Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1750: The mystery of Yun Yimeng!

Chapter 1750 The Mystery of Yun Yi Meng!

After the endless years, imprisoned the world, often suffered from this protoss aggression, they naturally understand this protoss!

Once invaded, the highest-level **** body sent by the protoss is the silver scale **** body. In the hearts of their various races, even the silver scale **** body, it is also extremely powerful, but I did not expect that it appears today, but the golden scale!

Just when the golden scale **** body Ran and his body was still falling suddenly, "Oh!" A violent sound of Zhongming suddenly echoed the world.

Immortal creatures of all races immediately saw a powerful sound wave force, like the tumbling rolling waves, swept across the falling golden scale **** body.

It was Shi Feng, who struck the bell of the God of Heaven, and shook out the mighty power!

But immediately afterwards, I saw the **** Ran's mouth opened wide, and a golden beam of light spewed out of his mouth. Under the golden beam of light, he saw the violent sound coming from the shock and was instantly broken!

And that golden beam of light is still rushing all the way to Shi Feng!

Spit a light, and the power of the artifact will be broken! True God strong, so scary!

The attack was so broken that even Shi Feng was suddenly shocked!

The wave of sonic power just now can be launched by ringing the bell of heaven with great power!

At this moment, when seeing the violent impact of the golden beam of light, Shi Feng immediately yelled, "Stop!"

With applause, the Heavenly Emperor's Bell held by Shi Feng in his hand instantly became larger and blocked in front of Shi Feng.

"Oh!" The golden beam of light struck the Heavenly God's Bell instantly, and a fierce bell rang again.

But then I saw that the Emperor's God Bell suddenly stunned under the golden light pillar, and shook violently on Shi Feng's body, and then hit Shi Feng all the way, flying backwards violently.

"Master!" Seeing the sudden change of the master Shi Feng, Yun Yimeng immediately screamed in shock, and suddenly stopped in the black robe not far from the sky, and then suddenly moved to Shi Feng and Tiandi Zhongzhong. Soaring away!

When flying, Yun Yimeng yelled at the side of the void again: "Gu Ao Excalibur!"

At this moment, the figure of God Ran's violent fall has stopped, and looking at the clock of the **** Emperor God, he sent a disdainful sneer: "Hum! A grasshopper, still wishing to be in front of the **** Jumping? "

Then, God Ran stopped paying attention to the other side. In the sky, the power that really made him pay attention has been violently impacted again.

Gu Ao's Excalibur is still upside down, still like a sword, killing him again!

"It seems that I want to surrender to you, but it takes another effort! However, the **** is not in a hurry, come!" As soon as God Ran's voice fell, his body rushed up to Gu Ao under the fierce stab Excalibur!

"This protoss with a golden scale **** body is really strong! Even Shi Feng, who is holding the god's bell, can't catch him!"

"Yes! What to do! If Shi Feng is killed, if the Excalibur is defeated, we will all be killed by this protoss!"

"This Protoss is a strong one, but a real God! Even if we go up, we are only killed by him! It won't help them at all!"

"This ... how is it good!"

"Ah! The power of the legendary true god, that is invincible!"


Looking at the battle in the void, the creatures of all races are still full of anxiety.

"Ah! It's a pity!" At this moment, the elder elder demon in the demon tribe gave another helpless sigh.

Hearing the words of the eternal demon, the demon emperor asked, "Old ancestor, what's your pity?"

The elder demon replied: "Before they fought in a crowd, the elder elder of the human race, Dongfang Hongshan, used the ice secret treasure to urge the great power of the heavenly **** bell to suppress the divine sword!

If there were no internal fights at that time, and if the Frozen Treasure of Dongfang Hongshan still existed, at this time, combining the Emperor's Bell and the Excalibur to fight against this **** Ran, it may not be possible to win! Now it's ... hey ... isn't it a pity? "

"Ah! Hey, that's a pity indeed!"


Hearing the words of the eternal demon, the demon beside him immediately sighed.

All the demons can see it all. This ancient proud sword and this **** Ran can still be regarded as a battle force, and if you add the strongest bombardment launched by the former emperor **** bell ...

It ’s just a pity that after that, both the Ice Hidden Treasure and Dongfang Hongshan have disappeared, and it is estimated that they have become gray at the same time.


In another void, Shi Feng, who had suffered a violent impact from the Emperor God Bell, had stopped.

At this time, Yun Yimeng came to Shi Feng and asked with concern: "Shi Feng, are you okay?"

"It's all right for the teacher!" Shi Feng shook his head and said.

The golden light spewing from the mouth of the Protoss was almost completely blocked by the Heavenly God's Bell. Only a small part of the force hit the body of Shi Feng.

However, Shi Feng's physical body was so abnormal and tough that even the Black Devil could be stopped. How could such attacks be done!

"It's okay!" Looking at Shi Feng is really nothing, and Yun Yimeng held it down slowly.

The Tiandi Shenzhong, which became larger in front of it, shrank again, and was again caught by Shi Feng in his hands.

Then, Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng looked at the battle in the void again. At this moment, Gu Ao's Excalibur had battled with Shen Ran and then furiously.

In that world, the golden light burst constantly, and the sword was full of energy! The violent roar continued!

"This protoss is so strong!" At this time, Yun Yimeng was full of solemn voices.

"Huh!" Although the protoss was an enemy, Shi Feng nodded in agreement after hearing Yun Yimeng's words, and said in a deep voice, "The real state of true god! This is the true power of true god!"

When it comes to the realm of true gods and the power of true gods, Shi Feng's face shows his yearning.

He Shifeng, although he has nine-star demigod combat power, but under the power of that true god, it is nothing!

Next, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to Yun Yimeng next to her, "Although your Yun family ’s Guao Excalibur is powerful, I already feel that he has shown fatigue after fighting against this protoss of the Protoss. State! It would be awful to go on like this. "

"Yes! The master is right!" He Yimeng nodded when he heard Shi Feng's words.

He has a mysterious connection with Gu Ao's Excalibur. What is his status at the moment?

Then he heard a sigh: "If you continue this way, I am afraid that the souls in this heavenly battlefield will be more ferocious and less viable. Now the true gods of the tribe come to commit crimes. How come those old guys have not yet appeared body!"

"These old guys?" When hearing Yun Yimeng, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, then turned his head and looked at him, and asked, "Who are you old guys? Listen to you Is this imprisoned world, and there are other true gods who can't do it? "

For Yun Yimeng, Shi Feng had a lot of doubts in his heart. Why did he appear in this imprisoned world?

And their proud sword of the proud sword village has disappeared countless years ago, why now appears in his hands!

Who are the old guys he said?

(End of this chapter)

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