Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1839: Power of the Devil

Chapter 1839


Under the demon statue, Shi Feng immediately sent out an extremely cold hum, and suddenly the evil thoughts in his heart disappeared instantly.

Because of the momentum radiated from this statue, he could not affect his stone maple at all.

Then, Shi Feng moved, rushing up.

Just now, the power of his soul spread out, and he has scanned the Sinister Demon Palace, knowing that the position of the demon statue in front of him is the center of the Sinister Demon Palace.

Soon after, Shi Feng's rushing figure stopped before the eyebrows of this demon statue, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

In the center of the double eyebrows of this demon statue, there is a weird twisted black rune that looks very strange. This strangely shaped rune has never been seen before.

However, from the strange rune, Shi Feng felt three familiar marks, which are the marks left by the evil three old demon.

"Break!" And just then, Shi Feng sang coldly at the strange rune.

The evil three old demons have been wiped out, and under the shout of Shi Feng, those three marks were easily broken.

Followed by, Shi Feng's right **** showed a forest white mark, and then flicked against the strange rune.

The Seal of the White Seal was immediately ejected by Shi Feng and entered the strange rune.

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

And just as Shi Feng ’s White Seal entered the weird rune, a strange shape suddenly appeared in the entire Sinister Demon Palace, with extremely violent shocks, and the sound of roaring sounds.

"Huh?" However, in the violently turbulent space, Shi Feng's face was still full of calmness, his eyebrows were twisted, and a light "um" was issued.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly laughed: "Ha ha! That's it! This demon palace of sin is really a mystery!"

After Shi Feng punched that White Seal into the weird rune, at this moment, everything in the Sin Demon Palace has been under his control. With a few thoughts in his heart, the Sin Demon Palace, which was still shaking fiercely, This moment was quiet for a moment.

However, even if Shi Feng took control of the Sinister Demon Palace, he still couldn't feel it. This Sinister Demon Palace, in the end, belonged to the grade, as if there was no grade at all!

However, Shi Feng was not very interested in the order, and his thoughts moved again. Suddenly, I saw him in all directions. There was a billowing magic mist, and these billowing magic mists were all pounds.礴 Vital energy condensed.

But instead of saying these magic mists are vitality, it is better to call them magical spirits, because these magical mists are a little different from the usual ones!

It is not as peaceful as vitality, but it is a bit violent, and the energy contained in it is far better than vitality!

Shi Feng has sensed that the magical spirit of these magic mists can also be swallowed by them and transformed into the nine ghostly powers in Dantian.

Not only yourself, but also ordinary martial arts.

Under Shi Feng's mind, the magic mist in all directions is still rushing towards him. The magic mist is like an endless stream. This space has instantly become a sea of ​​black mist, and the black mist is billowing. The waves billowed.

Inducing again and again in all directions, even Shi Feng was a little surprised. If he devours these magic mists in the future, the energy in the metamorphic Dantian in the body will definitely rise!

But now, the energy in Shifeng Dantian has reached ten tenth complete, it is not the time to devour these magic mists.

The mind was moving again. Under his mind, those dark magic mists that rushed forward immediately began to roll back, and in an instant, they retreated from this space.

"So it is!" Shi Feng murmured softly.

There are eight ancient altars at the ends and corners of this sin demonic palace, and on each altar, there are ancient formations similar to the Spirit Circle.

Under the ancient formation, the vitality of the outside world is continuously sucked into the sin demonic palace, and then under the eight formations, it is condensed into the power of the devil.

The evil three old demons, rumored countless years ago, they stepped into the peak of the nine-star demi-god. Being the peak of the nine-star demi-god means that their energy in Dantian has reached the great consummation, so there is no special situation, so No need to use the power of this magic element.

So in these long years, through the eight ancient formations, the power of the devil is accumulating more and more. Now, he is also completing his stone maple.

"Very good!" At this time, Shi Feng grinned and said.

In addition to obtaining the demon skull, this extraordinary and magnificent power of the magic element is also a great gain!

Following this, Shi Feng suddenly remembered the words of Xue Ying, the woman in white, and murmured in her mouth, "Top Ten Magic!"

Listening to the woman, these ten demons will unite and be stronger than the evil three old demons. The ten of them also control a true God of War weapon, and they cannot be ignored.

In addition to the top ten magic generals, there are major forces in the evil abyss!

This time, the battle with the three evil devil masters was also a dangerous battle. In the end, the three old guys burned their destiny at the same time, forcing them to use the Thunder God of War and eventually lost their combat power.

If it was not in the forest of evil, the four-leaf serpent advanced into a five-leaf serpent and possessed the power of nine stars and demigods. This time, it really hangs.

"Thunder God of War formula, Xi Mu!" Thinking of the top ten magic generals, followed by, Shi Feng thought of another person, the one who taught his own Thunder God of War formula.

I did not expect that he was going to be his enemy! Really impermanent!

"If it is really a battle at that time, no matter who I am, I can't lose!" Of course, he cannot be defeated. As long as he loses, it means he is going to die.

Then, Shi Feng said secretly again, saying:

"At that time, if the top ten demons would dare to come and attack me, I would defeat all ten people, and everyone who dared to attack me would kill them all! Only Ximu, I will leave him one at that time His life is, he is also the one who taught the Thunder God of War! "

Thinking of Xi Mu, one of the top ten magical generals, Shi Feng now dare not to underestimate the top ten magical generals.

If the top ten demons are coming, it is estimated that by then, it will be a hard fight.

"Now that my energy in Dantian has reached the great consummation, then in the following time, I will contemplate in this sin demon palace and enter the eight-star demigod as soon as possible!

If I successfully step into the eight-star demigod, then the so-called top ten magic generals, I will not let it go! But wanting to enter the eight-star demigod is not so simple. "

As he said these words, Shi Feng's thoughts moved again. Immediately, a **** light shone above him. When the **** light fell, a large tree burning like a flame was revealed.

Flame tree!

(End of this chapter)

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