Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1749: Golden scale **** body!

Chapter 1749 Golden Scale God Body!

The Excalibur trembled more and more fiercely, "Roar!" Suddenly, a long howling roared, shaking the world! I saw the dazzling sword light shining, the magic sword instantly transformed into a person!

Long silver hair flutters wildly in the wind!

Immediately after, we saw the demon youth with long silver hair, a sword pointing forward fiercely!

Under one finger, I saw the violent force of the impact in front of it, and it suddenly burst! Not only did the violent force burst, but even the unusually dazzling golden light of that side disappeared instantly!

Then, I saw that golden figure appeared!

This is a middle-aged man! This man was wearing a golden armor, followed by a golden cloak that tumbled with the wild wind hunting, with a mighty face and a majestic look, like the advent of a peerless king!

"It's him!" And when he saw the man in the void, the elder demon above the high sitting demon clan followed, his eyes widened and he exclaimed!

Hearing the exclaimed elder elder demon, the elder demons immediately looked at him, the elder supreme demon emperor sitting next to the elder elder demon, and asked, "Old ancestor, do you recognize him?"

"Hmm!" After hearing the words of the demon emperor, the elder demon nodded slowly, and the shocked old man's face had become full of dignity. He replied: "The Protoss generation is peerless, proud, **** Ran! Born golden scale god!

All the souls who are trapped in the heavens and the earth know that when those people of the protoss enter combat form, their bodies will be covered with scales. These scales have various magical functions in addition to their strong defense!

And it is said that these scales are also graded! There are white scales, copper scales, green scales, blue scales, purple scales, silver scales, and gold scales!

As for the existence of higher-level scales above the golden scales, it is not known if all kinds of creatures in the world are imprisoned!

Because the golden scale **** body has not appeared in the imprisoned world for countless years, just like a legend.

After hearing the introduction of the elder demon to the person in the void, the demon faces of the demon tribe changed a lot. The middle-aged man wearing a golden battle armor in the void did not show the deity of their deity, but he did not expect that he was Is born golden scale **** body!

Then, the elder demon introduced the **** Ran again:

"Countless years ago, this **** Ran and the protoss invaded us to imprison heaven and earth. At that time, the realm of his **** Ran was only in the eight-star and semi-god realm, but he battled us to imprison the three clan and nine-star semi-god realm together! The tribe respects creation and kills the supreme generation of the Taurou tribe, Niuzun! "

After hearing the words of the eternal demon, the demon emperor exclaimed again: "It was him!"

It seems that the Emperor Emperor has heard about the falling of the former head of the Tautou family.

"I didn't expect that the protoss of the time was peerless, and now they have entered the realm of true gods in the legend! Hey! The havoc of our imprisoned heaven and earth is coming!" Then, the elder demon sighed again, old face Full of sadness!


In the void, although the violent power and bright golden light launched by God Ran was broken by Gu Ao's Excalibur, but above his mighty face, there was a playful smile on his face, and he smiled again: "Oh, yes! Excalibur! "

It seems that this pair of looks still does not look at the Guao Excalibur that broke his power.

And there was a sneer on the face of Gu Ao's Sword Demon Leng Ao, and he said to the **** Ran, "I'm so unhappy to see you!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the shape of Gu Ao's Excalibur moving again, rushing forward, towards God Ran!

"Protoss!" Not far from the void, Shi Feng's eyes also stared at the **** Ran wearing a golden armor, and said coldly.

The same day he was in the wild continent and saw that the protoss possessed "Xiaomi" and was holding a golden excalibur. His combat power should also reach the power of the true god!

Now in this imprisoned world, I have seen another protoss, and his combat power has reached the true god!

"How strong is this protoss? How many true gods are they?" Just seeing it is the legendary true god. Shi Feng is really hard to imagine how strong this race is!

"Battle!" And immediately followed, Shi Feng, holding the Heavenly Emperor's Bell, suddenly rose from his body with a mighty battle intention, and suddenly moved towards the place where the **** Ran was!

"Kill!" At this moment, a cold drink came out of Gu Ao's mouth. Although his figure hadn't reached God Ran, he saw that a sharp sword light had rushed out of him, flying towards him. before.

"Huh!" Seeing that Jianguang, God Ran gave a sneer of scorn, and his right palm waved forward arbitrarily, and the void in front of him suddenly boiled.

The fierce boiling, spreading violently forward, but only for a moment, swallowed the sword light that was cut sharply!

But immediately following, I saw the boiling space calm down, and the engulfed sword light has disappeared!

"Slash!" And at this moment, a sound of cold drink full of murderous intention suddenly rang from the sky above God Ran.

Just a moment ago, he didn't notice. Gu Ao's Excalibur came to the top of this **** Ran, standing upside down, like a sword, his right hand is still condensed into a sword finger, and the downward **** Ran pierces straight down!

The excalibur has not yet arrived, but Shen Ran feels the power of the ancient proud sword at this moment. The mighty face has always been calm and indifferent. Finally at this moment, he exclaims: "Good sword! Good kill! One sword! Deserves to be a generation of sword demon! The **** is lacking an artifact, and it is you! "

When speaking these words, God Ran pushed again with one palm, banging at a finger stabbed by the sword!

"Boom!" Two violent forces collided at this moment, sending out a loud thunderous sound!

Makes the whole world shake violently.

And the next moment, they saw the two bodies colliding violently.

Gu Ao's Excalibur, the inverted figure quickly soared into the sky, the Protoss God Ran, fell down quickly!

The impact of the two true gods was a tie at this moment!

And the creatures of all races in the stands of all races saw together, the golden light of the Protoss strong **** Shen Ran shone again, and saw golden scales, from his exposed face, neck, and hands. Growing on!

"Golden scale! It is the golden scale **** body! This protoss of the tribe is actually the golden scale **** body!"

"Golden scale **** body!"

At the sight of the golden scales that existed in the legend, the creatures of all ethnic groups screamed again and again in shock!

"Sure enough, it is a golden scale **** body!" In the stand of the demon tribe, the demon heard the words of the elder demon before, and knew that this was a protoss of the golden scale deity.

But at this moment seeing the golden scales with my own eyes, I couldn't help but exclaim.

Golden scales appeared!

It seems that this protoss named Shen Ran has now entered into a state of battle under the power of Guao Excalibur!

(End of this chapter)

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