Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1783: Are you really Emperor Jiuyou?

Chapter 1783: Are You Really The Nine You Emperor?

In the scene at hand, Shanshan couldn't believe it was true!

It is said that the Emperor Tianyao is rumored to be the power of the Eight-Star Emperor Wudi. It is only one step away from the world's strongest Jiuxing Wudi. In their southern region, waving their hands can control the life and death of billions of souls!

What an existence like that, how could she kneel down to her!

Now, in this scene, what is this extraordinary kneeling man who is not a dreamer?

But then, Shan Shan's gaze finally swept the familiar young man beside him, and then he exclaimed again:

"Well? You, why did you show up in my dream too! It's weird to have this dream today. It's a dream, but it feels so real."

After hearing the young girl's words, Shi Feng said to her, "You are not dreaming!"

But the girl was still unbelieving, saying, "I'm not dreaming? How is this possible!"

How could such a shocking scene not be a dream for her? The kneeling man, but the Empress Tianyao! How could the Tianyao Empress, a strong generation of Lu Nanyu, kneel at someone? And yes ...

"No, this Empress Yao is not kneeling at herself, it seems to him ..."

At this moment, the girl named Shan Shan suddenly realized something, and then looked at the kneeling Tianyao Empress, and then the white young man.

"Goddess of Heaven Yao, well ... seems to be kneeling at him ...?"

Thinking of this, Shanshan moved her right hand and pinched her thigh. "Ouch", and immediately rang from the girl's mouth. At this moment, the girl Shanshan's eyes were stunned. As if he's gone, exclaimed loudly:

"It hurts! It hurts! I ... I ... I actually ... I'm not dreaming! But ... But ... But how is this possible!"

At this time, Shi Feng said, "Since you and I met in the forbidden area of ​​death, we have an adventure together, and this is considered a fate. Bendi, I will give you a good fortune! Who can you recognize?

In shock, Shanshan followed Shi Feng's fingers, looked at the person in front, and asked, "Who ... who?"

It seems that although Shan Shan came from the southern region, although he knew the eight-star Wu Emperor Tianyao Empress, she did not know the Holy Lord of Fengmi Holy Land.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth and said to Fengfeng, "You can introduce him yourself."

"Yes, my emperor!" When Feng Feng said this, Feng Yan immediately responded with respect.

Then, the wind spoke humblely to Shan Shan, and said, "Girl, here is the holy place of the wind, the wind!"

"Wind ... Feng Mi Holy Land! Lord of Feng Mi Holy Land! Wind words!" When hearing "Feng Mi Holy Land" and wind words, Shan Shan was shocked again, shocked to add nothing!

Although she doesn't know the person in front of her, she has heard of it since she is a person from the Southern Region, behemoths such as Feng Mi Holy Land, and the famous Peerless Lord.

At this moment, I did not expect that such characters as Feng Yan could even speak to such humility!

This made her wonder again for a while, was she really dreaming? However, I just stung my thigh and it really hurts!

At this moment, I'm really not dreaming!

With the Tianyao Emperor who still respected her knees at this time, Shanshan did not doubt the identity of the one in front of her!

And the man in front of him is so humble to himself, Shanshan also understands himself, all because of the person beside him!

Moreover, Feng Yan, the Lord of the Holy Land just now, seems to respectfully call this person next to him "My Emperor"?

The well-known Fengmi Holy Land Holy Lord, as if his courtier?

Not only the Lord of the Winds, the Holy Land, but also the Emperor Tianyao, all the magnificent people in this hall are all his subjects.

"He ... he ... who the **** is ...?" At this time, Shanshan really realized that the person beside him who once called himself Shi Feng was terrible!

"You ... you ... who the **** are you?" Shanshan said to Shi Feng again, asking with a trembling voice.

"Not long ago, I should have told you my identity," Shi Feng said.

"Shi Feng?" Shan Shan murmured these two words, and immediately followed, a majestic name appeared in Shan Shan's mind: "Nine ... Nine You ... Big ... Emperor? You, you ... Are you really, Emperor Jiuyou? "

Not long ago, Shi Feng entered the blood stone monument space, and a word said to the girl echoed in her mind: "Shi Feng, just one of my names. You can also call me ghostly."

Nine You Emperor Nether! The world's first strongest! The girl couldn't think of anyone else in this world who could make the Emperor Tianyao kneel and the Lord of the Winds Holy Land in addition to the ghost of the Nine You Emperor!

Hearing the young girl's words, Shi Feng asked her, "Will the emperor lie to you?"

Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth to Shan Shan and said, "I was in the forbidden area. You said to the emperor, you come from the southern region, you have to do something, no matter what danger is ahead, you To continue, never back!

At that time, the emperor saw the obsession in your heart, and it was him who created this fortune! "

When it comes to the last sentence, Shi Feng's hand points to the wind saying of the Fengmi Holy Land!

"He?" And when she heard Shi Feng's words, she saw Shi Feng pointing at Feng Yan, Shan Shan's face was full of suspicion, unknown why.

Then, just listening to Shi Feng again, he said, "After you return to the Southern Territory with him, let him talk and do one thing for you! No matter what!"

"Ah!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the girl immediately opened her eyes and opened her mouth involuntarily, making a "ah" sound.

"The Lord of the Winds Holy Land does one thing for me, no matter what!"

"The Lord of the Winds Holy Land does one thing for me!"

Shan Shan's mouth kept whispering the words, "I ... I ... I ... if ..."

Seeing Shanshan like this, Shi Feng frowned slightly and asked her, "Why, are you dissatisfied?"

"No!" Shan Shan responded from extreme surprise at Shi Feng's words, and shook her head at Shi Feng, and said to Shi Feng excitedly:

"No, no! I am very satisfied! Very satisfied! If the Lord of the Wind can really do that for the little girl! In this life, the little girl is willing to be a cow and a horse to repay your gratitude!" When speaking the last sentence Shan Shan looked forward to Fengyan with anticipation and longing, as if waiting for Feng Yan's answer.

Then, after listening to the wind, he said humbly to Shanshan: "The girl is polite! Since my emperor ordered me to do one thing for the girl, then the wind, even if it ’s going up the knife mountain and going down the volcano, it is sure Whatever it takes, as far as repay, the rhetoric is afraid to be taken! "

Joke, what the ruthless man told him to do, he said, how dare you expect to repay!

(End of this chapter)

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