Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1708: Stupid corpse

Chapter 1708: Stupid Corpse Dimension

"What's the matter?"

After hearing the question from the corpse god, the corpse dared not neglect, and quickly transmitted a voice to the corpse god, shouting the name of "Shi Feng" in the corpse dance, and informed him of the news and judgment he heard. Dead God.

Immediately afterwards, Ziwei saw that the corpse god's pale face turned cold immediately.

Seeing the coldness on the face of Lord Corpse God, Corpse Wei sneered secretly in his heart, saying, "The Corpse God now knows that the Corpse Fan has been mixed with our ancient corpse tribe's plot, and his face has cooled down. Dead!"

"Huh! Shifan, Shifan, Shifeng and Shifeng, what can you do with your unique talents? You're innumerable, and you don't think you will die in the hand of my corpse!"

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, Zwei seems to have seen the death of Zhe Fan.

Even if the corpse **** can't kill that corpse fan for a while, there are still human races! Although the people of the Terran are not so good at fighting themselves, their treasures are peerless.

His corpse fan alone with the clan patriarch nebula, but has the hatred to kill Sun!

The ancient corpse plus the human race, kill a corpse fan, enough!

At this moment, the corpse god's sitting figure stood up slowly, glaring at the corpse in front of him, and said coldly, "Come with me!"

Looking at the corpse **** with such a cold face, and listening to such cold words from the corpse god, the corpse was not afraid, but kept sneer.

He still thinks that the reason why the corpse **** is so is that the corpse fan who "conspired against the ancient corpse" was wrong. The more the corpse **** is, the more the corpse **** is closer to death.

When the corpse **** said to the corpse, his body flickered and disappeared on the stand.

"Yes!" Zwei quickly responded in congratulations, and his figure followed the flash, and followed the corpse god.

Not long after, the corpse **** and corpse came to a vast land some distance away from the Tianjiao platform.

At this moment, Ziwei saw the Lord God of the Corpse, and his face was still icily cold.

Then, Ziwei saw that the appearance of the corpse **** had eased a lot, and then he said, "Say, about the corpse fan, in addition to telling me, who did you tell?"

Upon hearing the words of the corpse god, the corpse dared not neglect, and hurriedly replied:

"In addition to you, I also encountered the elder elder Dongfang Hongshan and three others on the road. I was afraid that the corpse would be suspected by the corpse and caught up with me and assassinated. I informed him of his identity. Mountain four!

I thought that in this case, even if I really died in the hand of the corpse fan, presumably the human race, he would expose the true identity of the corpse fan, so that he could not succeed in our plot against the ancient corpse people. "

After speaking these words, Ziwei flashed a pride in his heart, as if at this moment, he showed his “resourcefulness” and “care for the whole situation” before the Corpse God!

"I unveiled this mortal conspiracy, and from now on, the corpse gods and people will definitely look at me! Even my little dance is expected to recognize good and evil, and know who is her The one you love. "

The corpse said secretly in his heart.

However, when the corpse was proud of it, he could hear the extremely cold words of the corpse **** and passed it into his ears: "You! You told this to Dongfang Hongshan!"

Feeling that the tone of the corpse **** was getting colder and colder, an irritation appeared on his pale face. For a while, the corpse was unknown for some time, so he looked at the corpse **** with a stunned expression, and said, "Yes, Lord Corpse!"

At this moment, I only heard the corpse **** sip coldly: "Stupid! You are such a stupid! Who asked you to do it!"

At the same time, the corpse **** burned in anger suddenly slaps towards the front, slaps fiercely on the face of this corpse, "snap", a crisp sound echoes the world, the corpse is the whole person, All were fanned out.

His own carefully arranged layout was broken by this corpse dimension, how could his corpse **** not be angry!

For the battle of Tianjiao, for the sake of the coldness of the heavens, but let the corpse **** see a glimmer of hope.

With a bang, the dead corpse flew out, and his buttocks hit the ground, splashing the flying ash.

The dust dissipated and the corpse reappeared. At this moment, a shocking fingerprint had been left on his handsome and pale face.

The corpse raised his head, his eyes widened, his mouth wide, and looked at the supreme figure for a moment, and had been dozed by the corpse **** for a while.

Lord Corpse God should praise his resourcefulness.

I should be the hero of the ancient corpse!

Shi Wei really couldn't understand why Lord Zombie beat himself or even scolded himself as stupid!

In order to take care of the overall situation, just in case, I told Dongfang Hongshan and others first about the identity of the corpse fan, nothing wrong!

At this time, the corpse saw a figure flashing in front of him, and the corpse **** came.

At this moment, the corpse **** turned his right hand into a claw, facing the shameless face lifted up by the corpse.

The corpse immediately felt the trembling power from above his right paw, which made him tremble.

This ... This is the Supreme Lord Corpse God, want to kill yourself?

Zwei quickly glared his eyes, shouting with incredible disbelief: "Why! Lord Corpse God! Why? I should be the hero of our ancient corpse, why do you treat me so!"

"Stupid!" The corpse **** didn't make too much nonsense about the corpse, and only said the word "stupid" coldly.

At the moment when the myth of the corpse sounded, the corpse only felt that he was enveloped by a strong energy, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

"I'm right! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"For our ancient corpses, in order to get rid of the scourge of our ancient corpses, I rushed back to inform the corpse **** as soon as possible, but the result ... but ... said ... I ... stupid ... stupid ? "

"Mo ... Mofei ..." At this moment, perhaps under the reflection of the light, the corpse suddenly thought of something, and suddenly understood something, "I ... I ... I didn't expect it! I ... I really am , Stupid! "

But at this moment, it was too late to understand the corpse. I saw his corpse suddenly shattered at this moment, and the whole person turned into a grain of dust like sand, and fell to the ground.

From now on, the ancient corpse no longer has a corpse called corpse.

After killing the corpse, the corpse **** closed his hand. For killing the corpse, it was like killing an ant, leaving him indifferent at all.

Then, the corpse **** turned his head and looked in the direction of Tianjiaotai. Above his shameless face, his brow frowned again. What he had to do now was how to deal with the fact that the people knew the true identity of the corpse fan. !!


"Anyway, the corpse is dead, and there is no symptom! Even when the human race corrects them, they will not admit it, saying nonsense! See what they can do! Huh!"

(End of this chapter)

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