Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1751: One sword in one

Chapter 1751: One Sword in One

"It is true that there are three old guys of our human race, but they are strong in the real state of God!" After hearing the question from the master Shi Feng, Yun Yimeng answered to him.

"There are still three true gods in the human race!" Shi Feng was surprised when he heard Yun Yimeng's answer.

Now that the animosity with the human race has completely ended, if the human race really has three true gods, then it will be more dangerous than that protoss.

As if she saw Shi Feng's concerns, Yun Yimeng said again: "The master doesn't have to worry. The old guys have some connection with my Wanjian Shanzhuang. They won't hit us because of the Dugu Nebula."

"Oh, there is something to do with your Wanjian Mountain Villa?" When hearing Yun Yimeng's words, Shi Feng's brows grew deeper and deeper, as if he had guessed something, and said, "Maybe you came to this imprisoned world, and you Regaining the ancient pride sword of your Wanjianshanzhuang is related to those old guys you said? "

"Well, that's right!" Yun Yimeng nodded. Followed by:

"A year ago, the son of the demon emperor led the demon army to invade my Wanjian Mountain Villa. In that battle, my Wanjian Mountain Villa was defeated! I saw with my own eyes that the members of the Yun family were continuously killed by the demon, even my brother Yun Yi Kong, I watched him with all eyes, tragic death under the joint attack of three monster clan generals!

The son of the demon emperor and the army of the demon tribe are very strong. In that battle, I thought that I was going to drink hate, but I never thought that the three old guys who were far away from the heavens and earth happened to work together to perform the operation of the mysterious space and drove me from Wanjian The villa was pulled directly into this imprisoned world, and I was lucky to escape the disaster! "

"Oh!" Upon hearing Yun Yimeng's remarks, Shi Feng said a light "Oh", and then said, "The reason why they use the power of space to pull you into this imprisoned world is what you just said. Say, their relationship with your Wanjianshanzhuang? "

"Huh!" Yun Yimeng nodded again and replied:

"This imprisoned heaven and earth is called the imprisoned heaven and earth because there is a large array of heaven and earth that imprisons the souls of this heaven and earth and prevents them from returning to Tianheng! In ancient times, this anti-sky was laid down The big battle is exactly one of my ancestors at the Wan family of Wanjian Mountain Villa! "

"Your ancestor of the Yun family!" At this moment, Shi Feng was startled again!

In this huge array, the endless years imprisoned the powerful creatures of the 21st family, and there are almost millions of creatures in each era! I didn't expect such a big hand, even one of the ancestors from Wanjia Mountain Villa Yun Family!

Unexpectedly, the Yun family had such a strong man! What a powerful existence it is!

"Hey!" At this moment, Yun Yimeng suddenly sighed and said, "Think about how powerful Wanjian Villa once was, but now Wanjian Villa has died from my Yunyi Dream. Hand, I am the owner of the Yun family, and I am ashamed of the ancestors of the Yun family! "

From Yun Yimeng's words, Shi Feng heard the sadness in it.

As the current owner of Wanjian Shanzhuang, Wanjian Shanzhuang is overthrown in his generation. He is watching the people in the family and watching the death of each of his close relatives. There is nothing more painful in this world.

"Ah!" At this time, Shi Feng also gave a deep sigh.

The monster emperor was beheaded and killed by himself that year, and the reason why Wanjian Villa was invaded by the army of the monster tribe was because Yun Yimeng was his disciple.

Speaking of which, the reason for the destruction of Wanjian Shanzhuang has great relevance to himself!

Although the army of the demon clan has been beheaded by his own army, and although the son of the demon emperor is desolate and has died in his own hands, the people of the Yun family still have a corpse!


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the distant void, the violent battle between Shen Ran and Gu Ao Sword continued.

Gu Ao's exquisite sword fluttered with both hands, and the dense flying swords flew to God Ran from all directions!

On God Ran's body, once again shone bright golden light, blocking the attack of Gu Ao's Excalibur, at the same time, a golden beam of light containing violent and powerful power erupted on the body, banging on Gu Ao!

"One sword in one! Cut!" At this time, Gu Ao's Excalibur was drinking coldly again. With his applause, the dense and dense flying swords gathered together, forming a huge unmatched Sword power!

Then with the movement of the sword of the Gourd Excalibur, from top to bottom, cut off fiercely!

"Boom!" I saw this huge and powerful sword, slamming into the body of God Ran, the shining golden light and the golden figure were instantly swallowed by the huge sword power of this sword!

"Knot ... is it over? Excalibur finally fired and killed this Protoss invader?"


When seeing the scene of the void, there was a voice of shouting from the soul, and the look of expectation appeared on several faces.

Today's ancient proud sword, but pinned on the expectations of the souls of all ethnic groups in the imprisoned world, ancient proud sword win, they can survive.

If the ancient proud sword is surrendered by that protoss, then under the powerful and cruel power of that protoss, they will all have to die!

"Oh!" At this time, the deafening sound of Zhongming resounded in this world.

With regard to the sound of Zhongming, the creatures of all races are already so familiar that they can no longer be familiar with it.

At this moment, the true God of War weapon Tiandi Shenzhong is as big as a golden hill, hovering above the huge sword power that devoured God Ran, and immediately followed, he heard a young cold drink: "Shock kill!"

At this time, the sentient beings saw the Heavenly Emperor's Bell above, and they stood proudly with a young figure wearing a black armor, with long hair like a mad monster swaying in the wind.

With the moment when the cold drink sounded, Shi Feng and Tiandi Shenzhong fell violently at the same time!

Shi Feng naturally knew that the protoss of the tribe would be so easy to be killed by the sword of Gu Ao. The three old guys mentioned by Yun Yimeng have never appeared, and they must shoot again!

I saw the Heavenly Emperor God Bell, and the violent shock entered the center of that huge sword power, and then passed through the sword power, and continued to fall violently towards the earth below!

"Gu Ao's Excalibur, enter the emperor's bell! Help my master to kill the protoss together!" And at this moment, a sip of Yun Yimeng came from the void not far away.

"Understand!" Hearing Yun Yimeng's applause, Gu Ao's magic sword instantly understood, his body moved fiercely, once again turned into a sword light, and shot down quickly, chasing the heavenly **** clock.

The Emperor God Bell has just fallen into a giant sword just now, covering the Protoss strong, but with the power of Shi Feng and the Emperor God Bell, the Protoss cannot be killed!

Immediately afterwards, they saw the ancient proud sword transformed into sword light, catching up with the violently falling heavenly **** clock, and then flashed into the heavenly **** clock!

And at the next moment, "Boom!" I saw the Heavenly Emperor God Bell, once again fell violently on the Tianjiao platform, and the earth shook violently again.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" At this moment, the stone maple above the Emperor's Heavenly God Bell issued a cold drink, his hands constantly changing the fingerprints, constantly urging the Heavenly God God's bell under his feet, and began to kill the gods inside the bell Ran!

(End of this chapter)

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