Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1799: I want to kill you, you have no chance to speak!

Chapter 1799 I Want To Kill You, You Have No Chance To Speak!

Shi Feng's body moved forward sharply, always alert to the imminent danger of coming. Soon, the huge Heavenly Emperor's Bell penetrated into the boundary stone, and the next moment, Shi Feng's body also entered the boundary stone!

Suddenly, Shi Feng only felt that the world in front of him had become a dark, black world, full of mysterious and mysterious space.

But in an instant, the darkness receded from Shi Feng's eyes, and the world became bright again!

The first thing to come into his eyes is his **** emperor bell!

Shi Feng has already discovered that she has come to a new world!

It used to be here that he teamed up with Ziyi to confront the three old demons of the evil abyss, but that battle was basically all about Ziwei!

In the end, for him, in order to resist the power of the three old demons, in order to allow him to pass through the boundary stone, the man named Ziyi, hesitate to burn the soul and soul!

"Ziyi!" Shi Feng's mouth chanted these two words again, and the divine bell in front of him was shrinking at this moment. In a moment, it became only the size of a human head. In the hands.

Shi Feng's gaze, looking at the vast land in front of him, said coldly, "Bad continent! The abyss of sin! The three evil devil! I am Shi Feng, back!"

At this moment, Ling Ran's war intention and killing intention suddenly rushed from his body!

During this period of time, Shi Feng never forgot the tragic events that happened that day, and never forgot. At that time, he fell from the void to the last moment and fell into the ground.

Followed by, Shi Feng said secretly again and said, "Ziyi, please rest assured, that day you hurt me for my pain, I will surely find the three old guys a thousand times to get it back! But you must Be alive! "

"And you too, Yuxin!" Shi Feng did not forget Ziyi, and naturally did not forget Yu Xin. If it were not for this woman with a complicated relationship with him, Shi Feng might have been left in the wild continent forever.

Perhaps, now they have become the slaves of the three old demons, and they will always be controlled by the three old guys.

Soaring war and killing intentions gradually dispersed from Shi Feng, followed by, Shi Feng turned his head and looked at that boundary stone monument again!

Shi Feng did not expect that he finally entered the boundary stone so smoothly and returned to the wild continent!

The old man in the purple robe did not even try to stop himself in the end!

"Why exactly?" Shi Feng murmured.

He knew that if the old man in purple robes wanted to stop himself, he could not enter the reckless continent at all.

But this old man in purple robes said before that only by defeating him can he enter the wild. But in the end he let himself go.

"Forget it, no matter how much you think, it's useless! The main thing is that I'm in the wild now!" With this remark, Shi Feng turned around again and looked at the vastness again. The boundless earth, then a flicker of the body, teleport forward!


Sin Forest!

Her name is Xue Ying, a woman from a Snow family in the abyss of evil. It may be a relationship of Xue, or it may be a coincidence. Xue Ying has snow-like skin and frost on her face, wearing a snow-white shirt.

At this moment, Xue Ying's figure was quickly moving through the forest of evil.

Xue Ying has been in this sinful forest for six years. In the past six years, she has been practicing in this sinful forest every time, without leaving the sinful forest step.

There have been rumors in the abyss of sin. Xueying's Xueying has fallen into the sinful forest after entering the sinful forest.

In fact, outsiders don't even know that she Xueying must be stronger! Only when she becomes strong enough can she return to Xue's house and get her justice again!

That Xue family, although it was a place for her to grow up, was also a place for her pain!

The man she once called Abba was the one she wanted to kill in this life!

"Oh!" Suddenly, a roaring sound suddenly burst out in front of Xue Ying, and this space was violently shaken by the burst of roar.

However, Xue Ying's frosty face was still a cold, as if she was unmoved at all, her body was still moving forward at a rapid speed, her right hand became a claw, and a snow-colored air flow was on her five fingers. Flow between.

Suddenly, a dark monster like a small hill appeared in front of it, exuding a strong and soaring magical power, and the body was covered with seemingly firm black scales, shining with a faint luster, and stretched incomparably large. The mouth reveals two rows of cavities like sharp swords.

The roar that roared through this space just now roared out of that big mouth!

And immediately followed, I saw that a fast-moving white shadow appeared in front of it!

The dark monster immediately moved. Although the beast was huge, its speed was not slow at all. It was as fast as a huge black lightning, and it slammed into that seemingly delicate white shadow in an instant!

"Oh!" A sound of unusually violent impact rang through the world, and this space shook violently again, as if an earthquake had come again.

But then, "Oh!" I just heard the sound of a terrible and terrible beast roar suddenly, and saw Xue Ying's white shadow, who did not know when it had flashed before the dark monster's face door.

The right claw of the original snow-colored air flow has penetrated the seemingly hard dark scales and penetrated the forehead of the dark monster!

I saw Xue Ying's icy face suddenly appeared a bloodthirsty sneer, piercing the right hand of the dark demon's forehead and shaking again, an incomparable icy power in this dark demon The beast's body spread rapidly.

But in an instant, the extremely painful roar of the beast had stopped, and this dark demon like a hill turned into a huge ice sculpture.

This piece of chaotic space suddenly calmed down!

A "click" made a crisp sound, and Xue Ying drew the right hand pierced into the ice sculpture, and immediately above this perfect ice sculpture, left an ice hole like a bowl mouth.

At this moment, Xue Ying looked at the ice sculpture and said coldly, "Six-star demigod-level monster! Harvest, average."


Suddenly, I saw Xue Ying's pretty cold face, her brows frowned suddenly, then she looked up and looked up!

"who is it?"

At this time, Xue Ying discovered that a white figure was standing proudly above a huge dark magic tree, and that young and strange face was looking down at her at this moment.

"Who are you?" Seeing this man, Xue Ying drank coldly at him.

And just after Xue Ying's words fell, I saw the man on the tree proudly saying, "You don't need to be nervous, I just pass by. If I really want to kill you, you have no chance to speak."

(End of this chapter)

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