Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1752: Shi Feng went crazy!

Chapter 1752 Stone Maple Goes Mad!

"咚! 咚! 咚! 咚! 咚!"

"咚! 咚! 咚! 咚! 咚!"


On Tianjiao's platform, the Emperor God's Bell once again made a continuous and fierce roar.

In front of everyone's eyes, the sentient beings saw the Heavenly Emperor's Bell at the foot of Shi Feng, and they were shaking violently.

And they clearly saw that Shi Feng, who urged the Emperor God Zhongzhen to kill the protoss, had a very strenuous look on his face.

It seems that although Shi Feng worked with Gu Ao's Excalibur, it was still extremely difficult to kill the Protoss.

"Come on! Shi Feng! Must kill him!"

In the stands, there was a cry from the heart.

"Come on, Shi Feng!"

"This protoss is not dead, we all have to die! Shi Feng, we can't survive the millions of souls in the world, it's all up to you!"

"Shi Feng, kill him, you are the hero of our imprisonment!"


Hearing the shouts over there, Shi Feng was too lazy to pay attention to what heroes are not heroes, and those who live or die, have nothing to do with him.

He now fights only for himself. Only by killing this protoss, and his apprentice Yun Yimeng, can he live!

"Be sure to kill him!" At this moment, Shi Feng's hard face showed a fierce look, and his whole body was running fiercely, rushing to the Heavenly God's Bell!

The entire Heavenly Emperor's Bell, which was as big as a hill, trembled violently, as if it were about to burst.

"Not good!" At this moment, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly changed suddenly, and he gave out an extremely uneasy drink, "Oh!" Just listening to another extremely violent Zhongming.

With the sound of this loud noise, I saw the entire Bell of Heaven and God, suddenly flying into the sky with a strong force!

At this moment, Shi Feng's arrogant figure standing on the Heavenly God's Bell looked crooked, as if extremely unstable.

And just at the moment when Tiandi God Zhongfei rose, above the Tianjiao stage, the two strong figures appeared again.

Ancient proud sword and **** Ran!

Gu Ao's Excalibur, right now, clicked forward with one finger, just right on the right palm of Shen Ran, also covered with golden scales!

Faced with the god-strength **** Ran and the silver-haired long-haired ancient proud sword, the demon face was full of dignity.

On the other hand, God Ran's face covered with golden scales was sneered with scorn.

Then, when God Ran looked up, he stared up at the Heavenly Emperor's Bell, which was still flying upwards. He lifted his left hand into a claw, facing upwards, and said coldly: "It's you that's just the eye Grasshopper, this time, let the gods die! "

The voice of Shen Ran echoed between heaven and earth this time, followed by a strong divine power rising in his left paw, and the void above him suddenly turned into an extremely chaotic, extremely violent golden swirl!

The stone maple flying above the proud clock of Emperor Tiandi suddenly changed again. He suddenly fell into the chaotic and violent golden vortex. In all directions, a powerful force of destruction was moving towards him. His body was fierce.

"Ah!" Followed by a roar like a beast, sounded from Shi Feng's mouth, and saw Shi Feng's face became full of wry and twisted in this instant.

Confronting the surging divine power, Shi Feng uttered sternly: "Grasshopper? Grasshopper that obstructs the eyes!"

These words revealed by God Ran have completely stimulated Shi Feng! Shi Feng's body shuddered when he was fighting against the fierce divine power.

"Ah!" A roar like the fierce beast's anger roared again from Shi Feng's mouth, followed closely, only to hear him make a sudden roar: "Thunder! God of War!"

"Boom!" Just listening to an extremely violent sound of thunder, a strong dark magic thunder burst from Shi Feng's body, and a strong and violent momentum burst from Shi Feng's body. rising.

In the extreme state of Thunder God of War, Shi Feng again urged the **** of the heavens!

At this moment, the Emperor God Bell shone brightly again, bursting with great power, and trembling violently!

Under the powerful force of the Emperor God Bell shaking at this moment, this void golden vortex disappeared in an instant!

Heavenly Emperor Bell, once again shook down!

The stone maple above the proud clock of the Emperor Tiandi still kept the fierce look on his face, and yelled at the **** Ran below: "Ben shows you, who is the grasshopper!"

"Huh?" The golden vortex he launched was broken, and he felt the strong power that suddenly came from above. The sneer God Ran was originally on his face, his face changed immediately, and his brows frowned.

He looked up again and looked up, startled: "What's going on? Why is there such a sudden burst of power?"

"Huh!" But at this moment, a cold, cold humming sounded immediately from the front of his **** Ran: "Fight with your god, you dare to be distracted and seek death!"

Gu Ao's Excalibur spoke these words, and the condensed sword fingers fiercely clicked on the heart of this **** Ran, "Uh!" Followed closely, a cry of pain came from the mouth of this **** Ran issue.

The figure wearing the golden battle armor immediately flew out under the power of the ancient proud sword.

However, God Ran flew backwards, and the face of Gu Ao's Sword and Demon looked shocked. The finger just now condensed his extremely strong power and pierced the **** ’s golden armor. Into his heart.

But the sword of this finger can only make three points of meat! How tough is the physical body of this Protoss!

"Drink!" But at this moment, another yelled loudly.

Shi Feng, who was standing proudly above the Heavenly Gods Bell, now lifted the entire Heavenly Gods Bell like a hill, using both hands to lift it up, constantly spurring the mighty power of Thunder God of War, With the **** Ran upside-down, he smashed down fiercely!

"Oh!" The sound of fierce impact echoed, the space trembled, and it became extremely chaotic again!

"Ah!" Followed closely, after suffering a heavy blow from the **** Emperor Zhong Zhong, Ran shouted in pain again.

The golden figure, which had been flying upside down, was smashed wildly and fell to the Tianjiao platform.

"It's not dead yet! Tough physical body!" Sensing the situation of God at this moment, even the strong physical maple Shi Feng secretly exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng once again urged Tiandi Shenzhong with the Thunder God of War formula, then threw his hands down and threw Tiandi Shenzhong to God Ran!

Once, when Shi Feng was in the four-star demigod, she played the Thunder God of War, but her three breaths were in that strong state!

Today, Shi Feng enters the realm of six stars and demigods and can maintain eight breaths in a strong state!

At this moment thrown by the Heavenly God Bell, the eight breaths just passed!

(End of this chapter)

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