Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1729: That year, snowy night!

Chapter 1729 That Year, Snowy Night!

"What's wrong, Sao Nian?"

That night, with the sound of a playful voice echoing on the top of Aojian Mountain, the boy kneeling in the snow looked up at the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in the night sky, wearing a dark battle armor, a dark cloak, and tumbling with the cold wind!

That mighty and handsome face, with a touch of indifferent smile, the long black hair also swelled with the night wind, as if the devil came to this world!

"You! You! It's you! It will be you!" Suddenly, the boy kneeling in the snow recognized the man who appeared in the night sky!

"Oh? Do you recognize me?" Hearing the young man below, even the man who stood proudly in the night sky, was slightly surprised and said.

"That is of course! I certainly recognize you!" Said the teenager, taking it for granted, "I have seen your portrait! You are right! You are the Emperor Jiuyou, Nether! We are the strongest in Tianheng continent!" "

"Oh, it seems that you really recognize me." Hearing the gloom of the night sky when he heard the young man reporting his name.

However, there were not many surprises on his face. His own ghostly name shocked the world, and his portraits have already spread all over the Five Realms!

Then, Youm smiled and asked, "Why are you kneeling here on a snowy day? Is there something wrong that you have been punished by your family?"

"I ..." Hearing the words of the Nether, the boy immediately remembered the previous thing, and then a look of anger appeared on his face, and said, "They said that I had violated the gate of my Wanjian Shanzhuang! Kick me here, three days and three nights! "

When he said this, the young man's face was full of dissatisfaction!

Aojian Mountain! Wan Jianshan! Aojian Mountain Villa! Wanjian Shanzhuang!

The mountain where they lived was called Aojian Mountain in ancient times, but somehow, Aojian Mountain suddenly changed its name to Wanjian Mountain in countless years.

However, Wanjianshan is still called Aojianshan and Wanjianshanzhuang nowadays, and many people call it Aojinshan in ancient times.

Looking at the dissatisfaction of the teenager's face, the dimness seemed to have a sense of interest, and said, "Oh, can you talk to me?"

The young man said angrily again: "In the early morning, Yun Yiji deliberately approached me and made troubles! I originally let him, I didn't want to care about him, I didn't want to care about him, and I ... couldn't beat him. Pressing it step by step, I had to teach him every inch! "

"Huh?" After hearing the words of the boy Yun Yimeng, You Ning said quietly, "Hum", saying, "You didn't say you can't beat him, how did you teach him so hard?"

"I introduced him to the trap I dug a few days ago, and it was his own stupidity! I also blame him for taking his own fault and not complaining to me!" Said the boy.

"So it is!" Ghost nodded and smiled:

"Because your cousin was injured under the trap you laid, the elders of your Yun family let you kneel in this snow alone, and reflect?"

"I'm not wrong! I don't need to reflect!" At this moment, Yun Yimeng basically growled and said to the man in the void.

"Last time I was half-dead by Yun Yi, his ribs were broken and he couldn't move in bed for months. Who said something?

At that time, my injury was more serious than that of Yun Yi. What about the Yun family? Did they punish him Yun Yi?

The next day, Yun Yiji didn't come to my bed yet, and showed me his power!

This time it was Yun Yi who blame himself, but one by one blamed me! Say I'm insidious, Say I'm poisonous! Say I'm not worthy of Yun Family!

If it wasn't for my father facing the owner and the elders, I would not just kneel here for three days and three nights to reflect on them, but they wanted to expel me from Wanjian Mountain and the Yun family!

Just because I dream of Yun Yi, it is a waste of cultivation! Is the waste they look down on!

Despite my hard work and hard work, I cannot break through the barrier and step into the two-star warrior! My Yun Yimeng is fourteen years old this year, but I am still a two-star warrior, I am not willing! I can not be reconciled! I am not willing to be a waste. I don't want to be looked down upon again! "

When it comes to the back, almost every word of Yun Yimeng roars with excitement!

With his fists clenched, his body kneeling in the snow shivered.

Ghost sees unwillingness from his body!

At this time, the snow in the night sky suddenly fell, the snowflakes were like goose feathers, and the night breeze whistled even more violently. "Whoo!"


The night breeze was like a cold chisel on the young man's body.

The nether sees that the teenager's body shivered more violently at this moment because of the cold.

He was wearing only a thin shirt.

A two-star warrior, despite running all the elemental powers in Dantian, was unable to resist the coldness of this world.

At this time, the ghost spoke to the teenager again and said:

"I have already sensed that there is no one other than you and me at this moment. You don't need to kneel now, so let's get up and rest. There is a cave not far away. You can enter the cave to make fire and warm . "

"No! I don't!" When he heard Nian's words, the young man's unwilling face appeared full of stubbornness, and said to the man in the night sky:

"They let me kneel for three days and three nights, and I kneel for three days and three nights, and I kneel to show them! I want to let them know that I am Yun Yi Meng, no! Yes! Waste! I am not!"

"Every time I kneel in this snowy field, I will change my mind to my heart!"

Listening to the young Yun Yimeng's words, You Ning suddenly grinned again. At this time, he looked at the still-kneeling young man below and said nothing.

At this time, Yun Yimeng suddenly remembered the identity of the person in the night sky again, and suddenly said:

"You are the Great Emperor of Jiuyou. You are the strongest of our Tianheng continent. Your apprentices Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, Leng Aoyue, Luo Qingchuan are all famous warriors all over the world. You must let me not Then waste, you can take me on the road to the strong, please take me as a disciple! I beg you! "

"Master!" When it comes to the word "Master", the young Yun Yimeng scratches his head against the person in the night sky and wants to worship the teacher.

"Oh, you want to worship me as a teacher?" Listening to the young Yun Yimeng, the night sky man suddenly laughed suddenly and asked him, "Why did I accept you as an apprentice?"

"I ..." Hearing the man's questioning, the snow boy lifted his majesty's head and looked back at the man in the night sky.

Secretly in my heart:

"Yeah! He is Tianheng's first strong continent. He wants to be a disciple of more than hundreds of millions. Why does he accept me as an apprentice? Why is he accepting me as a disciple?" Self-deprecating.

"Well, when you know how to answer me, come to Tianyun Valley to find me, these months, I will be there!" Echoed this sentence between heaven and earth, as this sentence slowly dropped, The figure, like a demon, gradually disappeared into the night sky.



(End of this chapter)

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