Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1723: Tian Luo Blood Claw

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1723

In the night.



When Tianjiao was on the stage, a series of evil smiles echoed, and the sound of strange smiles seemed to originate from all directions.

This weird laughter was naturally issued by the ghostly tribe Tianjiao Guigu, but on this day's arrogant stage, the ghost lonely figure was still not seen.

Only the prisoner stood proudly on the arrogant stand on this day, his face was cold. At this moment, his hands were forming an ancient mysterious handprint, and the ancient desolate mantra was suddenly heard in his mouth.

Gradually, the creatures of all races immediately saw a burst of **** light slowly shining in the night sky, the blood light became brighter and denser, as if **** stars.

"People" can see that the blood light is emitted by a **** bone claw, and in the night sky, a **** bone claw keeps emerging.

"this is?"

"this is!"

"This is! Another stunt of the Blood Eater, Tian Luo Blood Claw!"

"Tian Luo Blood Claw!"

"Tian Luo Blood Claw!"


In the night sky, there are dense **** bone claws and dense blood claws, which have covered the entire Tianjiao platform. This Tianjiao battlefield seems to have turned into Sen Luo hell.

Sen Leng's horrifying breath swept the world, and the thick blood turned into blood mist, which filled the world.

"Fall! Kill!" At this moment, just listening to the insane cold drink from the prison, I saw the dense blood claws spreading in the night sky, carrying the force of destruction, and fell towards the sky proudly. As if to swallow this heaven and earth.

"Tian Luo's blood claws covered Tianjiao's platform. This time, measuring the ghost alone method is strange, and there is nowhere else to look!"

"Indeed! The battle has been divided!"

"Actually, the moment the prisoner appeared on the arrogant stand on this day, the victory and defeat had already been separated. Guigu, is he the opponent of the prisoner!"

"Well! The moment he waits for Gugu's life, it's his death!"

When the dense scarlet bone claws fell wildly, "Uh!"

Before the blood claws reached the Tianjiao platform, they suddenly heard a painful cry.

The living beings saw again immediately, between the dense blood claws in the mid-air, a black figure suddenly appeared, and immediately followed, that dark shadow was completely swallowed up by the dense blood claws, and then the dense blood claws, The Tianjiao platform below continued to fall.

"Boom boom!" A fierce roar resounded, and once again echoed. At the moment Luo Luo's blood claws all fell on the same day, the entire Tianjiao platform trembled again.

"Huh!" The prisoner stood proudly among the dense blood claws, a sneer appeared on the young and pale white face, and a sneer was issued.

Immediately after, he only heard a cold drink: "San!"

When the word "San" sounded, the dense **** claws on Tianjiao's platform disappeared in no time, and at this moment, not far from the prison, there was no flesh and blood. Dripping black skeleton!

Black skeleton! It is the bones of the ghost pattern! The ghostly tribe Tianjiao Gugu has fallen under the blood claws of Tianluo, which only left this motionless black bone!

The battle ended in the blood claw of Tian Luo's **** prison!

The Blood Eater Tianjiao blew his jail, and once again killed his opponent with great strength!

"Victory! Eat the jail, and kill Guigu alone!"

"Strong! Eat him, really strong!"

"It's weird to measure him alone, but he has nothing to do with his great strength!"

"A generation of peerless Tianjiao died like this! What a pity!"

"Huh, those who can't help themselves, there is more to die than death! Originally made prisoner to be the number one in this arrogant battle, one hundred! But these people who are looking for death must waste time and go to death!"


When Guigu was killed, the jaw-dropping pale and demon face was still cold. At this time, he did not leave Tianjiaotai immediately, but turned his head, and once again looked at the ancient corpse grandstand, and immediately , As opposed to the young "ancient corpse" in the stands of the ancient corpse.

Sudden killing intention, once again escaped from his jailed body.

At this moment, Jail Eater only looks at the "Fan Fan". It seems that the heart to kill Jail and kill the "Ancient Corpse Jade Fan" is the strongest!

At this time, he saw a flash of his prisoner's figure, and then disappeared on the Tianjiao platform.

"Hum!" When Shi Feng disappeared from the ring, Shi Feng made a disdainful cold hum. At this moment, I saw his sitting figure and slowly stood up.

The battle between prison and Ghost Solitude was over, and then, Shi Feng and Tian Hao fought.

As for the killing of Guigu, he was actually expected by Shi Feng.

The ghost lonely, although his body is strange, and his combat skills are very evil, but his opponent is, after all, a prisoner!

The ghost lonely, although did not use the same method used to kill the demon woman: the shadows came!

But Shi Feng felt that even if Guigu used that trick, the ending would be the same!

When he appeared in the Tianjiao ring, his miserable fate was already doomed!

"Zhu Fan, be careful!" When Shi Feng stood up, the girl dancing said immediately and said to him softly.

"Relax, nothing will happen! That day, Hao, it will die!" Shi Feng said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"Huh! Come on!" The corpse dancer nodded, and then he saw a flash of the figure, which flew to Tianjiaotai quickly.

Looking at the fast-moving figure, the corpse dancer once again softly said, "Come on corpse fan, I'll wait for you, come back."


Shi Feng moved, and above the grandstand of the evil eye clan, the evil eye clan was proud of Hao on the first day, and his body quickly moved.

Although from the first moment when he saw the ancient corpse, he gave Tianhao a strange feeling, but this does not mean that he was afraid of fighting with this person.

On the contrary, Tian Hao had long wanted to fight this man, and wanted to take off his head with his own hands!

"Six-star demigods have the power to kill eight-star demigods! My Tianhao, the thing I hate most is this kind of arrogant who thinks that he has a good talent and wants to challenge him!

As if thinking something in his mind, Tian Hao secretly said ruthlessly, that figure that night appeared in his Tian Hao's mind again.

A resentful killing intention raged out of his Tianhao body instantly.

That night, he was defeated by a humble family of five-star demigods, and even nearly died in his hands. For him, it was an absolute shame!

And that night, her beloved woman Ni Rui was also there, as the strongest Tianjiao of the God Eye tribe, as a man, she could not even protect her beloved woman!

Eventually let her die in the hands of that man!

"Kill!" The figure has not yet reached the Tianjiao platform, and a strong killing intention has suddenly risen from Tianhao's body.

(End of this chapter)

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