Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1762: Bury the hatchet

Chapter 1762 Released the suspect

After Shi Feng rushed out of the Refining God's Pool, her body kept moving sharply. Since she was going to cross the thunder, she would naturally be far away from the Refining God's Pool!

Today's Shi Feng, the martial arts status has reached the seven-star demigod, in which he devoured the death force of the **** tribe God Ran, and the remaining death force and blood in the previous blood stone monument, the energy of the abnormal Dantian has arrived Five tenths!

And when Shi Feng was in the state of six-star demigod, he had nine-star demigod power. Now that he has entered the seven-star demigod, his combat power has reached at least the peak of nine-star demigod!

Today, if he urges Tiandi Shenzhong again, he should be able to fight against Gu Ao Shen Jian!

If you use the Thunder God of War skill, you can cause a violent bombardment of nine breaths to the sword of Gu Ao!

However, after the Thunder God of War formula, if the nine breaths did not defeat the Guao Excalibur, he would completely lose his combat power!

At this time, Shi Feng, who was in a rapid and transient movement in the void, suddenly stopped and stopped.

Looking back at the direction of the Shenchi Lake, Shi Feng murmured, "Here it's almost!"

Immediately afterwards, she saw Shi Feng's figure startled!

In a sense, martial arts is connected with the flesh. Shi Feng's strength is now strong, and with his peerless and innate talent, as long as the physical strength reaches, the breakthrough from the Samsung demigod to the four-star demigod is just a breeze!

Soon after, I saw that the world began to change greatly, fainted, the wind was violent, and a huge black vortex appeared in the void!

"Boom!" Not long after that, a thunder burst out loud!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Earthquakes!


Cleanse the pond!

Although Shi Feng was far away, at this moment, the entire smelting divine pond continued to quake, causing the cold water in the sky to begin to boil.





At this time, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, Ghost, and Gu Ao's Excalibur opened their eyes again, looked up, and looked in the direction of the news.

I saw the charming and enchanting face of ghosts, full of worry.

"No, I'm going to find the emperor!"

Induced by the turbulent world, the ghost at this moment couldn't calm down to practice at all. His body suddenly moved, followed by straight up, into the void, and then quickly moved to the place where the energy came.

"Master Xiao, the last time I saw the dark robbery mine, I have gained something, I will go and see your demon master Dudu robbery!" At this time, Gu Ao's Excalibur also said, and dreamed to Yun Yi.

"Good!" Yun Yimeng nodded.

Before the words fell, I saw the demon silver youth Gu Ao's Excalibur. His body also moved, soaring into the sky like a sword, turned into a sword light and moved quickly, and flew towards the direction of the ghost.

"Ye?" Yun Yimeng and Xiao Tian did not leave, at this time, Yun Yimeng looked at Xiao Tianyi, and suddenly issued a frivolous, he sensed Xiao Tianyi's situation at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, she saw that Yun Yi Meng was full of joy and smiled at Xiao Tian; "Fifth Brother, the power of your soul has also entered the one-star demigod! It is really gratifying!"

"Hehe." Xiao Tianyi grinned when he heard Yun Yimeng's words, saying:

"Under the guidance of the master, the power of my soul was on the verge of breakthrough earlier, but during this time, I have been comprehending the technique of sacred practice, which has been delayed. At this moment under this magical water, it is natural. It's natural! "

"What a great thing!" Yun Yimeng smiled at Xiao Tianyi and nodded.

Xiao Tianyi's face still had that smile on his face, but at this moment, just listening to his words suddenly turned and asked Yun Yimeng: "Six masters, what happened in that year, I wonder if you can still be attentive on?"

"That year!" After hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Yun Yimeng's brow suddenly moved and he followed, and he understood what Xiao Tianyi said about the year and what happened!

He shook his head with a smile and said:

"In that year, I have let go of my brother, I haven't blame my brother for a long time. Brother, you haven't let it go after so many years."

"Ah!" Xiao Tian also sighed hard when he heard Yun Yimeng say, "It is indeed me, I am sorry for your brother!"

"Actually, I should apologize to my brother!" Yun Yimeng said, "I was out of control for a while, and my words were a little bit heavy! How could my five brothers be like that! Brother, you Don't keep it in your heart. "

"Hehe! Brother, how can I remember it in my heart!" Xiao Tian also said with a smile when he heard Yun Yimeng's words.

Listening to the words of the two brothers, it seems that they had some unpleasant incidents and misunderstandings.

However, after two years, the two met again, and to say the least, they have completely relieved the suspicion!

"Let's go and see Master Du Jie!"

"Okay! Go!"

Immediately after that, Xiao Tian and Yun Yimeng also flew out of this sacred pond and hurried away to the roaring and violent place.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Between heaven and earth, there is another violent demon that connects heaven and earth, which makes the heavens and earth shake violently, and the roar continues!

In the distant void, Gu Ao's sword stands proud, his face is serious, his eyes are gazing!

Earlier learned from the words of the ancient proud sword and Yun Yimeng, he had previously learned from Shi Fengna's extermination thunderstorm!

Not far from the Gourmet Excalibur, the female ghost will be ghostly, and the worry over her face is getting worse.

This is the first time she has seen Shi Fengdu Robbery with her own eyes. Under such a powerful and violent magic thunder, if it is replaced with her, it is estimated that it will be wiped out in an instant.

And that man was at the very center of such a crazy thunder!

"Great Emperor!" Ghost charm, shouting these two words again and again, her fists pinched extremely tightly. At this moment, she was naturally tense, and secretly prayed in her heart.

"He must be fine!"

At this time, Yun Yimeng and Xiao Tian have also arrived. They are also in shape, keeping a certain distance from the crazy land, staring at the dark demon that connects the heavens and the earth and has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. mine!

Yun Yimeng is okay. Before in the battlefield of Tianjiao, I had seen Shi Fengdu Jie, and the magic thunder was more violent than the current magic thunder!

However, after Xiao Tian also saw Mo Lei, his face was full of fear and shock.

Originally in his subconscious, the master thundered and thundered, almost like the second brother Mo Xiaoyao, and should be a little bit worse than the second brother.

See it with your own eyes, this! More than just a little bit! It's a world apart!

Compared with this dark mad thunder, the thunderbolt of the second elder brother is like a child playing house.

Seeing the shock, shock, and anxiety that Xiao Tianyi showed on his face, Yun Yimeng said, "Brother, don't worry, I've already seen the master cross the robbery. Countless times!

That master of mines was carried by our master. This time, mines are nothing for his pervert! "

"Master's previous thunderstorms are countless times more powerful than this?" When Xiao Tian also heard Yun Yimeng's words, his face was even more shocked!

(The new year of 2017 is here. Jie Li is here to wish you a Happy New Year, good health and good luck! Thank you for accompanying Jie Li along the way, so that Jie Li will not be lonely on the way of code! Thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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