Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1721: Destroy collision sword!

Chapter 1721 Destroyed collision sword!

"Human race Tianjiao, fighting giant race Tianjiao!" The eternal elder monster announced the third round, the first battle!

Terran arrogance, turned out to be the first war again!


When the voice of the elder demon just fell, suddenly a roar like a sulking thunder, it was the boy of the giant clan, when he learned that he was going to play, he yelled.

Immediately afterwards, in the stands of the giant race, they saw the huge figure move into the void.

The next moment, like a mountain, fell violently towards Tianjiao Daitai, "Boom!" A violent violent reverberation echoed, Tianjiao Daitai trembled again.

"Giants, giants!"

"The giants are currently the strongest Tianjiao, Ju Ling! The peerless giant Tianjiao of the Eight Star Demigod!"


The creatures in the stands of all ethnic groups looked at the mountain-like figure standing proudly above the Tianjiao platform, and then exclaimed again and again.

Giant Giant Juling, one of the most popular characters in the battle of Tianjiao, is huge, powerful, and powerful!

After the first two rounds of fighting, they did not fight for a long time, and then gave the opponent a blow to Hongfei and blasted out of the ring.

Although his opponent in the second round was the arrogance of the Taurus, the realm is also in the realm of eight stars and demigods!

Later, Juling looked at the Terran Stand and looked at his opponent this time.

At this time, the eyes of countless creatures were staring at the Terran stands.

They saw the human tribe Tianjiao who was shrouded in black robes, and then slowly walked out of the human tribe stands, and then still looked like they were not slow, just like the last time, slowly walking towards the Tianjiao platform Passed.

The last time he walked towards the ring, he was met with countless ridicule and disdain, but now, no one dares to look down upon him anymore!

In the eyes of all races, although his martial arts is only in the realm of Samsung demigod, he uses this three-star demigod realm to kill the orc tribe Tianjiao with a sword, beast battle!

Shock all races!

Shi Feng's eyes were staring at the black figure at an instant.

Step by step, step by step, the black robe man was still walking slowly, and the giant clan giant did not urge him, so he looked down at him and watched him walk between the stands.

Juling's huge and handsome face was hung with a light smile.

When the man in the black robe walked under the ring platform, he saw his body flicker, finally flashed into the ring platform, stood on the edge of the ring platform, and then remained motionless.

Seeing the arrival of the Heipao people, Juling still had to lower his head and look down at the figure that was so small to him, and he spoke again with a thunderous sound: "Human race, can you fight?"

Ju Ling is barefooted. This man in black robes compares to him, but only the size of his toes!

Hearing the giant's words, the man in black robe immediately responded: "Battle!"

When the word "battle" sounded, he saw his right hand beating the sword, and that seemingly bland sword appeared on his right hand.

"Haha! Fight!" After hearing the words of the Heipao people, Juling Yangtian laughed out loud and followed, and then saw his huge right hand suddenly shake into a big fist, and it was like a huge big hand. Hammer-like, slamming down on the man in black.

In the eyes of all races, it seems that the giant just shook his big fist with strength, and then smashed it.

But when this punch came out, it felt the power of the smashing down. Many creatures at this moment changed their faces, exclaiming loudly: "The giants are the strongest blow and destroy!"

"Yes! Ju Ling did launch the strongest attack of the giants, destruction! The reason why this combat technique is called destruction, it is rumored that training this combat technique to the extreme state can destroy everything in the world!"


"It is destruction!"

The sound of exclamation raged among the stands of various ethnic groups, one after another!

However, he did not expect that this giant tribe Tianjiao giant, when they encountered this tribe Tianjiao, launched the strongest blow of their giant tribe, it is enough to see that this giant tyrannical importance to this tribe.

He has been regarded as a real opponent!

Wherever the fist passed, the space was constantly broken and opened under this powerful force, showing a dark horror rift.

"Destroy!" At this time, the Heipao people who had stood on the edge of the Tianjiao platform from now until now, murmured suddenly when they heard the sounds of the stands of various ethnic groups.

The punch smashed down towards him, and the horror of the power contained in the punch was most directly felt by him.

At this moment, I saw that he moved his right hand with the sword tactic, and the bland sword was immediately followed, and instantly turned into a sword light, rushed upward, and stabbed at the big punch that fell. .

With all the attention, a punch and a sword hit them together instantly.

"Boom!" Peerless and powerful collision, extremely violent sonic boom roar through the world.

The space trembled violently, violent forces raged in all directions, and the space continued to rupture, revealing dense cracks like spider webs.

The creatures of all races are staring at Tianjiao's platform tightly at this moment, blinking without blinking, waiting for the collision of powerful forces, what is the outcome?

And at this moment, I saw the giant and handsome face of Tianjiao, suddenly changed suddenly, his eyes widened immensely, full of incredible words:

"How ... how is it possible ... how can he ... launch such a powerful blow ... this ... this ... this is impossible!"

Suddenly, people suddenly saw the body like a mountain, and suddenly lay down on their backs.

"This ... this giant, Tianjiao, just fell like this?"

"In a single blow, the giant fell?"

The giant fell, and the stands of various races again exclaimed incredulously.

Followed by, "Boom!"

The body, like a mountain, slammed into the Tianjiao platform. Between the heavens and the earth, there was another violent roaring sound, as if the mountains were suddenly collapsed.

Later, the "people" saw the giant tribe Tianjiao lying motionless on the platform of Tianjiao, unaware of life or death.

Winning and losing, divided?

Terran Tianjiao defeated Juling with only one sword?

"This ... this tribe, Tianjiao, is such a terrible existence!"

"He, is he really only in the Samsung Demigod Realm? Could he hide the real cultivation, but I just waited for the level to be too low to peep!"

"It's extremely possible! If I say he's really only in a Samsung demigod, I won't believe it!"

"He is so strong!" Shi Feng's eyes were still staring at the black figure tightly in the ancient corpse grandstand, his white face frowned and said secretly.

At this moment, I saw the black robe man standing on the edge of the Tianjiao platform, his right hand and the sword twitching, the long sword flying in midair, flew back towards him again.

The third round of the first battle, the battle is over!

(End of this chapter)

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