Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1719: I disagree!

Chapter 1719 I Disagree!

The prisoner arrogant was proudly standing in the sky, and a sneer sneered on his pale and young face, which reflected the stands of all ethnic groups in all directions.

There was a lot of discussion in the stands of all ethnic groups, but at this moment, no one stood up to respond to his words of jail.

The eternal elder demon has been watching this quietly.

"This battle of Tianjiao is probably over!"

"Yeah! It's over! The battle ends here! It seems that there is no suspense."


Seeing that the words of the jailers had fallen to the present moment, there was still no Tianjiao who participated in the contest, and they stood up against his words of jailers, and the "people" talked again and again.

Although in their hearts, those who won the second round of Tianjiao's combat power are very good, are all peerless evil, but their opponents, after all, are jailers!

Time passed slowly and saw that no tribe of Tianjiao stood out. At this time, the elder demon finally spoke: "If there is no opposition from the promoted Tianjiao, then the first of this Tianjiao battle is the blood eater. Eat it! "

At this moment when the voice of the eternal elder demon sounded, for a moment, the entire arrogant battlefield became silent.

The creatures of all races listened quietly at this moment, and there were countless "people" who had been holding their breath involuntarily at this moment.

There are also a lot of creatures who smiled and shook their heads. They still think, who dare to stand up to this day?

The corpse tribe stands, when the corpse dancer girl sees Shi Feng still sitting in the stands, she breathes a sigh of relief, secretly saying:

"It seems that after seeing the power of the prison, Shi Fan gave up the number one in the battle of Tianjiao! That's good. I don't want him to win any number one. I just want him ... peace, Just fine! "

Speaking of the last word, the corpse dancer girl bowed her head shyly.

At this time, even the other four young corpse youths saw Shi Feng sitting unmoved, and they were not surprised.

After all, at this moment, it is proud to stand on the Tianjiao platform, but the **** bite!

The corpse **** sitting high in the stands of the ancient corpse tribe, although the shameless face still retains that touch of majesty, if you look closely, you will find that he is slightly lowered his head at this moment, looking at the young figure, even his brows It has also wrinkled slightly.


The old, hoarse voice of the eternal demon has long fallen in this world. At this time, there was still no voice response.

"Why, don't those people stand up and oppose it?" Shi Feng felt the grandstands of all ethnic groups at this moment, and felt that Tianjiao of each ethnic group had nothing to do, murmured secretly.

Followed him and said secretly: "No!"

At this time, only the elder elder monster suddenly heard a deep voice and said, "I declare ..."

"I disagree!"

Just as the voice of the elder demon just sounded, a young voice suddenly sounded, which suddenly interrupted what the elder devil continued to say.



"Don't agree, who doesn't agree? Who is it?"

"Which kind of Tianjiao stood up and said they didn't agree?"


After hearing the words "I don't agree", the stands of all ethnic groups were in an uproar again, with their heads turning at this moment, looking for the direction of the sound.

Immediately after, thousands of eyes looked at the ancient corpse stand at this moment, and gathered together on the young figure proudly standing in front of the ancient corpse stand.

The words "I don't agree" are naturally Shi Feng!

Seeing that the elder demon is about to announce the result, and seeing no other Tianjiao stand up, Shi Feng finally stood up at this time.

I haven't fought yet, and the first in the battle of Tianjiao, how can I let this prisoner win!

"Zi Fan! It's the corpse of the ancient corpse!"

"Zhu Fan! Zhu Fan opposes jail to win this first!"

"This corpse fan, will you fight the prisoner? Corporal fan, will be the enemy of the prisoner?"

"The ancient corpse corpse corps, very strong! But prisoner, stronger!"


"Ancient corpse, corpse!" At this time, the cold eyes of the prisoner gazed at Shi Feng's body, and he let out his voice coldly.

Then, just listening to the cold voice of the prisoner echoed Tianjiao battlefield: "Zhu Fan, do you want to die?"

"Looking for death?" Shi Feng grinned and heard a sneer when he heard the words of prison. He followed him and said, "On your words, this arrogant battle, my corpse will take you away Hell! "

"My corpse, I will take your life from prison!"

"My corpse, I will take your life from prison!"


Shi Feng's voice also echoed in the battlefield of Tianjiao for a long time, and immediately passed into the ears of every living being.

"This corpse fan is so outspoken?"

"Take the life of a prisoner? Ha ha, although his corpse is strong, can he take the life of a prisoner?"

"Zhu Fan is really trying to find death!"

"Hum! Kill me Bright Lisana, this corpse fan, must die!"


Obviously, between Shi Feng and the prisoner, the living beings of various races are optimistic, or the prisoner of the blood race.

At this time, the elder demon re-opened and announced: "Since the corpse fan does not agree with the prison for the first of this battle of Tianjiao, then the battle of Tianjiao, continue!"

"Please, Tianjiao of all ethnic groups, please make a statement! If there is no opposition from Tianjiao in the second round of advancement, then the bloodthirsty tribe will go to jail and enter the final battle with the ancient corpse corpse!

When the voice of the elder demon fell, Tianjiao was silent again.

The creatures of all races waited again.

See if any other tribe Tianjiao stood up at this time, or whether this corpse and the prisoner were engaged in the ultimate battle.

Time passed slowly, and just then, another young voice suddenly sounded: "I'm against it!"

"Evil Eye Clan, Tianhao!"

"Tianhao, evil eye tribe Tianhao also stood up against it!"

It was Tianhao who made the objection just now!

At this moment, Tian Hao is standing proudly on the stand of the evil eye tribe.

"I'm against it!" Followed closely, only listening to a thick, thunderous voice followed by a bang, it was the young man of the giant race!

"I'm against it!" The somber voice echoed, and after one by one, even the lonely ghost of the ghost pattern tribe spoke out.

"I also oppose!" The last deep voice was from the Terran Stand.

From the battle of Tianjiao to the present, Tianjiao, the human race who has not spoken at all, has finally made a sound at this moment.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng's shameless face suddenly moved at this moment, turned his head and looked in the direction of the Terran Stand, gazing at the figure covering the black robe.

"These Tianjiao, who were promoted in the second round, all objected at this moment!"

"I thought no one would dare to go to the Tianjiao platform after seeing the powerful strength of the jail bitter! These Tianjiao didn't stand up just now. At this time, they all came out together?"

"If this is the case, is the battle of Tianjiao going on again?"

"Do you also come to oppose it? Hehe, hehehehe!" At this moment, when seeing the five figures standing up in the stands of the Five Clan, the proudly mid-air prisoner "ha" laughed, the laughter was extremely cold!

(End of this chapter)

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