Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1745: Who is first?

Chapter 1745: Who Is The First?

On the ground below, there were sounds of yelling and swearing, and full of unwillingness. These sounds were all emitted from the mouths of the six clan who ate the blood clan territory and Shi Feng that night.

The more they said, the more indignant! The more reconciled!

If that night, this stone maple died under their joint attack, that would be great!

If that night, that idiot Dugu Nebula didn't show up, that would be great!

But there is no such thing in this world. The outsider Shi Feng is still alive in this world, looking at them proudly in the void. They lie on the ground, unable to move, waiting for the ultimate judgment of Shi Feng.

In the void, Shi Feng still had a sneer on his face, listening quietly, without interrupting the yelling and "dreaming of the day" of these people.

After a while, Shi Feng opened his mouth and said, "Okay, the last words are almost all right? Now, you can all die!"

"Now you can all die!"

"Now you can all die!"


Shi Feng's indifferent voice suddenly echoed in Tianjiao's battle. Although it was so understatement, in just one sentence, it has determined the life and death of more than a hundred souls!

Blood Eater, Stone Man, Dragon Elephant, Orc, Bloodweave, Evil Eye, and one more, they are Ancient You! Seven races have more than 160 lives!

"Oh!" Heavenly Emperor's Bell, ringing in Shi Feng's hands, the sound of Zhongming at this moment seems to be the death knell of death at this moment.

The strong sonic power spread in all directions, and then swayed down towards the big earthquake below. The space was boiling, and in an instant, it swept the seven souls!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Ah! Shi Feng! You must not die! Ah!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Ah! So painful! Ah! I don't want to die! Ah!"


The painful screams roared again, followed closely, under the power of the Emperor God Bell, all the bodies burst out, blood splattered, and the stubbles of the limbs flew, and the scene suddenly became extremely bloody. ,brutal.

In the end, even the long-suffering seven nine-star demigods died in the power of the emperor's bell.

"Ah!" Shi Feng sighed helplessly in Shi Feng's body.

This sigh was made by the flame!

The holy fire originated from the Bloodline Clan. For the Bloodline Clan, they have always had special unknown emotions. It was originally thought that the Bloodline Clan had become extinct, and it was only known when they entered the imprisoned world that there is still a vein of the Bloodline Clan.

However, who of this bloodline tribe is not easy to provoke, it just provokes this killing god! With this character of killing the gods, revenge must be revenge, and he will kill all of them. After he kills the strong men of the bloodline family, it is estimated that other bloodline people will not escape his clutches!

"Dead! Died! Died! The nine strong men who besieged Shi Feng are all dead!"

"His! This is the strongest of the nine races!"

"Hey! Eight of the nine-star demigod peerless powerhouses, and one of the most lonely nebulae with the emperor's bell, will end like this."

"It's unpredictable! Hey, I thought this Shi Feng would be dead, but he didn't expect it, but he reversed in despair!"

After the seven races were destroyed under the power of the Heavenly Emperor's God Bell, a stream of blood, a force of death, a soul, rushed towards the emptiness of the stature.

Jiuyin Gong worked secretly, and Shi Feng immediately swallowed the death force of three eight-star demigods. In the metamorphosis of Dantian, he had reached 17/20 of energy, and achieved great success in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng used the Nine Secrets to seal up the remaining death force and majestic blood and inhaled it into the space of the Blood Stone Stele.

Participating in the battle of Tianjiao and confronting these nine clans, Shi Feng not only received the Emperor God Bell, but also received so much majestic energy, which was definitely an unexpected joy!

Today, he has the power of nine stars and demigods in the six-star and demigod realm. If he is allowed to step into the seven-star and demigods in the future, it will become more and more exciting.

After doing those things, Shi Feng's gaze swept over to the stands.

Immediately afterwards, I saw several figures standing in the stands, immediately kneeling towards Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng in the void, and shouted, "Rao ... for your life!"

"Excuse me! I don't want to die yet!"

"I was besieged by you, although it was my clan leader and strong man, but I was not involved, please don't kill me!"

"We are all human, please raise your hand!"

These kneeling beggars are the remaining souls of the nine clans.

Shi Feng didn't bother them for the time being, but swept to the stands and followed, only to hear him speak again, saying, "This battle of Tianjiao, with his own strength, won the first place in this Tianjiao battle. First, there are few books, should you have the right to enjoy the cold water of the sacred pond? "

Shi Feng's indifferent voice echoed immediately in this heavenly battlefield.

However, at the moment when the voice of Shi Feng sounded, in this arrogant battlefield, the stands of all ethnic groups immediately became silent, and everyone seemed to be silent at this moment.

No one stood up to agree with him, and no one came out to oppose him.

If he Shi Feng is still the previous Shi Feng, let alone the opposition at this moment, it is estimated that all attacks have already started towards him.

But now Shi Feng, holding the Heavenly Emperor God Bell, the Tianjiao platform below, as well as the gangster of evil swords and the sword of Gu Ao!

Seeing no one to speak, Shi Feng grinned and sneered, "Why, don't you talk?"

With these remarks, Shi Feng turned around, facing the direction of the monster tribe, eyes, and immediately stared at an old figure in the monster tribe!

It is the eternal demon!

The elder demon was cut by Tian Yijiao from Yun Yimeng, but Yun Yimeng did not take his life. Later, he fled from Tian Jiaotai and returned to the demon grandstand while fighting.

The blood-colored sword mark from the forehead had disappeared at this moment, and there was no trace of it.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and asked the elder elder demon: "Elder elder elf, are you the host of this battle of Tianjiao, or do you announce it, this is not the battle of Tianjiao." the first?"

Shi Feng speaks to the elder elder demon. Although there is still a smile on his face, the elder elder devil is very clear. If he says that he is "not the first" to end.

Not only the eternal elder demon, all the creatures in this arrogant battlefield are probably already known in their hearts.

Without the slightest hesitation, the creatures of the grandstands of all ethnic groups heard the old, hoarse voice echoing: "The first in this Tianjiao battle, Shi Feng!"

"The first in this Tianjiao battle, Shi Feng!"

"The first in this Tianjiao battle, Shi Feng!"





Then, accompanied by a secret sigh, many beings know that if things continue to progress like this, then the cold water in the divine pond is really owned by the outsider Shi Feng!

Then, but the cold water of heaven! This stone maple is a peerless demon, and he bears the emperor **** bell, if he is allowed to wash his flesh with the cold **** water ...

That ... that demon evil is absolutely terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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