Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1734: Have my Yun Yimeng here!

Chapter 1734: I Have Yun Yi Meng Here!

Shi Feng was not surprised at the fact that she knew her identity!

He just broke out the sixth form of the real demon thunder, and the power of exterminating the black thunder erupted. It is estimated that at this moment, not only has this bite you seen your identity!

Those who were in the Blood Eater's territory that night, but there were Bloodprint, Stone Human, Orc, Evil Eye, and Dragon Elephant, and the supremacy of these people was not weaker than that of Youyou!

"Originally, he is the alien tribe that has been circulated in this period of time!" At this moment, the Yuzu tribe was extremely dignified, looking at Tianjiao Thunder, his eyes narrowed, and said secretly.

Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the ancient corpse, and secretly said again, "I did not expect this corpse, but found this alien, and pretended to be his ancient corpse to participate in the war! Hehe, let's see how he ended!"

On the stage of Tianjiao, Shi Feng grabbed the face of the prison, and Ji Ji was relieved!

Originally thought that his son Liwu had no revenge, but did not expect that corpse fan, when he was disappointed, brought a big surprise!

During the time when Youyou Shan went to the Tianjiao ring, Shifan was enough to kill the prison!


"Ancient corpses! Aliens!"

At this moment, after hearing You You's roar, a cold voice sounded.

Especially the ancient You! Bright people! Evil Eye Clan!

The tribe's Tianjiao was killed by that corpse fan!

"No corpse! Give me an account!" At this time, in the stand of the ancient You tribe, the supreme ancient You tribe sent a cold and violent drink to the ancient corpse.

Hearing the sound of angry violent drinking, the corpse **** ignored it, his eyes still looked at the direction of Tianjiaotai, a very focused look, but he secretly said, "This time, there is some trouble!"

He did not blame Shi Feng, using his original thunder force.

Under the circumstances just now, if this boy does not explode again, it is estimated that he will have to die under the blood of Hades!

The corpse **** did not expect that the power of this kid's outbreak was so powerful! As soon as it broke out, even that jailer was instantly defeated, hit hard and lost combat power!

However, where does the corpse **** know that the price of Shi Feng after performing the Thunder God of War skill? At this moment, his strength is drained under the Thunder God of War skill!

But at this moment, the mysterious engulfing power of the holy fire was operating, "Ah!" A terrible and terrible sound suddenly roared out of that jaw-biting mouth!

At this moment, the prisoner felt that his body was extremely uncomfortable, and the young and strange face instantly became distorted, and his blood was boiling violently, going up against the current.

Immediately after that, five blood arrows were seen, radiating out of the five holes of the jail blast, and fired at Shi Feng's palm, and with the blood blast, the jail corpse was drying up quickly .

"Ah! No! Sinner! Stop!" At this moment, the bite from the teleportation erupted again, and he had sensed that the life of his son's jail was passing continuously.

You have only one such son in your life! Only this son makes him extremely proud!

You once thought that having such a son in this life is enough!

But now, his extremely proud son was brutally murdered under his own eyes!

"Huh!" Shi Feng snorted aloud when she heard the roar from Yan You, staring coldly at Yan You, who was flashing in front, and didn't mean to stop swallowing.

At this time, the roar sounded like the anger of a ferocious beast once again: "Elder elder demon, this person is posing as an ancient corpse to participate in the war, you are not quick to stop it!"

The elder demon who presides over the battle of Tianjiao, although his body is hidden at this moment, but everyone knows that he is actually on this Tianjiao platform.

However, at this time, the elder demon still did not show up, and the scream of jail has stopped. This Tianjiao, once called the imprisoned world, had been drained of blood and turned into an extremely dry Corpses!

A generation of nine-star demigod peerless Tianjiao bite prison, and it just fell down!

After swallowing the blood of jail, his death force and soul force were naturally devoured by Shi Feng!

At this moment, Shi Feng not only recovered the exhausted energy, but the abnormal Dantian energy also reached nine-twentieth in an instant!

However, Shi Feng, who has been biting blood for many years, can clearly feel that the blood sacrifice of this blood cultivating blood is more powerful than other races!

If it swallows the blood and death of the general race, according to Shi Feng's current situation, Dantian's energy can reach up to eighty-tenths!

Then, Shi Feng shook the dried-up corpse in his hand, just like throwing garbage, and threw it to the Tianjiao platform below.

"Ah!" Seeing his son turned into a dried-up corpse with his own eyes, the patriarch of the blood tribe ate, especially like crazy.

At this moment, Yan You's face has become fierce, like the birth of the Scarlet Evil, with his right hand becoming a palm, his left hand becoming a claw, and above the palm claw, there has been an unrivaled force.

"Animals! Return my life! Ah! Go to death!" Under the roar, Yan You had not reached Shi Feng before, and her claws and palms blasted forward fiercely.

Immediately, the extremely dazzling **** light, the extremely powerful **** power, was blasted by the madness.

The combination of the strength of the palm and the claw is like a surging blood-colored wave, rushing towards Shi Feng.

"Huh!" When Shi You launched his attack, Shi Feng sent out an extremely cold hum, with unmatched killing intentions raging out!

Blood Eater! Bloodprints! Dragon Elephant Clan! Stone people! Orcs! Evil Eye Clan! These six clans are on his list of Shi Feng's must-kill. He Shi Feng is not only killing his son Youyou, but he wants him to die too!

However, when Shi Feng printed his hands and was preparing to explode a powerful force to resist the force rushed by You You, suddenly a sword light passed over him, and under that sword light, I saw You You The **** waves that burst out instantly turned into nothingness!

"Why ... what happened?" One of his strong blows was broken by a sword light, biting especially suddenly, his eyes widened and he exclaimed!

Not only him, at this moment, the supreme one in the first seat of the grandstand of all ethnic groups is following a surprise!

They knew that You You was so powerful, and just now it was a powerful blow that You You exploded under the pain of a bereavement. Together with them, they felt heart palpitations!

However, it was crossed by that sword light and broke instantly!

That one, the familiar Jianguang.

At this moment, I only heard a very cold voice, suddenly sounded: "Where is my dream of Yun Yi, who dares to move my master!"


"Yun Yimeng? Who is Yun Yimeng?"

"That voice, he! It's him!"

"Humanity Tianjiao?"

"Huh? Where's the human race Tianjiao? He just stood under the ring platform just now. Why didn't he notice him all of a sudden and suddenly disappeared?"

"It's a sword light launched by the human race Tianjiao, which broke away the bitter blow of You You? This ... how is this possible!"

"If Terran Tianjiao is so powerful, why would he confess to this corpse fan?"

"Master! He just said the master! Is this a corpse fan, is it his master that fails?"

(End of this chapter)

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