Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1823: Artifact vs Artifact (Middle)

Chapter 1823 Artifact VS Artifact (2)

Peerless strike, the world is loud!

The evil three demon masters and three demon teamed together, and although they did not urge the strongest strike on this stone maple, they were also shocked!

Originally, they thought that the demon skulls bombed by the three were enough to cause trauma to Shi Feng, but they did not expect it, but it was just a tie!

"This stone maple! This demon! Only in a few months, even went into such a state!" At this time, even the broken army demon exclaimed with extreme exclaim.

The figures of the three demons and the demon skulls under them were still rushing up. At this moment, the Lord of the Flames followed, and said in a deep voice, "This son! I have killed a hundred of them, absolutely, no. Let him continue to live! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles! The three of us will be restless! "

Originally, the three old demons saw Shi Feng again, and planned to control it completely. But now, they realize the danger, and finally at this moment, they realize that they can't let the evil spirit live any longer.

Now that hatred has settled, we can rest assured only if we completely wipe it out!

"The three of us, together, urged the Skull with all our strength, mobilized the strongest force to kill it, and conquered the new artifact!" At this time, the Lord of the Flames spoke again to the other two Lords and said, .



Hearing the words of the Demon Lord, the Devil Lord and the Dark Lord nodded at the same time and answered. The solemn faces of the three men seemed to have become very solemn at this moment.

In the horrible magic mist, at this moment, I saw these three figures sitting on the throne of black bones, still rushing upward, and then suddenly stopped.

At the same time, even the real war weapon demonic skeleton below them stopped, suspended again under the broken army demon master, slowly rotating, exuding the supremely superb power.




Immediately afterwards, they heard three sounds of anger drinking at the same time, as if the three ancient deities were dissatisfied with the heavens and the earth, they roared angrily, as if they were destroying the heavens and the earth.

Above the demon skull, the magic power suddenly became world-wide, and this vain sky of magic mist immediately surging violently. It's like the black sea where the storm comes.

"Kill!" At this moment, the evil Demon Lord sent out a cold drink, the sound of the magic echoed, and the demon skull under him immediately fell down again.

"Come here!" Then a young, cold voice sounded in the magic mist below.

Shi Feng was so shocked that she had already stopped. She looked up and stared at the demon skull that had fallen with the peerless magic power, and spoke coldly.

This time, Shi Feng could clearly sense that the power on the real god's weapon and devil's skull was different from the world just now.

But at this moment, there was no fear in Shi Feng's face, and he just spit out a word coldly: "Battle!"

When the word "battle" sounded, I saw that he held the figure of the Emperor God Bell and made a sudden move, and then rushed straight towards the sky to face the demon skull!

"Oh!" The emperor's bell resounded an extremely violent sound of Zhongming, and the raging void of magic mist boiled up again!

This world, at this moment, seems to be extremely unstable.

All of a sudden, "Boom!"

Heavenly Emperor God Bell and Demon Skull, two True God Warcrafts had a second violent collision. For a while, it was louder than before, and the sound of violent rumbling was echoed to the world!

"Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble ..." Heaven and Earth, once again trembling violently.

It was dark, as if a big earthquake was coming, and in the violent turmoil of the Sin Demon City, just listening to the chaos of exclaimed chaos, and then it kept ringing:

"What's going on? What's going on? Why is there a sound again? Isn't the battle over yet? This Shi Feng should have been killed by our great three demon masters just now!"

"The second time! The second violent sound! The second time!" Another person seemed to realize something, exclaimed in shock: "This! This means that this stone maple, with the power of our great three demon masters , There was a second strong collision! "

"The first ... the second strong collision! This stone maple! He ... is he so bad? His opponent, but our great Lord Lord!"

"This! Is it really the wicked stone maple who participated in the battle of Tianjiao in our evil demon city a few months ago? Will it be a hidden old man who is easy to fake?"

"The three demon masters Weiwei, it is reasonable to easily kill that stone maple in one second with a single trick! How could it ... how could there be a second collision of forces?"

"The second collision! This person!" At this time, even Xue Ying, who was standing on the ancient altar and shaking violently, uttered an incredible coquettishness.

Immediately after, an extremely ridiculous thought emerged in her mind, and even this ridiculous thought could not be realized.

When this absurd idea emerged, Xue Ying shook her head, shook it out of her head, and secretly said, "How is this possible! How can the invincible three demon masters be defeated in his hands! Such a thing! , It simply cannot happen. "

Although this person has repeatedly made what she thinks impossible possible after encountering this person, this time, Xue Ying still doesn't think that what happened to the three demon masters will happen to this person.

The three evil devil masters are synonymous with invincibility in the abyss of sin, and have been deeply rooted in people's hearts before countless years!


The magic fog was still sky high, and then a terrifying exclaiming voice sounded: "This ... how is this possible! How is it possible! How is it possible!"

This voice was issued by the evil flame devil, one of the three evil devil.

At this moment, not only was the majestic face of the Lord of the Enemies showing a terrifying shock, even the Lord of the Dark Lord and the Lord of the Broken Army.

The three demon masters just urged the real war weapon Devil Skull with all their strength, and the second collision with the Shi Feng's real artifact occurred, but this time the two sides collided again, tied!

The physiques of the two sides, once again under the strength of each other, were shocked and rushed up and down!

This time, the three demon masters exploded with all their energies, and this was the end. This means that the stone maple, the peerless demon evil, the first collision with them, did not make every effort!

"This! This evil barrier ..." At this moment, the evil Lord of Darkness was so speechless.

Gradually, the three of them seemed to realize something at the same time!

They just used their full strength to seduce the demon skull just now, and if the evil barrier still has enough power and didn't try their best, then the next wave of attacks ...

(End of this chapter)

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