Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1735: My dream of Yunyi will be cut!

Chapter 1735: My Cloud Easy Dream, I Will Cut It Off!

A sword broke to devour the most powerful force, and the grandstands of all ethnic groups sounded an exclamation again.

Yun Yimeng, who was standing under the Tianjiao platform, has disappeared, and I don't know where to go!

"Ah!" And at that moment, an old hoarse scream rang suddenly, and when I heard the screams of all ethnic groups, my heart was startled again!

Because they heard, this is the voice of the elder elders and elders who preside over the battle of Tianjiao!

The eternal elder demon, the elder elder of the clan, has endless lives, and his strength is well-known, but the people of all races are well known, but he screams in pain.

Immediately following, in the void not far behind Shi Feng, an old figure slowly appeared, it is the eternal old demon!

And at this moment, I saw the elder demon's old face, eyes wide, with a touch of horror, from the forehead down, there is a long, shocking sword mark, is constantly flowing bright red blood.

Such a powerful elder elder elder elder demon! He was chopped with a sword!

The next moment, under the eyes of everyone, I saw a dark black figure appearing in front of the elder demon, which was the disappeared Terran Pride!

The Tianjiao people in black robes still held the bland sword in their right hand, but a drop of blood was flowing on the sword body at the moment!

This is the blood of the eternal demon! The sword of Changsheng Lao Yao from top to bottom is exactly what this human race Tianjiao Yun Yimeng cut off!

It seems that when Shi Feng killed and ate prison, it wasn't that the elder demon did not come out to stop it! Instead, he has Yun Yimeng in it!

"Eh!" At this time, I saw the body of the elder demon suddenly shocked, and then fell violently towards the Tianjiao platform.

"Boom", he fell heavily on the arrogant platform on that day, and gave out a roar!

Seeing such a shocking scene, in the stands of various ethnic groups, there were exaggerated surprises.

"Dead? The elder demon, was killed by this human race Tianjiao?"

"This ... this human race Tianjiao ... turned out to be so perverted! Not only did one sword break to take the full blow of You, but it also chopped the sword of the eternal demon!"

"Not dead yet! I sense it, the elder demon, and there is still a breath!"

At this time, the black robe man Yun Yimeng proudly stood in the air, and the sword in his hand moved again. The point of the sword pointed at the elder elder monster like an old dog lying on the Tianjiao platform, coldly speaking:

"If you want to interfere with my master's affairs, I will give you this sword! But if I see no intention of killing in your body, I will spare you this old life! You, it is best to give me a good picture!"

"You better meet me!"

"You better meet me!"


Yun Yimeng's cold, arrogant, and arrogant words suddenly echoed in this arrogant place for a long time.

For so many years, when people of all ethnic groups saw the elder elder demon, the elders, they were generally respectful!

But he did not expect that at this moment someone should treat him like this! Also issued a warning to his elder demon!

"Hmm!" At this moment, a cold humming sounded in the demon grandstand, and a terrible killing idea suddenly soared into the sky!

It is the Supreme Demon Supreme who sits first!

But then, the demon Supreme didn't know what he was thinking about, and the terrible killing intention that soared up into the sky was slowly dispersed!

For the other people in Tianjiao's battlefield, Yun Yimeng stopped paying attention at this time, but slowly turned around, looking at Shi Feng, the bloodthirsty tribe in front of Shi Feng, and the sword in his hand pointed at him. Ran opening:

"Yu You, if you don't want to die, you can try closer to my master!"

"You!" When you heard Yun Yimeng, You You coldly spit out!

When his strongest attack was broken by that sword light, he stopped his forward figure, and he could clearly sense that the distance between him and Shi Feng was hiding an invisible killer. The sword made him afraid to move lightly.

Shi Feng knew before that now, this disciple Yun Yimeng is very strong! It was unexpected that he was so powerful!

One sword cuts the eternal demon, one sword breaks the strongest attack, even his Shi Feng cannot do such a pervert!

At this moment, I could only hear You Shen sing, and the sound echoed to the world: "This person is an outsider, Shi Feng, posing as an ancient corpse corpse who participates in the battle of Tianjiao! Destroy the rules of Tianjiao's war. Do you Ignore it like this? "

The moment the bitter drink sounded, immediately followed, an old voice echoed: "This son must die!"

Then, a series of gazes were immediately looked at the stand of the human race, and the old response of the response to the bitter You turned out to be the chief of the human race, the Dugu Nebula.

The Terran and the Blood Eater have been at odds with each other. In this endless years, this time, it is estimated that this is the first time that the Terran has responded to the Blood Eater!

However, after learning about the insiders of various ethnic groups, they were quickly relieved!

That stone maple, but I heard that in the territories, killed his lone nebula's baby grandson!

"This person deserves to be sanctioned!" And at this moment, another cold drink followed.

It is the holy Light Supreme who also has white wings and is holy!

"This son should be killed!" Followed, echoing a cold drink again, the ancient patriarch clan wrapped in the black mist, followed.

Then a Nago-You people also followed.





Then, one after another the cold applause resounded, and one after another the killing rushed into the sky.

Orcs, bloodprints, stone people, dragon elephants, evil eyes! They all stand up!

These races, that night, joined forces to kill this foreigner Shi Feng, and almost killed him! It was rescued by the Dugu Nebula with the Emperor God Bell, but now it is not expected that this person, at such age, in the martial arts realm is only in the six-star semi-god realm, showing such a perverted combat power!

Such a dangerous person, if you let him continue to grow, then you have to!

Must be wiped out, a hundred!

"Haha, okay! Okay!" Shi Feng looked at the figures standing up in the stands, but Yangtian laughed and laughed:

"I really didn't expect it. This young man came to this world in such a short period of time, and he ended up with so many resentments. There are quite a lot of people who want to take this young man! Haha, hahahahaha!"

Faced with so many powerful enemies, Shi Feng's face could not see the slightest fear, but laughed recklessly.

Then, Shi Feng turned her head, looked at Yun Yimeng behind her, and asked with a smile: "Yimeng, facing so many powerful enemies, are you afraid?"

"Fear?" Yun Yimeng sneered at the word Shi Feng said, saying, "If anyone is close to the master within one foot of yours, I will be dreamy by Yun Yi, and I will cut it off!"

"If anyone is close to your master, I will change my dreams easily, and I will cut it off!" The cold and arrogant voice echoed again and again in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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