Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1785: World events!

Chapter 1785: World Events!


During this time, Xiao Tian also heard the master Shi Feng and told him about the Protoss!

That is a powerful race, that is a race that invades all continents!

It is said that if the Tianheng continent had not imprisoned heaven and earth, it would have already suffered the aggression of that protoss.

And if under the aggression of a powerful protoss, maybe all the creatures in Tianheng's continent will either become corpses or become slaves of this protoss!

So, to survive! For Tianheng continent! Shi Feng must prepare early. Only with strong power and gathering powerful power can he fight against the protoss!

In addition, Shi Feng is going to return to the Manghuang continent again. In addition to the settlement of the Manghuang continent, she also wants to unite the powerful forces in the Mangling continent to compete against that protoss!

If possible, Shi Feng also wants to travel to other unknown continents! United Powers!

If this protoss is immortal, every tribe will be uneasy!

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth to Xiao Tian and said, "Tianyi, during this time, you will stay in the Holy Dragon City and start ordering the world magician!"

"Well, good!" Xiao Tian nodded after hearing Shi Feng's words.

Today's Xiao Tianyi, as the world's first master practitioner, has more prestige than any master practitioner in the world!

But if prestige is useless, Xiao Tianyi's soul power, but in the realm of two stars and demigods, if the world's magician who dares to disobey, forcefully suppress it!

Then, Shi Feng bowed his head slightly, looked at the little fellow Shi Ling, and said, "Linger, you and your mother will stay in this holy dragon city in the future! Here, it is much safer than the Yunlai Empire!"

In the future, Xiao Tian will also sit in Shenglong City, which is naturally safer than the Yunlai Empire.

The warrior under the demigod, as long as he also thought of Xiao Tian, ​​he could directly shake the other soul!

In addition to safety, the Holy Dragon City also has a continuous stream of training materials for Shiling to practice!

This is the holy dragon city, where is the General Guild of Masters of Scenic Techniques, there is no shortage of elixir or training materials.

Therefore, this Holy Dragon City is indeed a very suitable place for stone spirits.

"So, brother, how about you?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, the little girl had realized that the brother who had just met for a long time should leave again.

"I am going to return to the Yunlai Empire and go to the desert in the northwest." Shi Feng replied.

Shi Feng naturally did not forget that the snake-human girl still in the blood stone monument, Ziya.

When Shi Feng returned to the Yunlai empire last time, the little girl of the Snake race was now in a strange state of cultivation. Therefore, Shi Feng did not disturb her.

Now Shi Feng has a feeling that it should not be long before this girl can wake up.

Early on in the wild continent, Shi Feng felt the homesickness of this girl. She thought that her relatives and her people should now send her home.

After hearing Shi Feng's words, little girl Shi Ling revealed a look of sadness and said to Shi Feng:

"Brother, can you stay here in Shenglong City for a few more days and spend more time with me and your mother. Do you know? After the last time you left, my mother thought about you every day, and I thought about you every day. Say you Why didn't you come back? "

"Mother! Hey!" Shi Feng sighed softly when she heard Shi Ling's words.

In this world, it is really too little time for these two loved ones to spend time with them.

But there is no way, since the moment of awakening the memories of previous lives, these are doomed!

Looking at the younger and taller sister now, looking at the longing eyes in her big eyes, Shi Feng touched her head and said, "Brother is in Shenglong City, and I will play with you Ten days! After ten days, Brother will set off again! "

"Eh! Good! My brother is the best!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Shi Ling smiled again.

So, Shi Feng stayed in this holy dragon city for ten days!

In these ten days, the holy dragon city is known to all cities. The first strongest person in the world, Jiuyou Emperor, came to the holy dragon city and killed the master of the holy dragon city and the president of the General Society of Spellcraft Yin Wuji. Chairman Ou Yunlong, and one Emperor Wudi, Shu Yan!

All the forces in the Holy Dragon City have bowed their heads!

Today's Lord of the Dragon City, and today's Master of the Guild of Guild Masters, is the disciple of Emperor Jiuyou, the world's first master master of kungfu, Xiao Tianyi!

Masters in the world, all listen to Master Xiao Tianyi's order!


Over the past ten days, the change of the Holy Dragon City has swept across Tianheng mainland like a gale.

And a major event that shocked the world is also known to the world!

Emperor Jiuyou, the world's first strongest returning, announced in the Holy Dragon Hall that from now on, he is the master of the world!

His ghostly order is destiny!

In the Tianheng continent, there are endless years of strife between the heroes. Under the endless years, there is no longer a world co-owner!

It was not expected that Emperor Jiuyou, now announced to the world!


"The Great Emperor Jiuyou, the first strongest man in the world, and 34 nine-star Peerless Emperor Wuxing, were all killed by him. Who would dare to stand against him in this world?"

"Yeah! Even the Holy Dragon City has changed hands, and even the Ling family and Qiankun Holy Land have become history. Unless there is no one who does not want to live, otherwise, no one dares to challenge the supreme authority of his Nine You Emperor! "

"The Lord of the World, Emperor Jiuyou!"

"His order from Emperor Jiuyou is destiny!"


The Eastern Region, the Yunlai Empire, a small border town near the desert in the northwest, and the Western Desert City!

In a seemingly dilapidated tavern, at this moment it is lively and full of people.

And most people in the tavern are talking about today's world events!

"Shi Feng! That ’s the God of War in the Yunlai Empire! Not to mention the Yunlai Empire, even in our entire Eastern Region, it is invincible! Once we have an extraordinary emperor in the Eastern Region, dare to peep at our fiancee of God of War, Not yet died in the hands of our God of War! "

"Yeah! This time our God of War is even more terrible! What is he worth in the Holy Dragon City, and his General Masters Guild! What God of War is offended, his Holy Dragon City is not reduced to ruins what!"

"Our Yunlai empire has been rumored for a long time. Our God of War, Shi Feng, is a descendant of Jiuyou. It is said that God of War is most likely a disciple of the King of Death or the King of Runaway!

And this time, the Holy Dragon City was so short-sighted that it dared to capture the relatives of our God of War. As a result, our God of War directly found his master ancestor Jiuyou Emperor, and Jiuyou Emperor and our God of War came to his Holy Dragon City and let him make friends.

The results of it? As a result, even if he was delivered to the Holy Dragon City, the chairman and vice chairman of the president of the Master Spell Master, and even the one who captured our relatives of God of War, would inevitably die! "

"Yeah, Emperor Jiuyou, it's a well-known guardian! If anyone in this world dares to offend the emperor, then according to the emperor's words:

Just die. "


(End of this chapter)

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