Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1738: Kill the sword!

Chapter 1738 Killing the Sword!

Heavenly Emperor Bell! Not only the Dugu Nebula, the patriarchs of the human race, holding this heavenly **** clock, are arrogant to the entire imprisoned world!

Tiandi Shenzhong is naturally powerful, but it is a true God-level weapon, but it is just too weak to motivate his Duk nebula!

The martial realm of the Dugu Nebula, but in the six-star demigod state, it is impossible to urge the strongest power of the Celestial God Clock!

The emperor's bell, the device of the true god, if he urges his full strength, he can come as the true god.

And the ancient pride sword that has been transformed into a sword demon, is wide open, can operate its own magic sword power, bombard the strongest blow, and has reached the god-level combat power!

Therefore, the Heavenly Emperor God Bell was naturally blown away with a punch from the "Guo Ao Shen Jian"!

"The Emperor God Bell!" At this moment, the old face of the Lonely Nebula has also undergone a sudden change, his eyes widened extremely, and his figure immediately followed the sky, rushed upward, and chased his Emperor God Bell And go!

In the sky above all beings, at this moment, there is only a young and strong figure with long silver hair standing proudly, with a cold face and a demon!

His whole body was covered with ancient silver weird runes, which were extremely strange.

At this moment, I saw his Leng Jun's face slowly lowered, looking down to the bottom!

And at this moment, the nine strong men who originally surrounded Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng immediately moved together and flashed quickly!

The demon in the sky above had previously sent out a sword-killing power, and then broke through the strongest attack launched by the powerful of their nine races. Another fist blasted the Emperor's Bell, how could this be fought?

"Hehe, run?" At this time, the silver-haired man suddenly smiled at the evil spirit, at the same time, a stronger killing force swept out of him, like the same huge hurricane, Once again, the violent haste swept across all directions.

But in an instant, they caught up with those who are fleeing the nine races.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Suddenly, one after another screaming, echoed in Tianjiao battle.

Hundreds of Nine-Family Powerhouses who fled were trembling like birds with broken wings, and fell violently towards the bottom. Among them, there were eight other peerless powerhouses who had reached the level of Nine-Star Demigod.





At this moment, those who are still in the stands of various ethnic groups are already speechless in shock.

More than three hundred nine-strong men and eight nine-star demigods were peerless and supreme, and they couldn't stop a wave of attacks from the "human" in the midair!

"This ... Is this the legendary power of God?"

"The power of God, such horror!"

"Sure enough! In ancient times, the next sentence spread, under the gods, all are ants!"


"The power of the true God!" At this moment, even Shi Feng, who looked up at the silver figure above, secretly exclaimed.

He could clearly sense that if the killing force just hit him, he wouldn't be able to resist it!

"So strong!" Shi Feng said secretly again.

After speaking these two words, he lowered his head and glanced at the figures falling to the ground.

Those three hundred strong members of the nine races had more than three hundred statures. At this moment, they were either lying on their backs or lying on the ground. They couldn't stand up, were ashamed and looked very embarrassed.

Obviously, these creatures have lost their combat power.

At this time, the proud “Gao Ao Shen Jian” bowed his head, looked at Yun Yimeng, and said, “Small master, can you be satisfied!”

After hearing the words of "Guo Ao Shen Jian", Yun Yimeng laughed: "Very good!"

After speaking these two words, Yun Yimeng's face hiding in the black robe turned to Shi Feng, and asked, "Master, what should these people do?"

Hearing Yun Yimeng's words, Shi Feng said, "They all have to die!"

These creatures all want his stone maple's life, and naturally Shi Feng will not let them go!

Those who want his maple life, no matter who it is, no matter what kind, must have to die, his soul is gone!

"It really is a master!" Yun Yimeng said secretly in her heart when she heard Shi Feng's words.

This is the ghostly style of his master!

"Eh? Come to die again!" But at this time, only heard "Guao Excalibur" came out again, when he said these words, I saw him look up again.

I saw in the void that the emperor's bell that had been blown up by him in one punch was reappeared, and the light was shining brightly again.

At this moment, two figures stood proudly above the bell of heaven.

In addition to the man who looks immortal and looks like an old fairy, the old costume forces the Dugu Nebula, there is another person, the elder elder, Hongshan of the East.

Before the Nine Peoples moved together, Dongfang Hongshan remained in the Terran Stand.

This time, after seeing the extremely strong power of the "Guo Ao Shen Jian", he even followed the patriarch to the Nebula Nebula and came up to the Emperor Tiandi God Bell.

At this moment, I saw a prism-shaped ice crystal suspended above the right palm of Dongfang Hongshan, as if it were the size of a skull, as if it were life, beating slowly, exuding the strong force of ice, like Can freeze everything in the world.

There have been rumors among the peoples of the imprisoned heaven and earth. In addition to the patriarchs who control the artifact God Emperor Bell, the elders of the human race control a mysterious ice treasure.

It's just that there have been countless years, that ice treasure has not appeared in this world, and is gradually forgotten by the living beings of all races.

At this moment, looking at the lonely nebula on the emperor's bell and the Eastern Hongshan, especially the prismatic ice crystals in the hands of the Eastern Hongshan, the people of all races seemed to think something, and then exclaimed:

"Ice Treasure! The piece in the hands of Dongfang Hongshan is the Ice Treasure in charge of the elders of all human races?"

"That icy treasure radiates a mysterious and strange scent of ice! What kind of treasure is this? What level is it? I can't see it at all!"

"That true God of War sword turned into a sword demon, and our strength is obvious to all of us! After the Dukwan Nebula escaped, it also came with the elder Dongfang Hongshan, and naturally they have their support!"

"Do the patriarchs and the elders work together to fight the power of the true gods in the legend? The true strength of the tribes is so strong?"


At this time, the Oriental Hongshan on the clock of the Emperor Tiandi suddenly turned his head and said to the Dugu Nebula, "Nebula, this time I have all gone out, you promised me, but I must do it!"

Dongfang Hongshan didn't play before. Listen to his tone at this moment. The reason why he played at this moment is like the conditions of the Dugu Nebula.

Hearing Dongfang Hongshan's words, Dugu Nebula's icy face was even colder at this moment, and he said coldly, "You can rest assured! You and I have known each other for so many years. When I said, when did I say that! "

That being said, looking at the appearance of the Dugu Nebula seems to be reluctant to the conditions of the Eastern Hongshan.

"I, naturally believe you!" When saying this, Dongfang Hongshan's old voice was a little soft, and quietly, he saw that he stretched out his empty left hand and grabbed the buttocks of Dugu Nebula.

(End of this chapter)

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