Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1840: Mori girl comes!

Chapter 1840 Girl Mori Comes!

The power of the flame emanating from the flame tree can not only be swallowed up, transformed into energy in the Dantian and strengthen the flesh, but also make the thoughts accessible and help the martial arts.

Shi Feng also has several times. With this tree of flames, he successfully learned the way of martial arts and soul.

At this moment when the flame tree came out, Shi Feng crossed her legs with her knees suspended in the void, sitting under the flame tree, shedding all thoughts and entering the martial arts perception.

Time passed by in the perception. At this moment, Shi Feng had almost entered the realm of ecstasy, and even time did not know how long it had passed.

"Huh?" And at this moment, when Shi Feng's calm complexion suddenly moved, he woke up from his feelings and opened his eyes slowly.

Now everything in the Sinister Demon Palace is under his control. Just now, he felt the movement outside the Sinister Demon Palace at this moment, and murmured: "This girl is here!"

When Shi Feng whispered these words, her figure flickered and disappeared instantly.


In front of the sin demon gate of the sin demon palace, at this moment a white figure was floating, as if unreal, somewhat unreal, and looked like a ghost.

This is a woman in white, with a beautiful face, but her face is pale, as if full of sickness, all over her body, exuding a vicious atmosphere.

It was not long ago that the girl Shi Feng met through Ziyi, Senrou.

I didn't expect that she actually appeared here, but now that she appears here, she must have come to find Shi Feng.

Above the pale and beautiful face, she stared at the two sinister demon doors. Just now, she had knocked on the door three times with her hands, but at this moment, the sin demon palace was still not moving at all.

"He, is it really here? Should I knock again?" At this moment, Morou murmured secretly, hesitation appeared on the pretty pale face.

"Now he is the peerless existence of the three evil devil masters. Will he still be the former Shi Feng? Even if I see him later, will he still recognize me? He will still follow Is it the same as before? "

At this moment, the girl Rouer said secretly.

However, even if that person changes, she will never forget the battle of Tianjiao a few months ago.

At that time, she stubbornly had to fight with Qi Qixiong, but was defeated in the hands of Qi Qixiong.

At that time, she thought she would die, but at the most critical time, he appeared in time. With his body and his back, he blocked the strange and fierce blow from herself.

Because of himself, he lost all his strength because of the Thunder War God. He was seriously injured because of himself.

Senrou can never forget that scene, that person, that weak and laborious phrase: "I ... nothing ... I can't die!"

"Will he be the same Brother Shi Feng as before?" Girl Mori repeated the words secretly again.

Then, she stretched out her right hand, which was as pale as her face again, and knocked on the door of the sin demon again.

But just before she touched the Sinister Gate with her right hand, she heard a loud roar, and suddenly it sounded:

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The roaring sound came from the evil demon gate in front of her, and with the roaring sound, I saw the void rising immediately.

The two evil demon doors are slowly opening at this moment.

As the evil demon door gradually opened, the figure wearing a white robe gradually appeared in the eyes of the girl Mori. When she saw the complete face of Lengjun, she immediately became happy, and immediately Opening: "Stone ..."

When Senrou shouted the word "stone", her voice stopped abruptly. She originally wanted to call him "Brother Shi Feng" as before, but she immediately realized his current identity and stopped behind. Those two words.

He now, but has killed the peerless existence of the three evil devil masters. In the future, he will most likely be the master of this evil abyss.

"How can he be the same brother Shi Feng as before?" When the girl said something in her heart, she seemed to laugh at herself.

The evil demon door was half open and then quieted down. Shi Feng looked at the familiar shadow in front of him, grinned, and shouted, "Girl Rouer!"

After hearing the familiar four words, I saw Sen Rou's pampered body, and at this moment trembled slightly.

The feeling he gave her at this moment was still the same as at that time, as if there had been no change at all, which made Senrou feel as if he had returned to a few months ago.

"He, even remember me? Willing to recognize me and even smile at me." Mori said secretly in his heart.

"Huh?" When Shi Feng saw herself calling her, the girl didn't speak, she looked strange, frowned, and wondered: "Why don't you see me for months, don't you know me?"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Senrou quickly shook his head and said, "No! No! How could it!

During the battle of Tianjiao, you have a life-saving grace for me. In this life, I will never forget you, I ... I just, some dare not recognize you. You today are not the same as you were. "

Shi Feng naturally understood what this girl meant by saying this, and said to her with a smile, "I am now, not me before?"

Then, I saw that Shi Feng shook her head gently and said, "No matter what I have done, no matter what I have become, I am still me. The friends I have identified will always be my friends."

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Morou's pale face moved immediately, his gaze fixed on Shi Feng's face instantly, and he said, "So, you, treat me as your friend?"

"Of course!" Shi Feng replied without hesitation.

After hearing what he said, Sen Rou's heartstrings were immediately touched, and she smiled, smiling like a flower, like a white lily suddenly blooming.

He smiled and said, "Brother Shi Feng, it really is the same brother Shi Feng. I know that you will not become. Although you are today, the existence of the abyss of sin is the most famous and the most powerful."

Upon hearing Sen Rou's words, Shi Feng smiled and said nothing.

After a while, Senrou spoke again and said to Shi Feng, "Brother Shi Feng, I came to you this time, but I actually asked for something from you."

"Oh?" After hearing Senrou's words, Shi Feng made a sound of "Oh" and said, "From what I know of you, you don't seem to be the kind of person who is willing to ask for help easily. What the **** is it? Just talk to me if you have something. "

"It's about my father!" Mori said:

"The three evil masters died in your hands, and the ten monsters in charge of the ten areas of the abyss of evil have begun to raise troops to fight against you!

And my father, in response to the call of the top ten magic generals, will lead all the strong men of our forest family to this sin evil city! "

(End of this chapter)

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