Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1805: Too much surprise

Chapter 1805 Too Surprised

White Sword Fairy Ruoxuan!

It seems that although the three Ling Fei have become Shi Feng's captives, they are not worried about their situation at all, relying on this is the white sword fairy!

No wonder that the blue fairy, as a captive, dared to shout at Shi Feng, saying that he could not escape today, it turns out that they also have a nine-star demigod companion!

Xue Ying didn't even think that she would bring out such heavyweights as Ruoxuan.

Ruoxuan, the sword in white, with his hands behind his back, a peerless strong man came down, looking down at the three companions and Shi Feng below.

However, in the reckless continent, if he proclaimed, he could indeed be regarded as a peerless powerhouse, only to see him opening his mouth and saying:

"You disturbed Ruoxuan, it means that you have grown your eyes in vain, dug your eyes to apologize, and then go!"

If this is announced, it is naturally said to Shi Feng, the voice is indifferent, but it is with an irresistible meaning!

"Ah!" If Xuan's voice just fell, a young woman's startling "ah" sounded, Lan Xianer said, "If Brother Xuan, just let him dig his own eyes? The talent of this person is not simple. Even if he doesn't kill him, at least he will destroy him! "

"Yeah, if Brother, Xianer is right, this person is only in the realm of Qixing Demi, but he is not even three of me. This person must not be underestimated! Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze is born! At this time, the plough emblem followed his persuasion.

Ling Fei did not speak, but nodded to the white sword fairy above, expressing approval for the words of the two men.

On the reckless continent, Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, it is not uncommon for bullies to happen!

The waste was bullied and ridiculed, but in the end it suddenly broke out and skyrocketed, putting all those people in the past on their feet.

What's more, the person in front of them now is a peerless demon!

"Oh!" After hearing the words of Lan Xianer and Li Hui, if Xuan Qing said "Oh", he grinned and asked the three of them: "You mean, this person's talent is not simple. If he continues to grow in the future, he will Will it surpass if I fail to declare it? "


After hearing Ruoxuan's words, the two Lan Xian'ers were speechless for a while. After a while, Lan Xian'er explained:

"If it is not Brother Xuan, how is it possible! Your talent, rare in the world, your achievements, I am shocked to hear that even if this person is practicing day and night, this person cannot surpass you."

Hearing Lan Xianer's words, if Xuan's mouth still had the smile on his face, he said, "What else do you worry about?"


After hearing Ruo Xuan's words, the three Lan Xian'er gently "er", thought about it for a while, what are they worried about? Is it really worried that this person can counterattack him? If he finds that he will not avenge himself in the future?

What a joke!

Then they stopped saying anything. If Xuan wanted to let him dig his own eyes, that's it, then dig his own eyes. They also knew that it would be impossible for him to change what he announced.

After thinking about them again, I felt that this man was lucky today, but he got his life back!

They know that if he just happened to meet him today, as long as this person dug his eyes, he would not be so lucky.

It is better to dig your own eyes and become blind than to die.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Ruo Xuan, who had lost sight and stood proudly, suddenly made a slight hum, followed his mouth and said:

"Why? Didn't you hear what I said just now? Let you dig your own eyes, and you haven't even done it yet?

After digging your eyes, you should abandon your right hand! "

At this moment, Ruoxuan's voice had become slightly cold, and Shi Feng still stood on the ground with a look of indifference. When he heard the man's words, he saw a sudden smirk, he This looks like I heard extremely funny jokes.



But at the moment when he saw this person, he dared to do so in front of Ruoxuan, and the three of them were shocked again, followed by Lan Xianer grinning sneer, saying:

"If Xuan's brother is kind and keep his life, as long as he digs his eyes, just now, he just let him waste one more hand, and now it seems that he must find himself dead!"

For Lan Xianer, Ling Fei and Li Hui, this person is already a dead body, no suspense.

At this time, the face of the white sword fairy Ruoxuan had cooled down.

If you do n’t move your body, but Shi Feng and others instantly sense that an invisible sword appears in their sky instantly, once the invisible sword emerges, a strong killing sword envelops the world. This world Space suddenly boiled along.

"This! This is an unintentional killing of swords!" At this time, Ling Fei, a powerful demigod, was exclaimed.

Even the appearance of the plow emblem and the blue fairy has undergone major changes.

It seems that the origin of this move at that moment is not simple!

They didn't think that if Xuan Xuan this man, he would kill the sword with no intention!

"Intentionally killing the sword!" Even Xue Xue, who was not far away, couldn't help but exclaim.

Unintentionally killing the sword, one of Bai Yiruoxuan's killing moves, Xue Ying has not heard of it, and someone can survive this unintentional killing the sword.

The tip of the sword that has no intention of killing the sword has been pointed at the stone maple below. At this moment, only Ruo Xuan can speak softly: "Die!"

When the word "dead" came out, the invisible killing sword stabbed down sharply and stabbed at Shi Feng! But in an instant, the invisible killing sword was about to pierce Shi Feng's head.

And just then, just listening to a young leisurely voice, echoed in this world: "A grasshopper, dare to jump on Ben Shao's head! Jiuxing demigod? Oh! Jiuxing demigod in this In front of Shao, it's just a grasshopper! "

When Shi Feng said these words, he saw that his right hand had been raised above his head, and then he flicked his fingers easily towards the tip of the invisible sword. This action was like It is very easy to pop off the leaves on the head.

It was such a bomb. A few others were incredulous to see that the unintentional killing of the sword turned out to be that way, it was ruined!

Instantly disappeared without a trace.

The jungle, which had become somewhat chaotic, suddenly calmed down.

After calming down, the world has become silent! Silently as if the needle fell to be heard.

Except for Shi Feng, I saw that on each face, there was an extremely unbelievable look, like a ghost, as if I was dreaming!

"If ... if Brother Xuan's intentional killing of the sword, ... was bombed by this man with one finger ..." Lan Xian'er said unbelievably.



Ling Fei and Li Hui were once again startled and speechless.

"If Xuan's intentional killing the sword! Who is this! Who is he! He! He! It is so ... perverted!" Xue Ying was shocked again! Once again shocked!

Today, this person really surprised her Xue Ying too much.

Xue Ying felt that she had not had so many and so many surprises in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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