Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1747: Giant giant

Chapter 1747 Giant Giant Disk

The corpse of the ancient corpse stands first, but there is no dead corpse, and finally trembles the corpse and sits back slowly.

He had no corpse, although he once showed confidence in Shi Feng that he was not afraid of the emperor's bell. But at that time, the Emperor's Bell was held in the hands of the Dugu Nebula.

Although Shi Feng and the Dugu Nebula are in the realm of six stars and demigods, how can the power of the six stars and demigods of Dugu Nebula be comparable to his stone maple.

What's more, there is a disciple Yun Yimeng beside Shi Feng. On the stage of Tianjiao, there is also a proud silver sword with long silver hair!

The dead body at this moment said to himself! Must be patient!

"Huh!" Shi Feng sent a cold hum when he saw the corpse sitting back, and then ignored him. When he saw that there was no "human", he stood up against himself, and then stared back to the demon. The stands looked at the elder elders and elder elders sitting high above.

Shi Feng said: "Elder elder demon, can you open the sacred pond at this moment and let the younger enter?"

"Well, you can!" The elder demon nodded and echoed. Then slowly stood up, at the same time, in the palm of the elder demon, a golden iron block as large as a slap had emerged.

The spirits of the living beings immediately recognized that the object that appeared in the palm of the elder demon, called the "golden spoon of scouring", was the key to the secret purification of the **** pool!

Many years ago, this "golden spoon" was kept by this elder elder and elder!

Shi Feng's gaze at this moment was already gazing at the golden spoon in the hands of the elder demon. From this golden spoon, he sensed a strange space force.

And at this moment, the old hoarse voice of the elder demon echoed in this arrogant battlefield:

"I am an elder demon, and I have acknowledged that Shi Feng ’s friend is the first in this battle of Tianjiao. If all the races are meaningless, then at this moment, I will use the gold spoon to open the land of the God of Purification!"

The voice of the elder demon echoed in this arrogant battle for a while, and no one stood up at this moment. The elder demon nodded clearly and said, "Okay, I see!"

Speaking of the last sentence, I saw the elder demon gently lift up with his right hand, lying on the palm of the alchemy spoon, and immediately flew to the void, shining a dazzling golden light!

"It's on! It's on! The land of sacred ponds is finally being opened!"

"Yeah! Refining Shenchi! Tianhan Shenshui! All the Tianhan Shenshui in this pool belongs to him Shi Feng!"

"Ah! How good it would be if I were given this cold water! If you let me wash my body with cold water, maybe in a few years, I can also enter the realm of Jiuxing Demigod and become the next one. Hell! "

"Ah! God of cold water!"


Looking at the golden light emanating from the golden spoon, a channel like a golden vortex appeared slowly, and Shi Feng laughed: "Washing the Shenchi, Tianhan Shenshui, haha, good!"

Then he turned to Yun Yimeng next to him and said, "Yimeng, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Yun Yimeng nodded slightly, followed, and saw him print out a handprint, and stand proud of the ancient proud sword of Tianjiao below, and immediately moved up.

And just as Fei Chong came up, a glimmer of sword light shone on the body of Gu Ao's Excalibur, and in an instant, he re-illusioned into that long-sword that looked bland, flying towards Yun Yi Meng, and instantly In the middle of it, Yun Yimeng poked out his right hand and shook it back.



But at this moment, Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng simultaneously issued a light "um" sound.

Not only them, but also the creatures of various ethnic groups in the stands, at this moment, they were all surprised: "Hey? Giant Giant Powerhouse, what is he doing? Fly to the Alchemy Spoon? He is trying to enter first. Cleanse the pond? "

"Jupan, is he crazy? He is going to **** the place of the God of Purification at this time!"

"I don't know where the courage came from? The courage of Shi Feng and that arrogant person will never let him go!"

"Yeah! This is a huge game for the sake of coldness, so you don't even need your life!"

"Uncle Pan, what are you doing! Come back soon!"

Among the giants stands, even the giants are a little bit unknown, so I don't understand why this giant disk did it!

It was the giant patriarch, Juxuan, who just shouted the anxious roar!

The age of Juxuan is not much different from that of Juju. Both have entered middle age. Juju is a few years older, but Jupan is the uncle of Juxuan!

At this moment, even Ju Xuan didn't understand it. The big disk that has always been stable. At this moment, it seems like he has lost his mind. Why did he suddenly do this?

The giant disk is very powerful, and the realm is the same as the patriarch Juxuan, in the realm of Jiuxing Demigod! As for the actual combat power, it is slightly higher than the patriarch Juxuan.

But no matter how powerful the huge disk is, it is not the two metamorphic opponents of Void!

"How could this be happening? What happened to Uncle Pan?"

"No! Grandpa Pan is terrific, but that stone maple has a god's bell! This cruel man will kill Grandpa Pan!"

The giants stand, a famous giant, exclaimed with anxiety.

At this moment, the eyes in the stands of all ethnic groups gathered on the huge figure that was getting closer to the gold spoon.

"Huh! Seek death!" At this moment, Yun Yimeng next to Shi Feng issued an extremely cold and cold humming sound, and the killing was permeated!

The heavenly cold water in the purification pool of God has been owned by the master Youming.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yimeng held up the sword of Gu Ao, and cut it out with a sword towards the huge disk not far away.

Suddenly, I saw a huge and extremely strong Jianguang across the sky, and then chopped down fiercely towards the giant strong!

The extremely powerful killing power, this cut sword light, has surpassed the power of Jiuxing Demigod! Cut his huge disk, enough!

"Huh!" But at this moment, a "huh" laugh suddenly sounded, and the creatures of all races heard that the laugh came from the giant's giant disc.

"This giant tribe strong man, even in the face of this tribe Tianjiao, with a sword of true God to cut off, even laughed? Couldn't he be confident to block this sword?"

"The giant disk is the strongest peak of the nine-star demigod. Could it be that he broke through all obstacles and entered the real state of God?"

"Is the true **** strong? No! In my opinion, this huge disk is really not normal! Could it be that he is somehow crazy?"

Under Yun Yimeng's strong sword, the huge market can still laugh, and the races of various races in the stands of various races are also talking.

However, in the giant stand, a giant boy exclaimed: "That laughter is not the voice of Grandpa Pan! What is going on? Who is that laughter? Grandpa Pan, what happened? ? "

(End of this chapter)

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