Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1800: Who can't help it!

Chapter 1800: Who Can't Control It Anyway!

"If I really want to kill you, you have no chance to speak." Shi Feng said, facing the white woman below.

The realm of this woman in white is just like him, also in Qixing Demigod!

"It's up to you!" When she heard Shi Feng's words, Xue Ying immediately drank coldly, and an icy warfare rushed out of her.

That young man's words were tantamount to directly provoking her Xueying!

She Xueying has been in this evil forest for six years. In the past six years, she has hovered on the edge of death countless times and experienced countless trials of life and death!

Although the young man in his eyes is in the same realm as himself and in the realm of seven stars and demigods, he looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and presumably he is a newcomer in the forest of sin.

Looking at this young face, Xue Ying carefully calculated in her heart, "It seems that it is almost a tri-year contest, right?"

Every day in the sinful forest, I go through it all day and night, just to get stronger. For time, Xue Ying naturally has no concept, and she doesn't care about it at all.

And this person, only seventeen or eighteen years old, entered the realm of seven stars and demigods, his talent is indeed good, and can even be called a generation of evildoers!

However, talent is returned to talent. For Xue Ying, this warrior who has not entered the evil forest for a long time is no different from the flowers in the greenhouse!

The seven-star demigod that you entered in this sinful forest and sinisterly tempered yourself in the sinful forest is far from being comparable to these "flowers in the greenhouse"!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly felt that an invisible force of ice coldly appeared in all directions. It can be said that he had frozen all his escape routes!

"Huh!" At this moment, Xue Ying gave a cold hum, and said, "I was not arrogant, but I had no intention of thinking about you, but because of your arrogance and arrogance, I must teach you!"

"Oh, is that it?" Shi Feng sneered at the corner of her mouth, saying:

"Do you think you can teach me with your cold power? Ben Shao didn't think it was boring to bully your woman, but now, Ben Shao wants you to know who the arrogant is!"

When Shi Feng said these words, a force of forest cold swept out of him.

"This!" And when Shi Fengsen's cold power came out, Xue Ying's cold and pretty face changed immediately!

Immediately after, "Oh!"

A crisp sound like a cracked ice suddenly echoed in this world.

The ice-cold force that emerged from all directions of Shi Feng suddenly burst!

"How is this possible! This should be just a new man entering the evil forest! He is in the same state as me, how could he break my power so easily!"

The ice cold power was broken in this way, and Xue Ying was a little hard to accept for a while. Even if this person is not a newcomer to the sin forest this time, even if he entered the sin forest three years ago, he himself, but in the sin forest , I have practiced for six years!

At this moment, Shi Feng above the proud tree again spoke coldly, and said to Xue Ying below: "Slut, do you know who is arrogant?"

"You!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xue Ying's already cold face immediately became colder and spit out coldly.

For her, that person's words to her Xueying were tantamount to shame on her!

Just as when they were young, they were at Xue's house.

"Ah!" Followed by a voice of angry Jiao drinking, drank from Xue Ying's mouth, and saw the white shadow moving, rushing up towards Shi Feng.

"Frost and snow!" At the same time, the world was suddenly filled with snow, white snow flying, white and unusually beautiful!

As if in a moment into the dreamlike world of wonderland.

However, this beautiful snow scene is not for appreciation. The dense snow, like the sharp snow blades, all flew towards Shi Feng!

"Bitch, it's still so overwhelming? Don't think you are a woman, and you won't chop you!" Feeling the blizzards flying from all directions, Shi Feng said coldly again.

When he said these words, "Oh!" He only heard a thick sound of Zhongming, and suddenly sounded on Shi Feng's body.

Shi Feng secretly motivated the power of the **** Emperor Zhongshen Zhong.

The heavenly **** bell rang, the space was boiling, and I saw the dense snow flying towards Shi Feng, disappearing instantly without a trace!

"This! How is this possible!"

The extremely powerful combat technique was instantly broken. At this moment, Xueying, holding two Xuejians to kill Shi Feng, was suddenly shocked, her eyes were so wide that she sent out an incredible exclaim.

However, although frightened, Xue Ying's stature that smashed upwards at once was immediately gathered, gathering the strength of the whole body of snow and ice, fully resisting the force of the sound waves that ravaged the world.

"Huh!" Then she looked down at the woman in white, and Shi Feng gave a disdainful hum.

If it weren't for this woman to be useful, or if he Shi Feng intentionally kept her hand, the woman in the seven-star semi-god state could not withstand the power of the real **** artifact, the clock of the emperor.

"Ah!" And at this moment, Xue Ying finally couldn't resist the power that made this void boil, and saw her Jiao body suddenly startle, and a painful yelling roared out of her mouth.

Afterwards, Xue Ying, like a bird with a broken wing, hurried down toward the ground below.

"Oh!" The violent roar again, Xue Ying fell heavily on the "ice sculpture" she had frozen previously!

"Spit!" A spit of bright red blood spewed out of her mouth, and the placket on her chest was instantly stained with red blood.

"Already deliberately kept your hands, it seems that it is still a bit heavy!" Shi Feng proudly standing above the magic tree, looking at the woman who vomited blood below, shook her head slightly.

However, his voice was not low, falling in the ears of Xueying, the woman in white, without a word.

Hearing the words, looking up at the figure, looking at the still indifferent young face, Xue Ying spit out coldly, saying:

"This! How can this be! I have no resistance at all in front of him? I have been in the Sin Forest for six years. Is it that the penance of the past six years is so unbearable?"

"I! I'm so wasteful! Just like me, how can I go back to Xue's house, how can I go back and get justice! I ..."

Talking, I saw two lines of tears pouring from her eyes and sliding down to the corners of her eyes.

Xue Ying's pain was extremely painful, but it wasn't her physical body that hurt her now, but her heart.

Years of hard work have turned out to be such a heavy blow!

At this time, Shi Feng's figure fluttered and fell downward. Soon after, he also fell on the huge ice sculpture, still lowering his head, looking down at the woman in white lying at his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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