Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1822: Artifact vs Artifact!

Chapter 1822 Artifact VS Artifact!

"Shi Feng, you escaped from me and waited a few months ago, and you didn't expect that you dared to return to my sin city, and even dared to make trouble in my sin city! Don't you think we really won't kill you?"

In the monstrous demon mist, the three centrally-hosted broken army demon masters opened their mouths, and once again issued a majestic sound, speaking to Shi Feng coming from below.

"Can't kill me?" At this time, I saw Shi Feng's figure immediately stopped, stopped under the billowing magic mist, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Three old dogs, not you will not kill me. , But you, you have no ability to kill me! "

"Well! Presumptuous!"

"Sin Barrier! While I'm waiting for the retreat, kill me in the Sinister City of Sin, kill me to protect the law, and I should be cramped to death!"

When Shi Feng's words were heard, the original silent Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Darkness issued a majestic and angry drink.

They, but the Lord of the Abyss of Sin, are high above, and in the abyss of Sin, they are above any soul.

Today, I did not expect that this once-like ant existed. Not only did he kill the three of them in the Sinister City, but the two nine-star and demigod-level strong men even dared to call themselves three men as three old dogs. !!

Even more rhetoric, saying that he and others can no longer kill him?

At this moment, only the broken army demon master seemed to not be provoked by Shi Feng's words. When he heard Shi Feng's words, he smiled disdainfully, saying:

"Shi Feng, you fortunately got a true God of War weapon, do you think that you can surpass the three of me? Only a true peerless power can motivate the strongest power of True God's weapon, as for You, huh! "

At the end of the day, the evil demon army demon lord made a sound of laughter, apparently, he was disdainful of Shi Feng at all.

For them, they are the kind of peerless powerhouses who can launch the most powerful war weapon!

As for Shi Feng, it's just a gift of outstanding arrogance. Although no matter how good the gift is, it is only a seven-star demigod.

The Seven-Star Demigod has a true God of War weapon in hand. Although it can motivate the power beyond the nine-Star Demigod, in front of them who also have the Real God, nothing will be done!

Although there is a nine-star demigod under him!

"Three old dogs, no need to talk nonsense!" At this time, Shi Feng had no plans to talk with these three old guys any more, and it didn't make any sense to go on.

Only when there is a battle, defeating them will be able to learn the news of Ziyi and Yuxin, and take the lives of these three guys, and let them pay for what they did!

Shi Feng's voice had just fallen, and he saw his right hand spread out and his fingers spread out.

"Oh!" A humming sound of Zhong Ming echoed again and again.

Just in an instant, he saw the huge golden bell that appeared above his right hand. As soon as the real war weapon emerged, it immediately gave off the supreme power of the world, and instantly became the only one in this sky.

"Huh! Okay!" Seeing the Emperor God's bell appearing, the Dark Lord in the monstrous demon mist did not show any surprise, but sneered and said, "After today, the three of us will have another true god. War weapon! "

"Huh!" When he heard the words of the Dark Lord, the Yan Lord nodded his head slightly and issued a light "Um", and then spoke, saying, "The Demon Demon Lin was killed while we were retreating, although we lost it. It's a pity that the two nine-star demigods are strong. But compared to this true **** of war weapon, they are dead! "

"Indeed!" The Lord of the Dark Lord nodded, agreeing with the words of the Lord of the Flames.

It seems that they did not take the death of Mozun and Molin to heart at all! Despite the deities, they are absolutely loyal to them. For many years, they have done their best!

Even to death, under the torture of life is not as good as death, did not say the trace of the three of them!


And just as the evil three old demons talked, I saw Shi Feng holding the huge golden divine bell below, and his body suddenly moved again. He lifted the heavenly divine bell and rushed into the monstrous demon mist. To the three demon masters in the surging magic mist.

Seeing the movement below, the three demon masters were still sitting calmly on the throne of black bones, calmly, looking down, above the three faces, still a mighty look.

But at this moment, they saw their hands move at the same time, and at the same time concluded a mysterious ancient handprint of magic, three strange twisted, seemingly gloomy black runes, suddenly appeared on their handprints.

And at this moment, I saw a seemingly ordinary black skull, which immediately appeared under the broken army demon at the center.

As soon as this black skull came out, an incomparable, completely not weaker than the divine bell of the Emperor's clock appeared, and the sky in this sky was instantly darkened.

It's like night is coming!

In fact, not only this sky, but in the evil demon city of the earth below, bursts of exclaimed immediately.

"What's going on? What's going on? It's getting dark, why is it suddenly dark? Mo ... Mofei ..."

"I have heard some time ago, it is rumored that the device of the true **** controlled by the great three demon masters is a black skull called a magic skull.

Demon skull, it is rumored that in ancient times, the ancient god-level artificer was refined from a demon skull. Once the demon skull came out, the world changed color and became dark!

It seems that the great masters of the three demons have spurred the power of the real artifact devil to Shi Feng!

I really didn't expect that this wicked stone maple asked my great three demon masters to urge him to kill him! "

"I have also heard of the Demon Skull. I heard that the eight-star demigod-level combat technique of the Demon Slayer protects the Devil Skull, and the great demon master came out of the real artifact devil and taught it to the Demon Slayer! "

"The demon skull appears, the world is dark, and the soul is dead!"



Shi Feng held up the Heavenly God's Bell, and his body continuously passed through the raging magic mist, sending out a sudden drunk sound, and finally blasted the huge Heavenly God's Bell in his hand, and blasted towards the impact. Above the demon skull.

"Boom!" Two true God of War weapons finally came together at this moment with extremely violent impact, and a sound of rumbling sounded as if heaven and earth were to be destroyed.

"Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! At this moment, the sky is shaking, as if this world is about to be destroyed, as if the end of the world is coming!

And at this moment, I saw that the faces of Shi Feng and the three demon masters changed together!

Shi Feng's figure and the Heavenly Emperor's Bell in his hand were shocked to fall suddenly under the violent force of the demon skull.

And the three demon masters sitting on the black bone throne's mighty demon body, and the real **** war weapon and demon skull they manipulated, hurriedly rushed up under the blast of the heavenly **** bell.

This time the violent impact, the two sides even hit a tie.

But even more shocked on the face, naturally the three demon masters!

The violent collision just now, but combined the power of the three of them, and the power of the one of Shi Feng urged the real war weapon to collide fiercely!

The power of the three was as great as the power of him!

"This! This boy! You have stepped into such a realm!" At this time, the Dark Lord, who was still sitting on the throne of the Black Bone, could not help but exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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