Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1722: Second war!

Chapter 1722 Second Battle!

After defeating Tianjiao of the Giant Clan, Tianjiao of the human race wearing a black robe turned slowly, and then saw his body flicker, and disappeared on the Tianjiao platform again.

After the human race Tianjiao left, the creatures of various ethnic groups sensed the huge body still lying on the ring, and then they felt that the human race Tianjiao had been merciless and did not take the life of the giant Tianjiao giant.

But also, at that time, although the giant launched the strongest attack of the giant race, but did not show the slightest intention of killing, so this human race Tianjiao did not kill the opponent with one sword like the last battle against the orcs .

In the world of imprisonment, although the giants are huge in size and strong in combat power, they have never venerated with the tribe since ancient times!

The whole confinement world can do this, it is estimated that only his giants.

Later, in the grandstand grandstand, a huge body flew out, flying to the Tianjiao platform, and immediately fell onto the platform, and then carried the unconscious giant Tianjiao giant.


After the battle was over, Tianjiao left, and the figure of the eternal elder demon appeared again.

At this moment, I saw that he reached out his hands again and caught two light **** again.

"Blood Eater Tianjiao, fighting ghost pattern tribe, ghost lonely!" The eternal elder demon, once again announced the candidate for battle.

However, when he spoke of the five characters "Gu Gu Clan Gu Gu", his tone was obviously a bit cold, and a sneer appeared on that pale old face.

Although he is the elder demon who presides over the Tianjiao battle, he is the "person" of the demon tribe!

This ghost lonely, but under his eyes, killed the demon generation of Tianjiao with brutal means.

And at this moment, this lonely opponent, but the Blood Eater is extremely strong and proud, and eats prison!

This Tianjiao battle, even his elder demon, is the most promising one!

And this prisoner has already stated his position. If anyone goes to the ring to fight his prisoner, then he will die!


"Hey, hey, hey!" Above the Tianjiao ring, a wicked and weird laughter sounded.

After hearing this evil laughter, the creatures of all ethnic groups don't need to guess, it is the ghost pattern tribe who is here!

Immediately afterwards, we saw the center of the arrogant platform on that day, and the black figure exuding the evil spirit slowly appeared.

"Ghost lone war and prison, did not expect that Ben Shao next battle, and met the evil Hao Tianhao!" Shi Feng stared at Tianjiao platform, said secretly.

"Huh, it's dangerous!" Knowing that this battle was a solitary battle between Ghost Solitary and Prison Devour, the corpse dancer girl secretly squeezed a sweat for Shi Feng and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that as long as the encounter is not a prison, Shi Feng can definitely defeat the opponent!

"I am in the next battle! It is the ancient corpse, corpse!" At this moment, Tian Hao of the evil eye tribe also murmured secretly.

From the moment he met, the corpse fan gave him an unusual feeling, and to this day, he also knows well that it is an opponent he has paid much attention to.


"Okay! I know the opponent of this battle is my jailer. You lonely, you dare to go to the ring to die! Good!" That unusually cold voice sounded again on the Tianjiao ring.

Not far from the Ghost Solitude, a **** figure flashed, and the prisoner Tianjiao swallowed up and appeared!

"Hell-biting, hey hey!" Looking at the coming of hell-biting, Gou Gu's face covered with black ghost lines could not see the slightest fear, but sent out the evil "Hey" laughter again.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the ghostly lonely yin and yang's strange openings: "If I am a lonely ghost today, I can twist off your prisoner with my own hands, then this arrogance of thunder and arrogance is not a vain participation.

When I said these words, I saw that the ghost lonely body suddenly moved at this moment, and it just flashed forward and flashed to jail! Where the body passed, a dense black afterimage was left.

This ghost solitary was so direct that he went directly to war and jail.

"Huh!" Seeing Gui Gu moving first, the prisoner issued a disdainful hum.

At this moment, his right hand became a claw, a **** light shone on his right claw, and a pungent **** taste rose.

Then he saw him grabbing forward with one claw, toward the ghost lonely flashing forward.

"Oh!" But at this moment, a strangely weird laughter suddenly echoed.

The pale, demon-looking, and handsome face of the prisoner changed.

Originally thought that everything was under his induction and in control, originally thinking that this claw had caught the ghostly lonely ghost that had been teleported, but did not expect that this fierce claw shining with **** light, It was caught on an afterimage.

The dense shadows in front of the bite disappeared instantly, and the ghost lonely disappeared after sending out that unusually harsh laughter!

"Go!" At this time, just listening to the jailer sent another cold drink, and saw his body turned to the back instantly, at the same time, the right paw shining with blood turned into a palm and blasted out fiercely. .

"Oh!" A fierce, crisp sound echoed, just as the prisoner slammed his blood palm out, looking at it as if it were blasting into the air, in fact, it had already been severely bombarded in the other palm.

The space shook like water. "Eh!" Only a painful cry sounded, followed closely by the sentient beings. The disappeared figure of Ghost Solitary emerged in front of the prisoner, and the one bombarded by the prisoner. With one hand, it was on the palm of this ghostly guerrilla.

And that painful cry was naturally issued by a ghost.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the ghost lonely under the powerful force of the prisoner's jail, his body was like a kite with a broken line, and he flew backwards quickly.

At the same time, the creatures of various ethnic groups have noticed that the strange face of Guigu is showing a touch of pain.

It seems that the fight with the jailer just now has caused the ghost lonely to suffer.

"Dead!" Looking at the ghost lonely flying backwards, the prisoner said coldly, and then turned into a bloodlight, flashing out quickly, toward the ghost lonely.

"Are you going to die?" The eternal elder demon in mid-air form, his face gazing coldly at the battle below, murmured. Immediately after that, he saw his frown suddenly frown.

Not only did the elder demon live, but even the brow of jail-biting suddenly wrinkled at this moment.

When he thought he could take the ghostly solitary life, when he teleported to the shape of the ghostly lonely body and slammed into the heart of the ghostly lonely hand, he took another empty shot.

This time, what he took was an afterimage. The ghost lonely suddenly disappeared under his eyelids!

What a weird figure!

At this time, the young and pale face of the prisoner had become extremely cold, and said coldly, "Gu Gui, wait for me to catch you, I will tear you into pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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