Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1740: Love deeply and hurt more!

Chapter 1740: Deeply In Love, Deeper Injured!

The essence of blood, the origin of man! The origin of life!

Under the natural blood of Dongfang Hongshan, the prismatic ice crystals that were struggling and trembling violently stabilized momentarily, and at this moment, only Dongfang Hongshan heard a deep drink and said, "Go!"

At the same time, his hands blasted down violently, blasting the prismatic ice crystals in his hands towards the sacred golden bell of heaven at his feet!

"Oh!" The emperor's bell was sounded again, and a sound of bells ringing again and again, as if from an ancient age!

And just at this moment, I saw the momentum emanating from the Heavenly Emperor's Bell, and suddenly a great change took place!

"Heaven ... the imperial bell of heaven!"

"Okay ... so powerful! Heavenly God's Bell ... Mo ... Couldn't ... this is the true power of Heavenly God's Bell?"

"God ... God-level power! Real God-level power? The Emperor's God Bell evokes its true power under the ice secret treasure of the elder Dongfang Hongshan?"

"Oh my god! So coercive again, I feel like I'm going to suffocate!"


Inspiring the momentum on the Heavenly God's Bell at this moment, the spirits of all races again exclaimed with shocking shock.

Under the coercion of this true God of War weapon, countless creatures have once again felt the difficulty of breathing, and the shape, once again shaking uncontrollably.

"Heavenly Bell!" At this time, his eyes still stared at the stone maple above, and he also exclaimed secretly!

"Hahaha, okay! Heaven emperor bell, this is the true power of my heaven emperor bell, haha, hahahaha!" Feeling the heaven emperor bell under his feet, the Duk nebula at this moment, Yangtian burst into a very happy laugh.

"Oh, okay!" The weak Dongfang Hongshan heard the laughter of Dugu Nebula and watched him smile so happily, he couldn't help laughing.

For Dongfang Hongshan at this moment, there is nothing in the world, and it is better than to make the beloved "He" happy.

At this moment, Dongfang Hongshan even raised such a thought in his mind. If time is always fixed at this moment, he will always sit and watch him laugh like this!

Immediately afterwards, Dongfang Hongshan remembered that as long as the matter here was resolved, as long as the two who disobeyed "he" died, then soon, "his" body would belong to him.

The thought of getting the body of the Lonely Nebula, the thought of being able to hug the beloved, and fall asleep, Dongfeng Hongshan's weak and weak body seemed to have regained its strength in an instant, and all over it suddenly became fiery.

Then, Dongfang Hongshan followed suit, still smiling, and said to Dugu Nebula, "Nebula, you are so beautiful!"

The Dugu Nebula, who had originally laughed out loud in the sky, laughed abruptly when she heard the words of Dongfang Hongshan, and her old face suddenly became gloomy again.

Turning his head again to look at this East Hongshan, in the heart of the Dugu Nebula, there is simply an abomination.

At this moment, he was like eating a handful of dead flies.

Seeing Sudoku Nebula suddenly not smiling, Dongfang Hongshan was incomprehensible and confused, and asked softly, "What happened to you, Nebula?"

The sound was full of tenderness and care, and it was even more disgusting to hear in the ears of the Dugu Nebula.

At this time, the Dugu Nebula immediately became fierce in their hearts, stepped on the foot, and the heavenly **** clock suddenly shone with a brighter sacred golden light. The Dugu Nebula and the Hongshan Mountain in the East were instantly engulfed by this sacred golden light and disappeared in all races In the sight of the soul.

"Kill!" At this time, the voice of the patriarch Nek Nebula drinking and killing was echoed between the heavens and the earth, and the heavenly **** clock floating in the sky suddenly moved suddenly at this moment. Down!

"Finally came down!" Looking at the huge golden bell killed by the violent quake, the proud smile of Gu Ao's Sword and the demon face once again revealed.

Although the celestial bell under the quake at this moment is not as it is now, it is not comparable at all!

But looking at the sword of Gu Ao, it seems that he still doesn't put the Celestial God's Bell in his eyes, and still stands proudly, his eyes are still staring at the top, his body is still, as if waiting.

Above the emperor's bell, in the golden light, the elder Eastern Hongshan, at this moment is also a dazzling golden light, which has replaced his beloved.

Not only his beloved, but even his own body could not be seen in the bright golden light.

At this moment, there was an uneasiness on Dongbai Hongshan's pale face. For some reason, he suddenly felt a bit upset in his chest, and then he said, "Nebula, I can't see you anymore. Where are you? I Suddenly something ... uh! "

Immediately afterwards, a painful "er" sound suddenly rang from Dongfang Hongshan's mouth. Then, he slowly lowered his head, the body he could no longer see. At this moment, he could see it again for some reason. The sight was unusually clear. It was just his heart. At this moment there was a blood-stained hand.

This hand, for Dongfang Hongshan, is so fascinating and beautiful, but the blood on this hand is the Dongfang Hongshan's own blood.

It's just that this hand penetrated through the back of his Dongfang Hongshan, and then came out from his heart of Dongfang Hongshan again!

"Xing ... Nebula ... you ... you ... you even ... for me ... so!" Dongfang Hongshan shivered, his eyes widened, and his mouth was incredible.

He devoted himself to him, but he did not expect it, but in return it was the result.

Immediately following, Dongfang Hongshan's shocked old face again appeared full of unwillingness.

I was obsessed with "his" all my life, I thought that I would soon be able to get "his" body, enjoy "his" body, but it was impossible!

"Ah! Nebula! Nebula! I can't be reconciled! My heart is so painful! I ... Nebula, why do you treat me like this ..." Then, Dongfang Hongshan's voice has changed Have to choke, uncomfortable.

This kind of discomfort is much more uncomfortable than the pain at the moment.

Sure enough, the deeper the love, the deeper the injury!

Behind Dongfang Hongshan, the face of the Dugu Nebula has become fierce, and he has long lost the appearance of the former fairy wind and bones, and said ruthlessly, "Dongfang Hongshan, you disgusting dead old man, give it to the clan leader ,go to hell!"

Before the words were heard, I saw the right hand of the Dugu Nebula piercing into the flesh of the Oriental Hongshan suddenly shocked, and the Eastern Hongshan still had a chance to scream again in the future, and its shape had been turned into nothingness under the power of the Dugu Nebula.

Dongfang Hongshan sprayed a spit of natural blood for the Lonely Nebula and collapsed. He had already lost his combat power and had no strength to fight against.

The elder elder of the East, Hongshan Mountain, has fallen! Ashes fly out!

And at this moment, under the eyes of everyone, the **** emperor bell that violently fell, seeing that the silver-haired young man was about to violently cover it, and at this moment, the silver-haired young man finally started to move. Punch up!


(End of this chapter)

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