Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1761: I'll go there again!

Chapter 1761: I'm Going To Get Away Again!

Shi Feng and the ghostly body gradually sink into the cold water.

Tian Han Shen Shui, which is extremely overcast water, and violent overcast power, is violently rushing towards him.

However, the two of them repaired the extremely Yin force, and the extremely Yin force that came from all directions did not cause any discomfort.

Ghost charm still slightly bowed his head, like a little daughter's home like shame, occasionally raised, looked secretly at the person next to her.

At this moment, she only heard her shouting softly: "Great Emperor!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng answered softly, and looked at her again.

But then she heard her say softly to him: "Nothing, I just want to ... shout you."

He fell that year and thought that he would never see him again in this life.

And myself, I miss it day and night, ten years!

Not long after seeing him for more than ten years, he was sucked into the dark hollow again. After that, she always cared about his safety. After all, the Ji people had their own heaven, and he returned safely!

However, although he came back, during this time, although he always took himself with him, he never had the time to be alone.

In this way, only two people get along with him, there is only two people in the world.

At this moment, Xiao Tian and Yun Yimeng, who are still in the void above, have been ignored by ghosts, and she is the only one in her eyes at this moment.

"Oh!" After hearing the ghostly words, Shi Feng nodded and answered.

Since then, she has fought with the Quartet to wipe out powerful enemies. How can Shi Feng not understand her mind!

At this moment, Shi Feng sensed the cold water of the whole body and said to the ghost: "Take good care of your ghost body with this cold water of the day, it will be very good for you!"

"Hmm! Okay!" Ghost replied softly.

Then she felt the coldness of the whole body! Then, his hands formed a handprint, putting aside the previously messy thoughts.

Seeing the ghosts like this, Shi Feng also followed the handprints, letting go of his whole body, and his pores suddenly opened up! Immediately there was a force of devouring.



Above the stone maple and ghosts, there were two sounds of entering the water. Two of Shi Feng's disciples, Xiao Tian, ​​and Yun Yimeng also entered the cold water of Tianhan.

However, after entering, the two looked at the two figures in the water center below, and did not bother to disturb them.

Regarding the matter between the female ghost general and the master, their brothers and sisters have long heard about it, and the relationship between the two is not so ordinary.

The world is also more speculative about the relationship between the two. There was a book written by the more daring people, entitled "Ghosts Will Fall In Love With The Emperor"!


Followed by, Yun Yimeng and Xiao Tianyi also began to seal their hands, and the seals of the two were the inheritance of Jiuyou.

Then they also opened their pores and began to devour the cold water of this day! Wash the flesh with God Water inside and out!

And Xiao Tianyi, not only the physical body refining, under the cold water of the cold, he felt his soul instantly, but also in a cool and mysterious state like flying.

Obviously, this day's cold magic water has great benefits not only for the physical body but also for the soul of the living beings!

Feeling the sublimation of the soul, Xiao Tian couldn't help shouting at this moment: "It's worthy to call it Shenshui! Good mystery!"

Not only Xiao Tianyi, at this moment, the four people in the cold water of the sky have all sensed the extraordinaryness of this magic water!

Tian Han Shen Shui is worthy of Tian Han Shen Shui! It is indeed a treasure that the powerful creatures of the twenty-first group desire!

Even those who have stepped into the realm of nine stars and demigods want to get it.

Then, I saw a sword flashing in front of Yun Yimeng, and a seemingly ordinary sword appeared. At this time, Yun Yimeng heard the voice of Shi Feng below: "Shi Feng ..."

"Well, it's okay! Let your sword wash together!"

When Gu Ao's Excalibur appeared, it was in Shi Feng ’s soul induction. When Yun Yi Meng passed down, Shi Feng knew what he was going to say, so he directly transmitted the voice and answered Yun Yi. dream!

This magic sword is the sword of Yun Yi Meng. If the ancient proud sword can gain benefits and become stronger in the cold water of this day, then it is equivalent to Yun Yi Meng becoming stronger!

"Thank you, Master!" After receiving the words from Shi Feng, Yun Yimeng thanked the master, followed by a low drink in front of him: "Guao Excalibur!"

Suddenly, Gu Ao's Excalibur turned into that demon youth with long silver hair again!

At the moment of the incarnation of Gu Ao's Sword, Xiao Tian beside him was shocked!

As a sorcerer, he naturally understands how difficult it is to transform a sword monster into a human shape.

Even his top master of the Tianheng continent had doubted that in this world, there is no weapon demon!

At this moment, he has confirmed his suspicion that the sword in the hands of his six division brothers has become a demon!

"Sword, how long does it take to become a demon?" Xiao Tian also murmured secretly.

Immediately after that, he suddenly remembered the title that Yun Yimeng had just given to this sword, Gu Ao Excalibur!

"Yun's Guao Excalibur! Is this the Yunjia's Guao Excalibur?" As a sorcerer, Xiao Tian is also better than Shi Feng about the exoskeleton sword that Yun family once rumored. understand more.

Wanjian Villa, formerly known as Aojian Villa, Xiao Tian also obtained a handbook from the ancient craftsman. In the handbook, the master of the ancient craftsman's evaluation of the ancient sword of Yunjia Very high, call it the well-deserved Tianheng artifact!


After the incarnation, the ancient proud sword, together with everyone, began to devour the cold water of this day!

Time passed slowly, but immediately followed, a strange power emerged in the cold water of the gods, and everyone's eyes gathered at this moment to the dark figure!

It was Shi Feng who produced that strange power!

When Shi Feng was in the arrogant battlefield, she washed the flesh with golden blood and the power of the flesh. At that time, she had reached the peak of Samsung Demigod!

And at this moment, under the smelting of Tianhan Shenshui, his physical body is about to break through a stronger state!

Immediately afterwards, she saw Shi Feng's body suddenly move, straight up!

"Great Emperor!"


Seeing that Shi Feng suddenly moved, ghosts and Xiao Tian also shouted.

Immediately after, this heaven and earth echoed the voice of Shi Feng: "My flesh is about to break through, and you continue to wash here with the cold water of heaven, I will go to the thunder mine and go back!"

Although Shi Feng said so lightly, after hearing his words, several of them were suddenly shocked!



"Suddenly, going to cross again?"

At this time, even the eyes of the ancient proud sword that had closed both eyes were opened.

The dark mad thunder that previously connected the heavens and the earth, the ancient proud sword is still fresh in memory!

But he didn't expect that he was going to cross again!

"Breaking through martial arts, looting thunder from heaven! Will this physical breakthrough break down looting thunder again? This is a heaven-breaking man who even ca n’t wait to destroy him!"

(End of this chapter)

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