Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1728: What's wrong, Sao Nian?

Chapter 1728: What's Wrong, Sao Nian?

The long sword stabs forward quickly, assassinates towards Shi Feng.

Immediately, Shi Feng felt a strong force from the long stabbed sword. Even his shameless face changed.

However, at this moment, Shi Feng didn't dodge and didn't mean to take a shot. She was still standing proudly with her hands behind her.

His posture seemed as if he did not take into account the sword coming from the fly.

"Don't avoid? Don't stop?" Seeing Shi Feng look like this, even this black robe man suddenly followed.

"Huh? What's going on? This corpse fan seems to be letting this tribe Tianjiao slaughter?"

"Yeah! Does he know that this Terran's opponent is Tianjiao? He doesn't want to survive?"

"Under such a powerful sword, if this corpse does not escape, it will undoubtedly die!"


Seeing the scene on the stage of Tianjiao, all the living creatures exclaimed loudly, they really couldn't understand what this corpse fan was thinking at this moment!

Does he really want to die so much?

"What's going on?" At this moment, even the corpse gods of the ancient corpse tribe's stands were suddenly shocked.

"My corpse **** placed so much hope on this boy, shouldn't he just hang up like that?" Even the corpse god, at this moment, felt a powerful killing force from the long sword!

Even his corpse **** had to be treated with care, and this stone maple stood still!

"Zombie ... Zhenfan! Hurry up! Hurry up!" The dancing body of the corpse dancing girl shivered involuntarily, trying her best to scream at the Tianjiao stage with a screaming and exhausting Jiao.

Five years ago, I had lost my most important relative in this arrogant battlefield.

After five years, did I lose another important person? No!

"Oh! He, are you stupid?" In the Terran stand, the patriarch of the Terran lonely nebula revealed a chilly "ha" smile.

I originally thought that facing this evil animal might be a battle of dragons and tigers, but I did not expect that this evil animal wanted to die!

"Did he kill Long Lin, have he felt uneasy in his conscience? Or is it that Long Lin has a spirit in the sky and returned to find this evil animal to take revenge!" Dugu Nebula said secretly.


These thoughts that come to mind from all races are only between the electric light and flint, above the Tianjiao platform, and the flying sword is getting closer and closer to Shi Feng.

At this moment, Shi Feng thought and said, "How did you get this kind of combat power? The swordsmanship you performed is not the swordsmanship that you inherited from the cloud family of Aojin Shanzhuang, nor is it what I pass on you. Nine You Sword Techniques! "

"Huh?" When I heard the sound that suddenly sounded in my mind, I just heard that the man in black robe suddenly made a surprise sound again.

At the same time, the body in a black robe trembled.

I saw the long sword that stabbed towards Shi Feng. At this moment, there was a sudden pause, reaching Shi Feng's forehead. Seeing that it was only one minute away, he could suddenly pierce Shi Feng's forehead and pierce the skull.

It's dangerous!

"Huh? What's going on? Why did this sword stop?"

"Huh? Seeing this sword can kill the ancient corpse corpse, why did it suddenly stop? Did the corpse be annihilated without resistance, does this person Tianjiao feel invincible?"

"What is invincible! As long as he kills him, he can directly advance! One does not evade or resist, one can kill the opponent with sight, but he stops the sword! They, in the end What are you thinking? "

"What the **** is going on?"

"The territorial territories are very close to the ancient corpse territories. Could it be that these two ethnic groups are arrogant, what is the past?"

"Past? Have they ever loved each other sincerely?"


A sudden scene happened in the Tianjiao Terrace, and all ethnic groups were suddenly shocked and debated.

"What's going on? Isn't this tribe Tianjiao, because the friends he met in the territories of the tribe failed?" The corpse **** of the ancient corpse frowned, guessing secretly.

"Ze ... Ze Fan!" The corpse dance at this moment, eyes widened and shamelessly beautiful.

Just now, she looked at her beloved and almost died under the sword of others!

"What! What is he doing!" The dull nebula with a chilly smile hung above the old face, and at this moment the old face followed the change, and a look of anger appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he heard him yelling at the Tianjiao platform, "What are you doing? Hurry up and control the sword to kill this evil animal!"

The sound of the Dugu Nebula echoed between the heavens and the earth, and also passed into the Tianjiao platform, but at this moment, the Heipao people ignored him at all.

The eyes hiding in the black robe, staring tightly at the person in front of him, he said, "Who the **** are you?"

Today's Heipao people, he also knows that this imprisoned world, from the endless years, has been isolated from the outside world, twenty-one ethnic groups, each fighting.

However, I did not expect that the ancient corpse corpse in front of me knew that he was from Aojian Village! However, he knew his Yunjia swordsmanship, and also mentioned the master's nine swordsmanship!

The meaning of this "person" seems to know what identity he is!

Followed closely, the young voice resounded in the mind of the Heipao people: "I said just now, I pass you, Nine You Swords!"

"You!" When he heard this sentence, the body of the black robe was a tremor, and immediately followed, he heard an angry voice: "Nine You Sword Techniques, transmitted by the teacher's ghost! It's deceased, but it's not something you can profane, **** it! "

With the anger of Heipaoren, I saw the long sword that stopped in front of Shi Feng's forehead, as if the emotion of Heipaoren trembled again. Emerged.

Followed closely, Shi Feng's thoughts were another move: "It's me! Yi Meng! Snowy night, the top of Aojian Mountain, a young man, kneeling alone!"

"Ah!" When he heard the voice again, Heipaoren exclaimed at this moment.

In his mind, the scene from decades ago suddenly appeared.


It was a snowy night, and a teenager "guilty of the gate of Aojian Mountain Villa" was fined and kneeled alone on the top of Aojian Mountain.

Although the young body was kneeling, the young face was full of stubbornness and dissatisfaction!

Clenched his fists, shaking his body!

He Yunyi Meng, feels that he did not make a mistake, and did not violate this "shit" gate!

However, who made him Yun Yimeng, there is a reputation for practicing waste!

Here is Aojian Villa with fists!






The unwilling long roar burst out from his mouth, roaring angrily, on the top of the proud sword mountain, echoing this unwilling roar!

And just then, a playful voice suddenly sounded from the void: "What's wrong, Sao Nian?"

(End of this chapter)

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