Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1784: Get ready early!

Chapter 1784: Early Preparation!

Hearing the words of the wind, at this moment, the young girl Shanshan moved towards Shi Fengjiao's body, and fell down on him directly: "The Great! Thank you the Great! The grace of the Great, Shanshan has no teeth in this life! Wherever there is a need, Shanshan will not hesitate to go to the soup! "

On that day, he took a risk and entered the forbidden area of ​​death in that dangerous place. Shanshan was just to get an opportunity to return to the **** sea from the death forbidden area!

However, I did not expect that this opportunity is not a higher-order mystery, not a higher-order miracle, a higher-order work method, but this person!

Shanshan really didn't expect that the opportunity that he sought at all costs, from the moment he stepped into the forbidden land of death, was beside him!

"The Lord of Wind and Words returned to the Southern Region with me! Promise me to accomplish one thing! I ... my blood is in deep hatred ... finally ... finally! I can report it! That beast ... Dad! Mother! Sister! It's finally time to rest! "

At this moment, Shanshan roared with excitement in her heart.

"Well, you don't have to be like this, get up!" After hearing Shan Shan's words and seeing Shan Shan kneeling, Shi Feng said:

"I just see that you and I are destined, so I will help you end this obsession in mind. As for retribution, I never thought of what you want to repay, if I have something, you can't help at all!"

"This ..." Shanshan didn't know what to say when she heard Shi Feng's last sentence so direct!

But think about it, it is true!

In front of this person, it is estimated that it is no different from the ants. Even the Emperor Tianyao kneeled at him, and even the Lord of the Wind obeyed him. How can he help him? !!

Seeing Mai Shanshan still not kneeling, at this moment, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said, "Well, get up quickly, go back to Nanyu early and complete the obsession in your heart."

"Thank you for the grace of the emperor! In any case, Shanshan will never forget this kindness of the emperor forever!" Shanshan sang softly at Shi Feng. After drinking, Shanshan slowly stood up.

At this time, Shi Feng said to Feng Yan and Shan Shan again, "Okay, you can go now."

When he heard Shi Feng's words, his words moved slightly, his hands quickly clenched his fists, and he bowed to Shi Feng, saying goodbye: "Farewell to my emperor! Long live my emperor!

Although this ruthless man announced in this hall of the Holy Dragon to become the lord of the Tianheng continent, he did not kill these people, but Feng Yan still wanted to leave here.

Here, I always feel my life in the hands of others! This feeling is naturally uncomfortable for his rumors.

What's more, it's usually his rumors that control the life and death of others!

At this time, Shan Shan also learned the style of the wind, holding his fists and bowing, and said goodbye to Shi Feng: "Long live the great live long live! Little girl, retire!"


Then, with one eye to gaze, people saw the two and slowly left the Holy Dragon Hall.

Since it was Shi Feng who asked them to withdraw, the nine magical arrays that Shi Feng was covering would naturally not block them. Soon, the two disappeared into the sight of everyone.

At this time, the kneeling Beiming Baishu suddenly spoke softly and asked Xiang Feng: "Uncle, can you leave now?"

Bei Mingquan's father, Bei Mingquan, although he was much older than You Ning, but on seniority, at that time he was also talking about the strong men of the same generation.

After seeing this powerful man now, Bei Mingbaishu called him "uncle".

A middle-aged man is calling a young man an uncle! And this Beiming Baishu shouted very smoothly.

Regarding "Uncle", Shi Feng didn't care much about it. He looked away and swept the people kneeling in the hall of Shenglong, and said, "Well, you all get up and step back!"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, one by one, his spirits immediately rose, and he quickly shouted, "Thank you Emperor!"

"Thank you Emperor!"

"Thank you Emperor!"


The shouting voice resounded in this holy dragon hall. Then, these people got up and shouted again: "Farewell to my emperor! Long live my emperor!


Then, these people exited the Holy Dragon Hall in order.

Soon after, in the Holy Dragon Hall, there were only three people: Shi Feng, Shi Ling, and Xiao Tianyi.

At this time, the figures of Shi Ling and Xiao Tianyi followed, slowly falling in front of Shi Feng. Before landing, Shi Ling shouted to the person in front of him: "Brother!"

Looking at the stone spirit in front of her, Shi Feng showed her apology to her face and said, "Girl, brother is late, and you and your mother are suffering here."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Shi Ling shook her head and said, "Linger is not bitter!"

Then, Shi Ling said again, "Linger knew that Brother would come here and get Linger back! Shi Ling and his mother have been waiting for each other. Brother, it really came today."

At the end, the girl smiled sweetly at her brother Shi Fengzhan.

Looking at this innocent smiley face, Shi Feng also smiled and said, "Girl, brother will naturally come to pick you up, no matter where you are, even in the ends of the earth, brother will find you and take you back."

"Hee hee!" When she heard Shi Feng's words, the girl Shi Ling smiled more happily, smiling like a flower.

At this moment, Xiao Tian next to Shi Ling also spoke softly and asked Shi Feng: "Master, how do these people in the Master Guild?"

"The Guild of Craftsmen?" Upon hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Shi Feng murmured these five words gently.

Afterwards, Shi Feng said,

"Our Tianheng continent is becoming more and more scarce. It ’s a pity to kill them! However, now that I am the master of the Tianheng continent, all the creatures of the Tianheng continent, whoever follows me and perverts against me, die. The Cultists Guild is no exception! "

Talking about it, Shi Feng's eyes gathered on Xiao Tianyi's body, as if he suddenly thought of something, saying: "Let's do it! From now on, the world's first master of the arts and crafts will be your first in the world. Master Master! "

"I am the master of the world's arts and crafts?" Xiao Tianyi whispered Shi Feng's words, then nodded slowly to Shi Feng, and said, "This is all right!"

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded, and said, "From now on, you will be in the Guild of Craftsmen and Cultivators, and choose the people who can be cultivated. As a teacher, you will also need to choose the available martial arts genius in Tianheng Continent. !!

Although being a teacher is the first power of Tianheng continent, even today, although we have announced that we have become the master of Tianheng continent, our road to the future is still very long! For our own life and death, and for all the souls of Tianheng continent, we should also prepare early! "

Listening to Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tianyi's mind naturally emerged with two words: "Protoss!"

(End of this chapter)

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