Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1709: Orc warrior

Chapter 1709 Orc War Human Race

Shi Feng's participation in the battle of Tianjiao is related to Tianhan Shenshui. Until now, the corpse **** can take a step and look at it!

The corpse secret method and corpse appearance technique, thinking of these two secret methods, the corpse god's heart was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a flash of his figure disappearing on this vast land.


Shi Feng and the ancient corpse people returned to the Tianjiao platform and walked between the stands to the stand where the ancient corpse was located.

However, as he walked, Shi Feng's footsteps suddenly abruptly said, "Huh?" At the same time, his face also changed slightly, as if something abnormal was sensed.

When Shi Feng stopped suddenly, the other young corpse youths looked at him again. The corpse dancer frowned when he saw him, and asked, "What's wrong, corpse fan?"

Instead of answering the words of the corpse dance, Shi Feng turned her head and looked at an area.

That area is the Terran Stand! At this moment Shi Feng saw that there were dozens of eyes among the human race, gathered together to oneself.

In the end, his gaze gazed at the old face of the patriarch Dugu Nebula, which immediately stood opposite the Dugu Nebula.

At this moment, the old face of the Dugu Nebula is extremely cold, and there is a sense of murder on his body.

"Huh? What's the matter? Could these people recognize me?" Looking at those people, looking at this Dukung Nebula, Shi Feng's brows grew deeper and deeper, murmuring secretly.

Not only Shi Feng, but even these other ancient cadaver young people have discovered that there is something wrong with the people there.

At this time, a young corpse youth said, "Well? What is going on? These people are looking at us as if they are not good!"

"Human race!" At this time, when I saw the corpse dance of those people of the human race, I secretly exclaimed.

She understood the grudges between Shi Feng and the human race.

Just then, a voice echoed in Shi Feng's mind: "Come on, the Terrans already know your identity!"

"Huh!" After hearing this voice, Shi Feng's shameless complexion frowned even deeper, then he turned his head and looked at the ancient corpse grandstand.

The voice just now came from the ancient corpse supreme corpse god.

At this time, Shi Feng stopped paying attention to the people there, and said to the young people of the ancient corpse: "Let's go!"

After Shi Feng said these words, several people from the ancient corpse also turned back. As Shi Feng went to the area where the people lived, they soon returned to the front of the ancient corpse stand.

Followed by, Shi Feng thought, and spoke to the corpse god: "How did they know my identity? Um? Could it be that corpse?"

At this time, Shi Feng had discovered that the corpse was not in the stands, and he had guessed something between them.

"Well, that's right! It's the news he disclosed to the human race." The Corpse God replied.

"Sure enough!" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

The disappeared corpse is estimated to have been punished by the corpse god.

As for what punishment this corpse has been punished for, where is he now, such an ant-like figure, Shi Feng has no interest to know.

Then, Shi Feng heard the corpse **** and asked, "What should I do next?"

The Corpse God replied: "Don't care about the Terrans, and continue to participate in the battle of Tianjiao! If the Dukwan Nebula wants to bite us, we will not admit it, saying that he is slanderous!

Next I have figured out how to deal with it, and you can participate with peace of mind! The corpse secret method and corpse appearance technique are seamless. "

"I see!" Shi Feng said.

Since the corpse **** said so, Shi Feng no longer cares about it.

During the battle of Tianjiao, all ethnic groups are strictly prohibited from fighting. Presumably during this time, they will be safe!

As for the battle of Tianjiao ...

"Let Ben Shao get the mysterious Tian Han Shen Shui, use the Tian Han Shen Shui to refine the body, strengthen the combat power, and then deal with everything that should be faced next!" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

With more power, you can live longer and you can deal with all the dangers that come!


Above Tianjiao, at this moment, the old, hoarse voice echoed again: "Half a day has passed, the battle of Tianjiao begins the second round!"

With the sound of that old voice, the old figure appeared quietly above Tianjiao's platform.

It is the elder of the demon tribe, the elder demon!

When the old voice resounded, the noisy stands of all ethnic groups suddenly became silent, and all eyes gathered on the Tianjiao stage.

The elder demon who presided over the battle of Tianjiao seems to have become the protagonist of this world.

The voice of the old man gradually fell, and at this time, the hands of the elder demon saw the old tricks, followed closely, and then he saw eleven colored light **** above his head.

Each ball of light represents a Tianjiao participating in the competition, and represents the number they robbed at that time!

Just like Shi Feng's number is four, the light ball representing him at that time was cyan.

Eleven light **** surround an aperture, slowly spinning above the elder demon, like little planets.

At this time, I saw the elder demon grabbing up and grabbing two light **** into the hands, and the other light **** continued to rotate.

Immediately after, his old hoarse voice sounded again: "No. 5 Orc, fight No. 21!"

Hearing this announcement, the voice of the elder demon has not fallen yet, and the voices of all ethnic groups suddenly sounded again: "Oh, the human race is finally coming on stage!"

"This orc tribe is really good luck! The original orcs battle of their orcs, but in the realm of the Seven Stars and Demigods, compared with the true arrogance of other races, it is still some distance away! , This round of beast war has encountered a human race! "

"Haha, the seven-star demigod in the beast battle, that human race is only in the Samsung demigod, this finger can kill in seconds."

"Since ancient times, the orc race has been at odds with that humble race. If that arrogant Tianjiao of that race dares to go to the Tianjiao platform, it is undoubtedly dead."

"Haha, to go to death in vain in this way, in my opinion, the people would not dare to go up! How stupid would be so stupid!"


"Roar!" And just then, a beast roar sounded.

In the orc war of the Tianjiao beast, the majestic body had already flown over the Tianjiao platform, and then fell heavily, and his feet were violently hit on the Tianjiao platform.

"Boom!" The beast battle made a strong debut, and the center of Tianjiao sent an extremely violent roar. The inspiration of all races should be heard. The entire beast was shaken slightly under the force of this beast battle.

"Human race, come to war! Human race come to war!" At this moment, the beast war looked to the human race stand, full of provocative roar, the sound of roar echoed.

At this time, the creatures of various ethnic groups in the stands also looked at the human race stands.

At this time, they saw the so-called Tianjiao of the human race, who was shrouded in black robes. At this time, they walked out of their tribal stands and slowly walked towards Tianjiaotai.

(End of this chapter)

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