Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1739: Start urging!

Chapter 1739: Beginning!

Dongfang Hongshan grabbed his left hand, and the Dugu Nebula did not resist or evade. Soon, Dongfang Hongshan's veteran caught on his **** Nebula's hip.

I saw the old face of the Dugu Nebula, which suddenly changed at this moment, and became a bit cold, and both fists clenched quietly at this moment.

But just holding it, his two fists loosened again, and a helpless expression appeared on the cold old face.

By this time, he was alone in the Nebula and had to do so!

Originally, he was alone in the nebula, holding the true artifact of the human race, the Heavenly Emperor's Bell. In this imprisoned world, which kind of creature does not respect him for three points!

Originally this stone maple, his lonely nebula used the **** emperor's bell to kill it if he wanted to kill it! However, he did not expect that Yun Yimeng knew him Shi Feng, and even claimed to be his apprentice to Shi Feng!

The Dugu Nebula did not even think that this sword in Yun Yimeng's hand turned out to be a true sword of war! And it's a true **** sword that has been cultivated into a demon and has wide wisdom!

The sword demon blasted his heavenly **** bell with a punch!

The enmity and the Shi Feng were unable to resolve, and this stone maple is like a vicious character who has revenge!

If he wants to sleep peacefully in the future, the Stone Maple and Yun Yi Meng must die!

The sword demon must be surrendered!

Since he was alone and unable to surrender the demon sword with his own strength, he sought the elder Dongfang Hongshan at the cost of his own body!

Dongfang Hongshan holds the ice secret treasure of the human race, but if this ice secret treasure is urged, the price he will pay is huge.

Therefore, in the imprisoned world, all the ethnic groups have only heard of the mysterious ice treasure held by the elder elder, but the ice treasure has not been born for countless years.

The hand that Dongfang Hongshan grabbed on the buttocks of Dugu Nebula slowly kneaded and rotated, and on his old face, a contented smile suddenly appeared, only to laugh and say to Dugu Nebula :

"Nebula! You and I grew up together. But did you know that I have loved you since I have memories. At that time I thought that the two of us would always be together!

Together for a lifetime!

At that time, I thought you liked me too, but I didn't expect that you would be with a woman later, do you know how painful my heart was when I saw you with that woman? ?

Nebula, the feeling of heartache at that moment, even though countless years have passed, I still remember very clearly now, that feeling is really more uncomfortable than death!

Even for so many years, I have seen it repeatedly in my dreams for countless nights.

Several times the moment I just woke up from a dream, I was secretly glad that it was a dream, but when I really returned to the moment when God came, I had to accept that fact in pain!

Later, I also found a woman to anger you. I originally thought that when you saw me with other women, it might awaken your potential love for me.

Then I finally realized that no matter who I was with, you wouldn't care about me, because you, the Dugu Nebula, you never loved me at all! "

When it came to the last sentence, Dongfang Hongshan slowly shook his head. Although there was a smile on his face, his tone and appearance seemed to be mocking himself.

However, the hand he pressed on the **** of Nek Nebula was even more unscrupulous, kneading and rotating harder.

"Nebula ..." And just as Dongfang Hongshan was about to speak again, he heard Dudu Nebula's sudden sigh, interrupting his words:

"That's enough, Hongshan! Don't say anything more! Anyway, as long as you and I join forces to surrender this sword demon, killing Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng, I promise you that I will do it!"

When hearing the words of Dugu Nebula, Dongfang Hongshan turned back from immersion, nodded and smiled at Dugu Nebula, and said, "Oh, right! It matters!"

When this old voice came down, Dongfang Hongshan then retracted the hand rubbing the buttocks of the Dugu Nebula, followed closely, and saw that his old face suddenly corrected, and instantly restored the majesty of the elder elders of the past, together with the Dugu Nebula, Looked down.

At the same time, I saw that Dongfang Hongshan was holding the right hand of the prismatic ice crystal, and the five fingers continued to fiddle, slow and elegant, as if playing a piano.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the left hand that he retracted, and also pointed at the prismatic ice crystal with five fingers, and continued to jog. Immediately, a mysterious force of ice suddenly rose from the prismatic ice crystal.

"Chaos!" Induced the force of the ice. At this time, the Dugu Nebula coldly spit out the word of mystery, and soon the hands again concluded an ancient mysterious handprint. The handprint continued to change rapidly and again.

The white long hair, white beard, and white robe of the Dugu Nebula danced again without wind. At this moment, the temperament of Dugu Nebula is just like an extraordinary old god.

And at this moment, with the fingerprints of the Taoist Nebula Road, the emperor's bell at the feet of his two people once again shone an extremely bright and sacred golden light!

This world is once again rendered into a golden color.

"Oh! Somewhat interesting!" The proud silver-haired young man Gu Ao Shen Jian looked at the sky and suddenly grinned.

The Heavenly Emperor God Bell was previously blown away by a punch, but he did not look at him when he appeared again.

He smiled at this moment, for the mysterious force of ice rising above him.

Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng, the feeling at this moment is also condensed in the sky. Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to Yun Yimeng: "Human race, there is a peerless treasure. The mysterious thing that raises the power of ice gives me a strange feeling! Not simple!"

"I feel it too!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Yun Yimeng nodded, and the voice coming out from the black robe seemed a bit dignified.

At this moment, Dongfang Hongshan has held the prismatic ice crystal with both hands, and at this moment, a more mysterious and strange ice force has condensed in the ice crystal.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha!" This void was constantly frozen into ice under the force of the ice!

And at this moment, the prismatic ice crystal trembled constantly in the hands of Dongfang Hongshan, as if living, suddenly struggling violently, as if to break free from Dongfang Hongshan's hands.

"Yeah!" Dongfang Hongshan yelled, "Oh!" Suddenly, I saw a mouthful of bright red blood, which burst out from his Dongfang Hongshan's mouth and sprayed on this prismatic ice crystal!

Under the blood of Dongfang Hongshan at this moment, the struggling prismatic ice crystals suddenly stabilized, but Dongfang Hongshan's face suddenly looked extremely pale, his whole body looked weak and weak, as if being drained of energy in an instant!

This mouthful of Dongfang Hongshan is not a simple mouthful, but a urge to use his natural blood!

(End of this chapter)

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