Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1841: wind! mine! Ground! fire!

Chapter 1841 Wind! mine! Ground! fire!

"Do you think, after I lose your Mori family, you can spare them?" Although Mori's words haven't finished, Shi Feng has understood her purpose.

"Ah!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the girl Mori sighed deeply, then nodded and said:

"I also hope that Brother Shi Feng will look at his former love, and then he can show mercy."

"You should understand my style of work?" Shi Feng asked the girl Mori instead.

"I already knew the time I spent together." Senrou nodded again when he heard Shi Feng's words, and replied.

Followed by, she said: "If others are not kind, you will be unjust!"

"Oh!" Shi Feng grinned when she heard the words from Girl Mori, and said, "It seems that Girl Rou knows me very well. In this case, I don't have to explain anything. I will see how the people in your family do it. Now. "

"But ..." The people of his own family, in response to the call of the top ten demons, attacked him, and when he came to the evil city, he would definitely do his best to want his head.

Based on her understanding of her dad and those of the Mori family, when she sees the murderer who killed the three evil demon masters, they are likely to rush forward.

It is rumored that many years ago, the three evil demon masters had great gratitude to the ancestors of the Sen family. If there were no evil three demon masters, there would be no Mori today.

"Well, girl Rouer, you don't need to say anything about this." When Sen Rou said the word "but", Shi Feng immediately spoke, interrupting her continued words.

He then said:

"Since you understand my style of doing things, it is no use to say more. You are you, and your Mori family is Mori family. I hope that no matter what happens, the relationship between you and me will not change." Shi Feng said.

"Ah!" Senrou said nothing, but sighed softly again.

"If that's the case, is it okay?" Mori said secretly in her heart. She thought that if the strong man of her family died in his hands, if her father died in his hands, she would still be the same when she faced him. It is the same?

Senrou didn't know, but she really didn't want that to happen.

Suddenly, the girl's atmosphere suddenly became sad because of the silence.

After a pause, Shi Feng said again, "Now, I am the Lord of this heaven and earth. Now that the Girl Rouer is here, I should do my best to enter the Palace of Sinister Demon?"

"Sin Demon Palace!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Rouer's eyes gazed once again in that standing heaven and earth, like a demon palace of sin.

Afterwards, the girl Mori shook her head with a smile and said to Shi Feng, "Brother Shi Feng, if I had been in the past, I really wanted to enter and take a good look at this mysterious sin demon palace. But now, I really don't have this Mind, I ... there's still something to do, it's time to go. "

The more she spoke at the end, the quieter the girl's voice was. It can be heard that the sorrow remained unabated.

"Is this going?" Shi Feng said.

"Um! Mori retired." With this remark, the girl Mori gently fisted at Shi Feng: "Brother Shi Feng take care!"

Shi Feng nodded gently to Senrou, and said, "Since you have something in your body, I won't leave you. Be careful on the way. If you need any help in the future, you can always find me."

When saying this, a jade Jane appeared in Shi Feng's hands, and then he passed it to Senrou.

"Yeah!" Mori nodded gently, responded softly, took the jade Jane handed by Shi Feng, dragged it into the palm of his hand, and then stared at Shi Feng again very carefully, staring at the cold Jun Face, said, "Brother Shi Feng, leave!"

Senrou's voice hadn't dropped yet, and she saw a flash of her figure, which instantly disappeared in front of Shi Feng.

Although the figure of the girl Mori disappeared, she couldn't escape Shi Feng's eyesight, staring at the white shadow that rushed away until she disappeared at the end of the void.

At this moment, it was Shi Feng's turn to sigh deeply: "Ah!"

He already knew that because he hadn't promised the girl, he would let the people of her Mori family by then, and his relationship with her would be different from that time.

But those people are going to attack themselves, they are going to take their own lives, how can they let them go?

If they want to put themselves to death then, no matter who they are, they must die!

"Huh? Why is she still there?" Just then, Shi Feng frowned, lowered her head, and looked down at the ruins below.

At this time, the power of his released soul had been sensed, and the woman who met in the sinful forest was still in the ruins below. At this moment, he was kneeling there.

"Muffy, she wants to move me by this?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Then he said again, "If you want to be stronger, you should rely on yourself. Does she think that kneeling at me will make her stronger? Huh! How stupid!"

After saying this, Shi Feng ignored it, and the power of the soul was withdrawn. His body flickered, flashed back to the Palace of Sinister Demon, and flashed back to the center.

The enemy is coming, he will continue to use the mysterious flame power of the flame tree to comprehend martial arts, and step into the eight-star demigod as early as a day!


The abyss of sin, a mysterious dark place.

Black waves are raging, dark flames are burning the sky, dark tornadoes are sweeping the sky, dark black thunders are raging, and erupting roars!

This is a dark world with only wind, thunder, water, and fire, as if entering a violent demon world.

At this moment, ten Taos wearing dark magic armors and extraordinary marvels are floating in this world.

In the abyss of sin, if anyone sees these ten figures, they will definitely exclaim!

These ten people, but the ten most famous magicians! At this moment, the top ten demons will gather in this dark world.

"Well, ten of us finally came here together. Now that the abyss of sin has changed so much, we can let it be born again!" At this moment, one of the middle-aged demons will speak with a thick voice Like magic sounds, echoing in this world.





After hearing the words of the middle-aged demon general, the other nine demon nodded in succession, and no one objected.

Their top ten demons will gather here, and they are here for that thing!

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the top ten monsters would simultaneously sign their handprints with each hand, each of which was different, and then the ten handprints changed at the same time, and one dark magic pattern kept flying out of their handprints, like a strip. Black fishes swam over them.





Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of howling and howling!

(End of this chapter)

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