Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1786: Admirer of Ares

Chapter 1786: Admirer Of The God Of War

"Shi Feng, the God of War! The disciple of Emperor Jiuyou! Then, people of our empire! In the future, depending on which country, dare to stalk wild in our Yunlai empire!"


In the tavern, when one talked about the God of War, Shi Feng, one's face was proud.

This is the pride of the people of Yunlai Empire!


"Xihuangcheng, I didn't expect that after so many years, I am back here again." Among the inconspicuous corners of the tavern, a young man in a black robe, while listening to the noise of the tavern, Drinking wine in a glass, sandwiching the dishes on the table.

He is naturally Shi Feng!

Shi Feng still remembers that in the past few years, he was chased by all forces in the Yunlai Empire and fled to the west desert city. At that time, his martial arts realm seemed to be only in the realm of martial arts.

"I don't know if this Changzunqing is still in this northwestern Mobei." Shi Feng murmured again after entering a glass of wine.

That year, he was also in this northwest, and met the northwest desert king Changzunqing, and also in this northwest, killed the three main gates headed by the Tianfengzong.

In the end, he led the army in the northwest, killed the imperial city, and defeated the tyrant Long Ao!

In this northwest, in the desert in the northwest, there are many memorable stories.

After another glass of wine, Shi Feng put the glass on the table and shouted, "Little two, checkout!"

After speaking, Shi Feng dropped a yuan stone on this wine table.

"Good class!" Hearing the "checkout" sound, even the busy second person came here immediately, but at this time, Shi Feng had stood up and walked between the crowd and the wine tables .

"Well? Who is this person? Is it from a foreign country? Why does it look familiar? It seems to have been seen?" A young man who was bragging with everyone on the table saw the black figure from his side. As I walked by, looking at the young side face, I suddenly frowned.

Then, his eyes gazed at the distant back.

"God of War Stone Maple ..."

And at this moment, a short word came into the man's ear not far away, and the man was suddenly surprised and exclaimed loudly: "Ah! He! It's him! It's him! God of War! "

But at this moment, the black figure had already reached the door of the tavern, and everyone at the table saw the man suddenly got up somehow.

Then, with that excited heart, he ran towards the door of the tavern.

Every city in the Yunlai Empire has lifelike statues of war. Although this deserted city is a border city, it is no exception.

This young man, a few years ago, was an admirer of the God of War, so when he saw the side face just now, he was startled and felt like he had seen this person somewhere.

And at this time, the black figure had pushed the door out of the tavern.

After three breaths, the chasing young man immediately ran out of the tavern and came to the street that looked somewhat desolate and broken.

In the street, there are only sparse figures, walking.

"What about people? People? Why are they missing? Why are they missing!" Although there were seven or eight people walking on the street, the black figure had disappeared.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind the young man: "What's the matter, melon! You suddenly rushed out to do what? What happened?"

After hearing that voice, the young man called Winter Melon turned around and looked at the person.

The visitor is exactly the partner who was drinking with him at the table! After seeing this partner, Winter Melon said in a panic: "Zhang Meng, guess, guess who I saw just now? Guess what?"

The man named Zhang Mu frowned when he heard the words of the melon and said, "Well? Who? Who do you see and how can I guess, I don't necessarily know."

"Know! You must also know!" At this moment, Winter Melon was full of firmness and excitement, and said, "God of War! It is Shi Feng, the God of War! I saw it, I just saw him, really!"

"God of War! Shi Feng! You! You're not mistaken!" When you heard this melon, even the scene changed dramatically.

It is this name and name, it is so shocking!

"Yes! It's him! It must be him! Lord God of War! How could I read this wrong!" When Donggua said these words, he slowly turned his head and looked at the tallest building in Xihuangcheng, God of War!

A huge statue of war, wearing a dark black armor, stands in the center of Xihuangcheng, with a cold face, looking down at the city, as if looking down at the whole world!


For those episodes, Shi Feng after leaving the tavern is naturally unknown.

As soon as Shi Feng left the tavern, his shape was a flash, and he quickly moved outside the west desert city, so after the young man named "Winter Melon" chased out of the tavern, how could he see the **** of war he worshiped.

Under the rapidity of Shi Feng, but a few breaths, it has flashed out of this deserted city in the northwest. Soon after, Shi Feng entered the desert.

The hot sun shines on this heaven and earth, and the hot heat makes the space of this heaven and earth somewhat distorted.

The vast expanse of sand looks golden and dazzling.

After entering the desert, Shi Feng didn't stop his swift body, and moved forward rapidly. As for what heat and high temperature, for him, it was no different from ordinary temperature.

According to memory, Shi Feng has been moving in the direction of the Serpent Terrain.

"Huh? There's motion!" But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly made a sound of surprise, shouting "There's motion!"

The "movement" in his mouth is the movement in his blood stele space.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Shi Feng's rushing figure paused in the midst of the endless desert air.

At this time, I saw that Shi Feng's hands had already formed an ancient mysterious handprint. Under this handprint of Shi Feng, the temperature within ten meters of the circle suddenly dropped, and even the light soon became dark. Come down, the wind is blowing!

In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng lay a line of Jiuyou enchantment in this little world!

After doing this, I saw Shi Feng's body, and a **** light shone. The next moment, the black figure disappeared into the nine enchanted enchantments, leaving only a small blood of the size of a finger Stele, suspended in silence.

Inside the blood stone tablet, a seemingly endless void, a four-headed snake lying on its feet, with four huge snake heads lowered, as if sleeping.

At this moment, the four big eyes like lanterns suddenly opened at the same time and stared forward.

Ahead, the **** light of the monster fell, the black figure appeared, and Shi Feng arrived!

But Shi Feng did not go to see the four big snakes, but looked down at them!

(End of this chapter)

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