Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1829: Defend the battle!

Chapter 1829: Defending the Battle!

The previous battle was too fierce, and the four figures and the two true fighters became the only one in this world!

It was fiercely forgotten about everything, and even that one of the peerless fierce creatures at the level of nine stars and demigods was forgotten for a while.

As soon as the peerless beast emerged, the three old demons' mighty faces immediately appeared panic.

This heaven and earth is the strongest existence now, which is the four eight-star demigod magician, it is this evil animal!

As soon as the peerless beasts came out, thousands of demons and soldiers who had been rushed towards the void suddenly changed their faces. Under the fierce momentum, countless people's bodies trembled involuntarily and their morale suddenly decreased.

This is, however, the power of Jiuxing Demigod! This is from the horror deep in the soul.

"Kill! Kill! Kill them and protect our three Great Lords! The power of Lords cannot be violated! Kill!"

Sensing the status of the soldiers, the demon put the blue dragon in his hand, pointing at the sky with the moon sword, pointing wide, and yelling loudly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" After Qinglong's applause, the demons and soldiers behind him immediately followed the big drink, the morale was greatly reduced, and then picked up.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill kill!"

At this time, the three monsters, Suzaku (South), White Tiger (West), and Xuanwu (North), also sent out bursts of drink to kill the morale of the soldiers!

Bursts were just a bit sloppy, and with the war of the four magic generals, they started to rise again!

"Ah!" Inspiring the morale and killing again, the Lord of the Broken Army still secretly sighed.

Despite the rising morale, even though these demons and soldiers will charge for themselves, they are willing to die. But what does this do? What we have to face at this moment, but the peerless beast of the nine-star demigod, in the face of absolute power, these will be futile!

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" At this time, it was finally Shi Feng's turn to make a cheerful laugh, looking down at the three old demons laughing: "Three old things, just a little bit, Ben Shao will die in You wait for your hands, but you will die today! Hum! I would love to see Shao Ben die, right? Unfortunately, you will never have that chance again! "

These words were previously uttered from the mouth of the Lord of Darkness, mocking Shi Feng! At this moment, Shi Feng was used by them in turn. What an irony and insult to their three demon!

It's almost like a severe face!

Suddenly, the three old demons' complexion became more ugly. Originally, they thought that the overall situation was under control and recovered a little rosy complexion, and instantly became iron-blue.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" At this moment, the giant snake body of Wuli Serpent had landed above Shi Feng, roaring again and again, and then five snake mouths faced The Dark Demon rushed up from below, spewing out violent energy.

Red flames, yellow storms, green poisonous, blue ice, purple thunder!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The dark soldiers and generals killed with soaring morale were immediately swallowed under the five forces that swept the world, making a stern and terrible roar.

The power of the Nine Stars and Demigods cannot be countered by them alone. If they are dead, they will have no advantage in terms of numbers.

Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu four generals, their body shape has begun to dodge under those five peerless forces, looks very embarrassed!

"Ah!" At that moment, a panic of women's voices rang out. It was the female warrior, Suzaku, wearing a flame armor.

At this moment, her body had been devoured by the violent fiery red flame.

And Suzaku is also the force of cultivating flames. All over and around, the raging fierce flames have been burning to resist the burning of red flames.

But just momentarily, "Ah!" A scream of screams emanated from the red flames.

Although Suzaku is an eight-star demigod-level powerhouse, under the power of nine-star demigods, he just died from the momentary moment.

A generation of devil Suzaku has fallen, and she has been obsessed with the flames all her life, but died under the obsessed flames and was burned to death! .

"Ah!" Then, a thick screaming sound followed, and the demon engulfed the white tiger, swallowed up by the green venom, and the body was instantly corroded.

A generation of magic white tigers has fallen!



Soon after, the magic dragon died in the fierce yellow storm, the magic dragon died under the purple thunder, and the four monsters in charge of the four major areas of Sin Demon City fell.






The screams of stern and painful screams continued to echo in the heavens and the earth, fighting, and entering a situation of bombardment.

The killing of this sinister demon army by Jiuli Snake is no different from killing ants.

"Ah! How can this be so! How can this beast! That animal is constantly killing our sin demon soldiers in sin city!"

"Are you defeated? This time, our great Lord of Three Devil, was defeated in the hands of this evil evil maple?"

"I used to provoke my insultable existence from the outside world. The original number of robberies was inescapable. It was because I hid in the abyss of sin that I escaped that robbery and made me live for so many years! The great three demon masters, Have great favor for me!

Do not! I want to fight for the three demon masters! Sin Abyss, Sin Castle, this is my home. My home has been damaged now. I want to protect my home. No one can invade here! No one can! war! "

At this moment, in the ruins below, a sudden roar broke out, a burly white-haired old man, a violent momentum immediately rose on his body, this is a six-star demigod strong!

Immediately following, the figure of the white-haired old man rushed into the void.

"That year, I was framed by a traitor, and those hypocritical hypocrites drove me to death, all of them were wronged, and they were bound to give me the name of the wicked, the abyss of evil, and they took me in. I want, Defend my home! Fight! "

Then, another middle-aged man rushed into the void.

"In those years, I slaughtered the world, and those who died in my hands, I can't remember how many people there are, and the enemies that formed were countless.

At that time, I was desperate. If it were not for the abyss of sin, I would have been killed by those enemies! war! "






At this time, just listening to the sounds of war and drinking, the bells kept ringing below, and the ruins rushed into the void one after another with strong fighting spirits.

Their homes have suffered aggression and damage. They have to fight to defend their homes!

Even though they are in front of them, they are a peerless creature, even though they know they may die!

But also go forward!

(End of this chapter)

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