Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1724: Shi Feng fights Tianhao again!

Chapter 1724 Shi Feng battles Tianhao again!

On the Tianjiao battle platform, I saw a wave of the elder evil sleeve robe floating in the air, and the **** black bone immediately trembled and flew to the stand where the ghost pattern tribe was located, and returned the black bone to the ghost pattern tribe.

However, from the death of Guigu to this moment, the Guiwen tribe was quiet and there was no change, unlike other tribal arrogances, they gave out a roar of sorrow.

It is rumored that Ghost Orphan, fatherless and motherless, born orphans, the name of Ghost Orphan, also came from this, I heard that he himself.

Not only does he have no father and mother, he doesn't even have a relative. He is lonely and isolated from childhood. His sinister character is probably related to his life and growth.

However, if you want to talk about talent, you have entered the realm of the Eight Star Demigod at a young age, and you have participated in the two battles of Tianjiao, and it is easy to destroy the Tianjiao that killed two families of Eight Star Demigod.

Ghosts are among the younger generation of the Ghostweave tribe. Talent is definitely the first! However, I heard that he was not pleasing to the ghost pattern tribe, even the supreme ghost pattern king of the ghost pattern tribe had once tried to kill him.

In the end, he missed his peerless talent, and loved him, so he didn't hit him.

With a "snap", the **** black bones fell on the forefront of the stand of the ghost pattern tribe. Each of the ghost pattern tribe was covered with black ghost patterns.

Seeing the **** black bone, someone gently shook his head and issued a sigh of regret. It is indeed a pity that the death of such a tribe is arrogant.

However, some people even sneered at the corners of their mouths.

The Ghostweave Supreme Ghostweave King sitting high in the first seat of the grandstand is burly, with a black ghostly face full of mighty power, wearing a dark and heavy battle armor, and a black cloak dancing behind the gale in the night wind. King.

Seeing the black bone, the ghostly king's mighty face was still without joy and sorrow. At this moment, he saw a slight movement in his right hand and a flick of his fingers.

I saw the black bone, silent and silent, instantly turned into nothingness!

The ghost pattern people who just shook their heads just now, sighed in their hearts secretly when they saw this scene.

Although Guigu died in the Battle of Tianjiao for the Guiwen tribe, but he is dead now, he has become nothing, and he is completely turned into a gray and gray pattern. It is estimated that even a tombstone will not stand for him.


Above the Tianjiao platform, the eternal elder demon suspended in midair once again disappeared invisible.

The other two ethnic groups, Tianjiao Shifeng and Tianhao, appeared on the Tianjiao platform, and they were facing each other.

In the night, Tian Hao had a cold face, and his long black hair fluttered wildly in the wind. Three eyes stared at the person in front of him tightly, and wanted to use these three eyes to thoroughly see through the person.

Shi Feng's complexion was indifferent. Although this evil-eyed young man Tian Hao has good strength, he who recasts the body now feels stronger than that night, but Shi Feng still does not see him in his eyes.

That night let him run away, this life that night did not end on its own, tonight, let's end it with your own hands.

Gradually, Tian Hao's face showed a dignified look. The ancient corpse young corpse gave him a dangerous feeling, even more dangerous than that person that night!

At this time, Tian Hao finally spoke in a deep voice and shouted the name: "Ancient Corpse, Gu Fan!"

After hearing Tianhao shouting those five words, Shi Feng's face was still indifferent, and she said, "Fight now, kill you sooner, I will go back to rest sooner!"

"Destroy me earlier?" Hearing these words and hearing his casual attitude and casual tone of himself, Tian Hao was very upset.

As if he killed himself, it was easy.

This is what he does not put in his eyes at all.

Does he really consider himself to be like the bright Lishana and the ancient Youyou?

"Huh!" Tian Hao hummed coldly, and said coldly to Shi Feng in front of him, "Zhu Fan, you're so good! Do you think you won me?"

"That's natural." Shi Feng said, "Tonight you must die!"

When he had finished saying this, Shi Feng's right fist had been quietly held, a strong momentum suddenly rose from his body.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, feeling the momentum of Shi Feng's rising at this moment, Tian Hao said coldly again. And speaking these words, I saw his third golden evil eye in his forehead, and suddenly opened wide at this moment!

With the movement of the third evil eye, the momentum of Tian Hao's body suddenly changed. "Excalibur, kill!"

Just listening to Tian Hao's cold drink, suddenly, his third evil eye shone with a dazzling golden light, a golden excalibur with a strong killing intention, suddenly shot out from his evil eye , To kill Shi Feng.

The battle begins.

"Huh!" Seeing that Tian Hao launched that blow with evil eyes, Shi Feng issued a disdainful cold hum, and his right fist blasted forward with a simple and rough blow, violently bombarded in that handle and killed Coming above the golden excalibur.

"Boom!" Under Shi Feng's violent punch, the space sent out a violent roar, and saw the golden divine sword, which instantly collapsed under Shi Feng's fist.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Shi Feng's body flash forward, killing that Tianhao.

"Good!" Shi Feng punched her attack with a punch, and Tian Hao's face suddenly changed again. Facing the pride of this ancient corpse tribe, Tian Hao realized the terror of this man at this moment.

For a moment, Tian Hao didn't dare to confront him directly, his body immediately flew backwards and teleported, and he established an ancient handprint with both hands. Among the third evil eyes, a golden excalibur with a handle continued to fly out, sweeping towards Shi Feng.

"Are you here?" Shi Feng said with disdain, looking at dozens of golden excaliburs.

At this moment, his left hand was also clenched vigorously into a fist! Not only did the speed of the body move rapidly forward, but it accelerated a little bit.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shi Feng's fists kept waving, and this simple and rude attack was waved again, and in the violent power of Shi Feng, the golden excalibur from which the handle was flying to death was constantly being destroyed.

At this moment, Shi Feng, but the ancient corpse clan's strong combat skills against the corpse warfare, how can the power not be violent.

However, Shi Feng's body at this moment is constantly suffering from the backlash of war tactics, and is constantly being destroyed. Although his recovery methods are against the sky, the speed of recovery is not as fast as the destruction of corpse war tactics.

"The complete inverse corpse battle strategy is strong, but the damage of this back bite is even more perverted! It must be approached as soon as possible to kill him with a punch!" Shi Feng secretly said, looking at Tian Hao who was still flying backwards. .

Seeing that it won't be long before that day, Tianhao will flash to the edge of the Tianjiao platform!

"Ben Shao has to look, how can you hide!"

(End of this chapter)

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