Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1828: The ultimate means!

Chapter 1828 The Ultimate Technique!

"Haha, hahaha!"

At this time, even the evil Lord of Flames and the Lord of Darkness made loud laughter.

The evil three demons at this moment, although they lost all their combat power, seemed to have won, as if they were laughing with victory.

This battle was really hard and even fierce. The three of them have been in countless years and have not experienced such a difficult battle.

Earlier, it was constantly suppressed and pressed by this evil spirit, if not the three demons burned their spermatozoons at the same time, and the power of the peerlessness broke out, they might have been killed by the evil spirit with the bell of God!

However, despite the hard work, despite the fact that all three demons have burned their destiny, even though the Sinister City has almost been reduced to ruins, despite the fact that the people in the city were at least killed by hundreds of thousands in the battle just now, the injured were even more countless.

But at this moment, he can lose all the power of this evil evil. His three demons already feel that everything is worth it!

Today, they can not only kill this evil, completely produce this evil, the most important thing is to get the golden **** bell in his hand.

"Haha! Hahaha!" The broken army demon laughed at Shi Feng from the sky and said:

"Shi Feng, after you cast the Thunder God of War, now that you have lost all your combat power, what else do you fight with us? Even if you hold the **** clock in your hand? I sin against the demon city, the people are millions , One person, one saliva, can drown you, haha, hahahaha! "

Just as the laughter of the broken army demon still resounded, the dark demon lord followed the cold mouth and said to Shi Feng above: "Shi Feng, today you must die! You must die!"

The more he talked about death, the colder the voice of the broken army demon master became.

At this time, only the Lord of the Sinister Flames drank majesticly at the ruins below, and the magic voice echoed: "Where is my demon army?"






As the evil lord of the evil flames sounded, there was a burst of loud drinking sounds below, one after another, echoing for a long time between heaven and earth.

A strong force of killing fell instantly into the sky.

The three evil demon masters, for the first time, felt the sound of the demon army's drinking, so nice, and then sensed the violent killing power that burst into the sky. The faces of the three demon masters were full of Smile.

Then, the white figure above the finger of the evil flame demon drank coldly: "Kill me!"





One should drink and resound in the heavens and the earth, and then, in the ruins below, there was a black figure, densely packed, all of the evil demon army wearing dark battle armor!

The three demon masters instantly sensed four powerful breaths, and immediately sensed that these four people were guarding the four areas of the evil demon city: Qinglong (East), Suzaku (South), White Tiger (West), and Xuanwu (North). !!

The realm of the four magic generals is in the realm of the eight-star demigod!

Although the four of them have not entered the terrific state of Jiuxing Demigod, today they can be said to be the strongest existence in this world, and it is enough to deal with the stone maple that has lost all its combat power.

In addition to these four magic generals, their Majesty also has countless generals, young generals, large commanders, small commanders, and some combat capabilities and talents are also extraordinary!

There are even more dense Dark Demon soldiers rushing up and there are hundreds of thousands of people. For the evil three demon masters, this stone maple that has lost all its combat power is already a dead end!

with no doubt!

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, Shi Feng, almost, you can almost take three of my lives, but the one who will eventually die is you! You will never have that chance! Hahaha!"

The evil dark demon army, who looked like he had control of the situation, laughed again at Shi Feng above.

"The overall situation is set!" At this time, the master of the broken army also spoke again:

"Shi Feng, although you are my enemy, but you are a respectable opponent, I will give you a chance, and do it yourself!"

"Hmm!" After hearing the words of the evil demon master, at this time, the evil demon master nodded and said in agreement:

"Although it is said that this evil devil is against the law, he provoked me to wait for the demon, and let this evil devil kill himself, it was too cheap for him.

However, this person is indeed worthy of respect, a generation of true peerless evils, after all, the most unfortunate thing is that it can not be used for me! "



The Lord of the Broken Army and the Lord of the Dark Lord nodded gently at the same time, and answered.

"Hehe! Hehehe!" Listening quietly to the three old demons, you and me, at this moment, Shi Feng finally issued a "he" laughter.

After hearing Shi Feng's laughter, the Dark Lord hummed disdainfully, saying, "Hum! At the end of the crossbow, pretend to be a ghost!"

To him, this stone maple was just trying to play tricks before he died.

Today, he has no chance of turning over!

"He, no!" Somehow, at this moment, the Lord of Darkness said to himself extremely firmly, but it seemed like he was setting himself up.

Then I saw Shi Feng sneer and said, "Three old guys, do you really think that you won?"

"Isn't it?" The evil demon lord smiled and asked Shi Feng instead.

"Okay, Shi Feng, you don't have to play tricks anymore. Your death is doomed, and Enron will accept it. If you don't do it yourself, then wait and die under the chaos!" Main road.

"Oh, is that it?" Shi Feng still kept the smile on his face and answered.

And at this moment, he heard him say again: "Okay, come down!"

With the sound of this leisurely and indifferent voice, "Hou! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Just listening to the sky, the sound of angrily roar of roaring beasts.

After hearing this angry roar, the three demons that originally thought the situation was suddenly changed, his face suddenly changed, and it became very ugly in an instant, his eyes were so horrible!

At this moment, they finally realized what, finally realized this evil, why is it so indifferent and so calm!

In the end, he lost all his combat power, but in the face of his thousands of sinful demon soldiers flying up, it seemed as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't take everything into account at all!

He ... he ... He also has a peerless beast, a peerless beast whose realm is at the level of nine stars and demigods!

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar ..." bursts of roar, roaring continuously in the heavens and the earth, a huge five-headed snake gradually appeared in the sight of the world, five snake-heads with a roaring sound, The flurry of dances looked fierce.

Eight away snake gods, five away snakes!

Shi Feng's ultimate means finally revealed at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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