "Seventh-level master master!"

At this time, the war leader Li Xu first walked to the place where Shi Feng and Xu Da were, and reported to Shi Feng and Xu Dazhen: "Master of War, Lord of the City, this master is the deputy of our Eastern Region Masters Association President, Master Li Mo! "

"Master Li Mo!" Despite knowing that this seventh-level priest is a special sage master, when Xu Da knew his name, he couldn't help but exclaim.

The person with the highest power in the Eastern Region Spellcraft Association is naturally the President of the General Conference, but under the President of the General Conference, it is naturally the Vice President. In other words, this is called Li Mo's Spellcraft. The guilds, but there are more than 10,000 people under one person.

Absolutely high weight.

Next, the warlord Li Xu opened his mouth again and said, "Master Li Mo happened to teach the method of cultivating at our guild of cults in Lausanne. I heard that our space transport array in Rusang was destroyed and came over here."

"Okay! That's great! With the help of Master Li Mo, our space teleporter in Rosen City will certainly be able to recover at the fastest speed!" When speaking, Xu Da happened to happen to happen, suddenly, suddenly A glimpse of Xiao Tianyi, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face.

But Zuda thought again: I said that, shouldn't it be okay? After all, I can tell, but Master Li Mo!

The sorcerer who came with the God of War should also think that since the arrival of Master Li Mo, it is up to Master Li Mo to take care of the repair of the altar in space.

With the arrival of the three sorcerers, at this moment, the city's owner, Xu Da, quickly smiled and greeted him in the direction:

"Three adults can come, this place is really prosperous! I did not expect that such a trivial matter in the city of Rosanne actually shocked the famous Master Li Mo ...

Zuda greeted the three Masters of the Master Craftsmen Guild, but the three of Shi Feng still sat firmly and ignored them.

Shi Feng and Xiao Tian are sipping tea, while Shi Ling eats pastry, ghostly eyes, staring at her emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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