Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1746: Do you still have a face?

Chapter 1746: You Still Have A Face?

Hearing the eternal life demon admits that he is the No. 1 battle in Tianjiao, the smile on Shi Feng's face is even worse.

Then, just listening to him again, he asked the elder elder demon, "So there aren't enough books, do you have the right to enjoy the Tianhan Shenshui in the God of Purification?"

When I heard the words "Tianhan Shenshui" again, the features of the stands of various ethnic groups changed again, with jealousy and envy.

At this moment, in this arrogant battlefield, almost all eyes are gathered in the stand of the demon race, all in the body of the demon elder and elder, waiting for his answer.

Although all creatures, almost already know how the elder demon will answer!

However, there are still people who are looking forward to miracles!

In the attention position of all sentient beings, I saw the elder demon slowly opening his mouth to the void stone maple, and replied, "You are the first to enjoy the Tianhan Shenshui for the battle of Tianjiao!"

"Naturally have the right to enjoy the cold water of the sky!"

"Naturally have the right to enjoy the cold water of the sky!"


"Haha, okay!" Upon hearing the answer from the elder demon, Shi Feng laughed loudly and sent out a cheerful "OK"!

Following his eyes, he swept to the stands of various ethnic groups, and said, "For anyone who still has the opinion of enjoying the cold water of the sky, if anyone has any opinions, now he can stand up!"

"Shi Feng!" But as Shi Feng sounded loudly, someone really stood up.

Stand up and call him the name of Shi Feng is not his "human", it is the corpse **** of the ancient corpse family, no corpse!

"Dead God!"

"No dead body!"

"No corpse, is he going to oppose Shi Feng?"

"No, Shi Feng previously participated in the battle of Tianjiao as an ancient corpse corpse. There must be any agreement between him and this ancient corpse."

"That's true!"


"Master Corpse!"

When the corpse **** shouted the name of Shi Feng, all eyes gathered on him instantly.

See what this corpse is going to do, what to say.

At this time, Shi Feng's eyes also looked at the ancient corpse stand, and said, "Oh, the corpse god! If you have any words, you can say it."

"Yeah!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the corpse **** nodded slowly, responded gently, and followed him to ask Shi Feng: "Shi Feng, do you remember our agreement?"

"Naturally remember!" Upon hearing the words of the corpse god, Shi Feng didn't hesitate or deny, and immediately answered.

He then said calmly: "I pretend to be your ancient corpse, Tianjiaofan, and you pass on my ancient corpse's nine-star demigod stunt inverse corpse warfare. If I win the first day of this arrogant battle, it will take half of your days Cold water. "

"You!" I heard Shi Feng say these words in front of the creatures of all races, and the corpse had a pale and majestic face, and this moment suddenly followed.

He did not expect that these secrets, Shi Feng, even said in front of so many "people."

Soon, the corpse infestation felt a strange look.

"I'll say, since this Shi Feng is posing as an ancient corpse to participate in the battle of Tianjiao, it must be the corpse's behind-the-scenes instructions!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that this stone maple would become the first in this Tianjiao battle. If this corpse is not available, it will also get half of the cold water in the sky?"

"In fact, it can be said that the corpse does not have a nine-star demigod-level stunt, and exchanges for half of the cold water of the sky. The price is actually the same, right?"

"Almost?" Hearing the words of the words from other grandstands, in the grandfather grandstand, the grandfather grandfather of the grandfather grandpa who really understood the inverse corpse warrior's tactics, but grinned sneer, said secretly:

"If it is a real nine-star demigod-level combat technique, it would be worthwhile to exchange it for Tian Han Shenshui! However, this corpse is not given to him, Shi Feng's incomplete nine-star demigod-level combat technique, hehe, hehehehe! "

When secretly speaking at the end, Ji Ji suddenly gave a "huh" smile. Today, Shi Feng is not like he used to be, and he is beyond the control of his body.


In the stands of the ancient corpse, the corpses all ignored those remarks, but spoke seriously to Shi Feng in the void:

"Since you remember the agreement between us, please follow it!"

For today's Shi Feng, even his dead body and dead body, he used a "please"!

"Observe?" But when Shi Feng heard the words from Shi Wu, he suddenly laughed as if he had heard a funny joke: "Dear corpse god, did you not comply with the agreement between us, are you?"

When she heard Shi Feng's words, the corpse's face followed immediately, her brows frowned tightly, and she said, "I didn't keep my promise? How do you say?"

Shi Feng sneered: "We agreed at the time that you would pass the nine-star demigod inverse corpse warfare tactics of Ben Shao, and Ben Shao would participate in the battle of Tianjiao! But you passed on a missing war tactic of Ben Shao. This is, What do you call compliance? "

"This ..." Immediately, he saw the face of the corpse god, and then gloomed down. After a while, he opened his mouth to Shi Feng again, and said, "You haven't got this complete battle yet. Trick. "

"That's what Ben Shao himself got, not from your corpse god. It has nothing to do with you!

It was your corpse **** who didn't follow the agreement from the beginning. I, Shi Feng, there is no need to follow your **** agreement! "Shi Feng said again.

At this moment, I can be the first in this arrogant battle. In fact, my apprentice Yun Yimeng gave it to myself!

At the time of the war, Yun Yimeng, who held the Gu Ao Sword, if he and he did not know each other's identity, he was not his opponent at all!

The corpse **** originally wanted to take advantage of himself, and was playing with his own mind to pass a piece of incomplete stunt to himself, so why bother with him!

"You!" At this point, the corpse **** coldly spit out a "you" character, which turned out to be an ugly face.

If there is no sword of ancient pride, if Shi Feng does not have the clock of the emperor of heaven, it is estimated that the corpse **** has rushed into the void and fought with this stone maple.

"Huh!" When Shi Feng heard the voice of the corpse **** again, Shi Feng uttered a cold hum, and said coldly again:

"Ben Shao revealed his identity for your ancient corpse to participate in the battle of Tianjiao! At that time, there were so many people who besieged Ben Shao and wanted to take Ben Sha's life. Where did your corpse **** go at that time? Without my disciple Yun Yi Meng is here, it is estimated that there are few books, and now long ago, the spirit has disappeared and turned into ashes!

Now that you have a dead body, you still have a face to ask Ben Shao for that half of the cold water? "

"Listening to Shi Feng, it seems that he is quite reasonable?"

"Yeah, this corpse is nothing, it's also mean and sinister!"

"Well, if I were to be Shi Feng, I wouldn't give him half of the cold water."


"You! You! You! You! You!" At this moment, Shi Wu had been so angry with Shi Feng that he could not speak, and started to blow his nose and stare.

This stone maple not only gave himself a cold spell, but in front of the people, he began to count him!

He is the supreme ancient corpse tribe, a peerless powerhouse of the nine-star demigod, who has ever spoken to him in the presence of so many souls!

"This ... this ... how can this be so!" And the corpse dancer girl in the forefront of the ancient corpse tribe heard the dialogue between Shi Feng and the great corpse god, but her complexion was full of complexion.

One was "he" and the other was the most respected corpse **** in her life. For a moment, she didn't know who she should help.

(End of this chapter)

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