Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1748: The catastrophe is coming!

Chapter 1748 Havoc is coming!

The huge Jianguang, carrying the power of great slashing, slashed down, but at this moment, a deep, cold voice sounded: "Break!"

Just then, suddenly there was a huge column of golden light, which suddenly rose from the body of this giant giant disk, rushed up, and rushed to the cut sword light!

In front of everyone's eyes, people saw that huge sword light, and it was suddenly destroyed under the power of the golden beam of light!

Giant giant disk, actually broke the blow that Yun Yimeng cut with the ancient proud sword!

"This ... so strong!"

"Does the giant tribe really enter the realm of true God?"

"No! This is not the power of the Giants!"

"Uncle Pan! How could Uncle Pan have such power?"


"How is it possible!" At this moment, even Yun Yimeng exclaimed.

Shi Feng's face immediately followed the gloom, and she drank into Yun Yimeng: "Let's go!"


Immediately afterwards, the figures of both the master and the apprentice flashed at the same time, toward the golden spoon shining golden light!

The towering golden beam of light, although it resisted Yun Yimeng's slash, was only a moment later, and disappeared into the void.

Then, the huge body of the giant disk quickly moved again, and he moved rapidly towards the golden spoon again.

However, following the discovery of a living creature, the face of the giant disk seemed to be flat from now on, without any fluctuations.

"Uncle Pan!" Juxuan, the chief of the giant clan, also found that the giant disc was different from usual! Suddenly exclaimed: "Well!"

"What's wrong with the patriarch?" When he heard Juxuan's face exclaimed, he exclaimed "It's bad", and then another giant asked.

Ju Xuanman said uneasily: "Uncle Pan entered the Tianjiao battlefield after the end of the first round of the Tianjiao battle. When I saw him today, I always felt that he was a little unusual! Uncle Pan during this time , Should be guarded there secretly! "

"That secret place?"

"That secret place?"

"That secret place!"

Immediately after, the giants knew the secret place in Juxuan mouth, and the secret place!

Then, Ju Xuan spoke again and said, "I asked Uncle Pan at the beginning. At that time, Uncle Pan told me that the secret place had been replaced by Grandpa Grandma to protect it, and I didn't take it to heart! But now ... "

"This! So! Protoss! Protoss!"




In the Giants Grandstand, there was a burst of shock and shouts! And at this moment, I only listened to the clan of the giant patriarch Juxuan, echoing in this arrogant battle:

"Everyone beware! My clan powerhouse giant disk is very likely to be controlled by that protoss!"




When I heard the word "protoss", the creatures in the stands of all races followed their changes.

Suddenly the enemy is coming!

"Protoss!" Even Shi Feng and Yunyi Meng, who are still moving rapidly, heard the word "protoss" and all exclaimed!

Thinking of the golden beam of light that had risen from the giant's body before, it instantly broke the blow that Yun Yimeng cut out. The cold face of Shi Feng's Zhang Jun suddenly became abnormally dignified!

At this time, looking at the two, they are getting closer and closer to the land of the golden spoon, and the huge body in the void in front is approaching the land of the golden spoon!

"Guao Excalibur!" At this moment, Yun Yimeng sighed coldly again. The Guao Excalibur in his hand suddenly turned into a sharp sword and shot out, a killing that was even worse than before. Sword force, rushed toward the giant Han.

"Oh, it was discovered." At that moment, the laughter just sounded again. Suddenly, I saw the huge body of the huge disk, and it suddenly flashed a very bright golden light.

This golden mang obviously has covered the golden light shining by the golden spoon.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a thick and painful roar resounded.

Then the giants heard it, and the painful roar was the sound of their giants!

"Uncle Pan!"

"Grandpa Pan!"



In front of everyone's eyes, the "people" saw that huge body like a hill, but disappeared instantly under the bright golden light and disappeared!

And a body like a human figure, looming in the bright golden light! Exudes a strong, unparalleled momentum that makes "people" palpitated.

"This ... this momentum ..."


"So powerful!"

The exclamation sounded again, even the supreme powers of all races, the races who reached the nine-star demigod, and their faces changed dramatically at this moment.

Because the momentum they sensed at the moment was the momentum that had only occurred when the ancient proud sword and the emperor's bell struck.

This also means that the person in the dazzling golden light of the void is a strong man who has stepped into the real state of God!

A Protoss who has reached the real state of God!

"This! How is this possible! How could it be a divine powerhouse!"

From ancient times to the present, although imprisoned heaven and earth have often been violated by this alien race and protoss, there has never been a strong person in the real state of God.

There are records in the classics of various ethnic groups. In ancient times, the strong men of all races joined forces to seal the space passage with the peerless secret method, peerless materials, peerless devices, and peerless fierce creatures. The powerful gods can no longer leave the space Secret Tao enters this imprisoned world!

But now, imprisoned heaven and earth is a protoss who has reached the real state of God!

"Ah! The endless years have passed, and the seal of that space passage has been getting weaker and weaker. It seems that the gods of this Protoss can now enter our imprisoned world!" Open your mouth slowly, shake your head, and let out a helpless sigh.

If that's the case, then the catastrophe that imprisoned the world has come!

Many beings have figured this out, and an uneasy mood spreads among various ethnic groups.

In ancient legends, this protoss is very strong! Fortunately, there was an ancient seal in that space passageway to prevent the Protoss from coming to invade.

Now, the strong of the Protoss is really here!

"Break!" A cold drink sounded from the golden light of the void.

I saw an extremely powerful force rushing out of the golden light, and rushed to the ancient pride sword that was transformed into a sword-light fly.

In an instant, the power of great strength and Jianguang shocked together!

"Oh!" Only the sound of a clear sword chanting echoed, and under that strong force, the light of the sword covering the Gu Ao Sword disappeared immediately, and the ancient Ao Sword that looked bland and unremarkable disappeared. Reappeared.

However, at this moment, I saw the ancient proud sword, which was trembling violently.

"呯! 呯! 呯! 呯! 呯!" The sound of Jianming began to echo continuously!

(End of this chapter)

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