Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1804: Sword fairy in white!

Chapter 1804 White Sword Immortal!

"This! How could it be so!"

At this moment, Xue Ying was so shocked that she didn't know what to describe.

Originally thought that the person would die under the strength of Ling Fei, but now it was not expected that Ling Fei and the two great evildoers joined forces. At this moment, the plow emblem was miserable in front of that person.

As if suffering from extreme pain.

Over Shi Feng, Ling Fei already knew the horror of the person below, and just now when the man plowed his face with his right-hand fan, Ling Fei had discovered that the cold force covering himself had disappeared.

At this moment, Ling Fei flew back, ready to retreat into the dark jungle behind him.

But at this moment, the corner of Shi Feng's mouth suddenly evoked a sneer and snorted softly: "Hum!"

Ling Fei's body receding suddenly felt an extremely cold invisible force, rushing from the bottom up, hit him fiercely.

"Eh!" Ling Fei's body suddenly shook under the impact of the extremely cold and cold force, and a painful "Uh" sound came out, and then, seeing his body shape, he fell sharply downward and under.

"Boom!" Ling Fei fell heavily to the ground, stirring up the sky dust.

"You also rolled over." At this time, Shi Feng grabbed the fist's left hand and shook it, throwing the plow emblem's sturdy body like a bear, toward the place where Ling Fei fell.

"Boom!" The burly body fell, and a louder violent sound sounded than it had just sounded. The dust that had just receded just now became denser and the smoke was rolling!

After doing this, I saw Shi Feng turned back and turned back to the white woman, Xue Ying.

Then I saw Shi Feng slowly raised her head and said, "Okay, you can come out too."

When Shi Feng's words sounded, he saw his oblique sky, a blue-blue shadow appeared quietly, and then his body flashed quickly, and flickered into the dark jungle.

"It's her! Lan Xianer!" When she saw the blue figure, Xue Ying recognized the man again!

It was a woman, a woman with the same extremely wicked talent in her Xueying's heart.

It is the same level of existence as Ling Fei and Li Hui. It is in the realm of the Eight-Star Demigod, but it is not an ordinary one.

Xue Ying didn't expect that she was here today and saw three such arrogants together!

And this Lanxianer participated in the same Tianjiao battle with her Xueying that year. Although six years have passed, Xueying still remembers the horror of Lanxianer. At that time, the style that dumped all sentient beings!

And at this moment, it was such a blue fairy, whose body was rapidly retreating.

Then, Xue Ying saw a large white palm print, which appeared above the blue fairy, exuding invincible might, and then slamming down on the blue Jiao body!

"Ah!" Under the fierce slap of Sen Bai's palm print, a painful coquett sounded, and then, a woman named Lanxianer, like a fly, was also photographed towards the dusty land.

"Oh!" Followed, but also fell heavily, with a loud noise.

"Ling Fei! Li Hui! Blue ... Lan Xianer! Both by him ... by him ..." At this moment, Xue Ying couldn't believe what she saw.

In these weekdays, the horrible existence in the evil forest was defeated in the hands of this person at the same time!

"He! Who the **** is he? Is he really the Tianjiao who just entered the evil forest?"

"Sin Forest, such a peerless monster!"

At this moment, Xue Ying felt that she was defeated in the hands of this person, and she was not wronged at all.

Earlier, he said that he was unwilling to do what he wanted, and that he regretted not listening to his persuasion. Now think about how ridiculous it is.

At this time, Shi Feng proudly stood in the air, floating in the air, falling in front of the dust-filled land.

The rolling dust was gradually receding, and the three looming figures gradually became clear.

However, at this moment, the three men who were in a pair of peerless powers now have messy hair, messy clothes, and dust on their faces. They look very embarrassed, and they have long lost their youthful pride.

Shi Feng looked down at the three men and said, "Ben asks you little, what do you want to do to change the terrain in front of you with a magic array?"

Just before Shi Feng and Xue Ying arrived here, Ling Fei yelled and let the two of them get away, saying that they had something to do.

And the three eight-star demigods gathered here to do something very unusual.

"Huh!" But just as Shi Feng's voice fell, the blue fairy sent a displeased cold hum, with a dirty and cheeky face, full of coldness, saying:

"Although you have defeated the three of us, don't think that you can look at everything! Tell you that you will die today!"

At this moment, not only was Lan Xianer pretty and cold, but even Ling Fei and the plow emblem, but also a cold face, glaring at Shi Feng.

As if they weren't worried about their situation at the moment.

However, seeing the appearance of these three people, Shi Feng's face showed discomfort, his eyes were a little stunned, and he said, "As a captive, you don't even have any consciousness of the captives? I ’m going to teach you what is a captive? . "

When Shi Feng said these words, suddenly a large white palm print appeared, appearing above the three men, covering them.

"Huh?" But just before the big palm print appeared, Shi Feng suddenly gave a light hum, and then Shi Feng slowly raised his head and looked up diagonally. The big palm print disappeared instantly and disappeared. .

"I didn't expect that you could find my existence!" Just then, a leisurely voice suddenly sounded in the void that Shi Feng looked at.

Then, a white figure appeared in the void.

This man looks like he is in his early thirties. His face is handsome and extremely extraordinary. There is a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. He is dressed in white and floats in the wind, like a fairy in white.

"If Xuan!"


"Brother Xuan!"

When the man in white appeared, the three Lingfei shouted at the void.

The sweet brother Ruoxuan was called out by the blue fairy.

"If ... if Xuan!"

Not far away, Xue Ying had never seen the man in white who had just appeared. I didn't know who he was. I just felt that this man was extraordinary and his origins were certainly not simple.

However, when she heard the word Ruoxuan, she was shocked again!

Ruoxuan! White Sword Fairy Ruoxuan! This is ... the existence of Jiuxing Demigod!

He ... he turned out to be, Ruoxuan!

"Now!" Xue Ying's eyes stared at another white figure again!

(End of this chapter)

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