Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1720: Terran proud, strange feeling!

Chapter 1720 Terran Pride, Strange Feeling!

The cold "ha" laughter resounded from the jail biting, and countless creatures heard the cold "ha" laugh at this moment, feeling that the temperature around them had dropped for a few moments, a cold chill permeated the world.

Immediately after that, the icy killing intention was centered on the prisoner, and he was violently raging in all directions. He could only hear the prisoner and then spoke coldly. Or else, then! Go! Die! "

Speaking of the last three words, one word at a time, he was extremely cold. Hearing this voice made the "human" chills on his back!

The five people dared to disobey his will to jail. He was jailed and angry!

In the next battle of Tianjiao, if any tribe Tianjiao meets his prisoner, then he will endure the anger of his prisoner!

The minds of many creatures suddenly appeared the scene of the five tribe Tianjiao, struggling under the blood of the river, and the tragic sound of the ancient skull tribe Tianjiao's mourning still seemed to reverberate in the ear.

At this moment, I saw the proud prisoner standing in the midair of Huantai and Huaitai. His body flickered and disappeared.

"The second round of the battle of Tianjiao is over. We will rest for half a day and continue for a long time!" At this time, the Changsheng Lao Yao announced again.

The battle of Tianjiao came to rest for half a day.

"Finally, rest!" After hearing the voice announced by the elder demon, the corpse dancer girl had been tense from now until now, and finally relaxed slowly.

At this moment, she turned to look at Shi Feng beside her, and was a little worried: "Zhu Fan, are you sure you can defeat that jail?"

When the voice of the corpse dance sounded, not only the four young corpse youths sitting in front of it, but also the elders of other ancient corpse clans were staring closely at the young figure.

Waiting for his answer.

Although this man fought for the ancient corpse, they still doubt whether he can defeat the **** bite that evil demon jail.

"Huh!" Hearing the words of the corpse dance, only Shi Feng hummed and said, "I have said just now that I will take the life of that prisoner in this battle of Tianjiao, don't you believe me?"

"I ..." After hearing Shi Feng's words, the corpse dancer girl was speechless for a moment.

Although Shi Feng said so, other ancient corpse people did not take his words to heart.

For them, Shi Feng's words were nothing but stubbornness on his lips. How it really depends on the battle on Tianjiao's platform.

"This man is fighting for jail, I am still optimistic about it!" Gu Lao sighed secretly in his heart.

"Stealing prison!" The corpse **** of the ancient corpse clan also read the name in his mouth.

Until the battle, the corpse **** had already acknowledged Shi Feng's combat power, but if Shi Feng had a battle with the prisoner, the corpse **** would still have some bottom in his heart.

"This boy should have cultivated a complete inverse corpse warfare! Although the inverse corpse warfare is strong, but the power against him is not ordinary. He has previously performed a complete inverse corpse warfare, and the power against phagocytosis is better than ever!

Compared with the prison, he is more free to use the blood palm of the river! "The corpse god's eyes also looked at the figure in front of him and said secretly.

"Zhu Fan, I believe in you, you can kill the prisoner!" At this moment, the corpse dancing girl's utterly firm face emerged and said to Shi Feng.

"That's natural." Shi Feng grinned, and said.

Followed him suddenly turned his head and looked at the grandstand at the rear right!

That stand is exactly the stand where the human race is located. Shi Feng's gaze immediately stared at the black robe! It is the Tianjiao who participated in the battle of Tianjiao!

At this time, Tianjiao of the human race seemed to feel that Shi Feng was looking at him, and the black robe turned, and the person hiding in the black robe also looked at Shi Feng.

The two looked at each other like this without moving.

"Huh?" Next to the black robe man, the patriarch of the ethnic tribe, Dugu Nebula, suddenly discovered the abnormality of the black robe man, and issued a soft hum.

Following the direction facing this black robe, he turned his head. Suddenly, Dugu Nebula once again saw the white and hateful face. The old face became cold for a moment, and uttered, "Stone! Feng!"

"Mystery of the ancient corpse! Hum! If it wasn't for Dongfang Hongshan's encounter with that ancient corpse kid, I would have been caught in the drum by this ancient corpse and this little animal!"

Then, Dugu Nebula turned back, looking back at the black robe man sitting beside him, and said, "Do you know this person?" For the tone of talking to him, Dugu Nebula became soft again.

"This person?" Hearing the Dugu Nebula as if talking to himself, the man in black robe turned back and wondered.

Then, he seemed to understand who this Dugu Nebula was saying, and said, "You said that ancient corpse corpse?"

Followed him and said, "How could I know him."

"Oh, too!" Dugu Nebula nodded after hearing the words of the Heipaoren.

He almost forgot again that this stone maple changed his face with the secret method of the ancient corpse, posing as an ancient corpse, and it looks like no difference to those ancient corpses.

Even if this man in black robes had seen that stone maple, how could he know that this corpse was him.

At that time, when the elder Dongfang Hongshan came back and told that the corpse was Shi Feng, the Heipao man happened to leave the tribes.

Then, the man in the black robe looked again at the stand of the ancient corpse, and his eyes gazed once again at the young ancient corpse. At this time, he said secretly in his heart:

"But this ancient corpse corpse gives me a strange feeling. How do I feel this way?"


After staring at the tribes of the human race for a while, Shi Feng looked back. This time, he sat quietly in the ancient corpse stands and did not speak again, as if he was lost in thought.

Seeing Shi Feng like this, the corpse dance and several other ancient corpse youth did not speak again, and kept quiet, afraid to disturb him.

For them, Brother Shifan is in deep thought, he must be thinking about some very important things, which may have something to do with him, whether he can defeat the prisoner and win the first battle in this day!

The corpse dancer sitting next to Shi Feng, turned his head slightly, and just kept watching him silently.

Sometimes she feels that if time is still at this moment, she keeps watching him silently, which is also very good.


Time passed slowly, and the sky gradually darkened. It didn't take long for them to completely enter the night.

"Woohoo," bursts of night wind swept across the world.

Although it is night, for the souls of all races, with their eyesight, night is no different from day.

The elder figure of the eternal demon reappeared on the Tianjiao platform, and the old hoarse voice echoed again in this Tianjiao battle: "Half a day has passed, the third round of Tianjiao begins. ! "

Now, above the elder demon, only six light **** are slowly rotating, like six light fish swimming slowly around the circle.

Then, the elder elder demon stretched out his pair of skinny hands again, grabbed it upwards, and immediately caught two light **** again.

"Human race is proud, fight ..."

(End of this chapter)

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