Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1842: Heaven Demon Scepter!

Chapter 1842 Heaven Demon Scepter!



With the sound of violent drinking, in this dark world of chaos and fury, the storms and fires of this world suddenly became more violent and chaotic.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Especially the sound of thunder blasting, as if to destroy this world.

However, for this world that has become more violent, the top ten monsters have turned a blind eye, their faces are extremely majestic, and the handprints in their hands are constantly changing.

At this moment, I saw a mysterious and huge “black pattern” appearing in the sky of the top ten magic generals, like a “magic totem” and like a giant demon head!

As soon as the totem of the demon appeared, all the magic lines floating upwards kept flying towards the totem of the demon. I saw that in the totem of the demon, if suddenly a "magic mouth" opened suddenly, all of them would fly away. The dark moire on it was sucked wildly.

It was also at this time that the ten demons stopped the ten handprints concluded in their hands at the same time, and the ten demons looked up at the same time, gazing at the demon totem like the head of a demon.

On the totem of magic, a dark magic light shone immediately, and I saw a strangely shaped dark bone wand with an ancient atmosphere, and from this totem, suddenly, an unparalleled magic power , That swept the world.

In this peerless power, even the violent wind, thunder, water, and fire in this world are instantly inferior.

According to legend, the top ten demons will jointly hold a true God of War weapon, but somehow they are sealed in a secret place by ten of them.

It seems that this gloomy world is the secret place of the seal of the true **** war weapon, and the dark bone staff that appears in the totem of the devil is probably the true **** in the legend. War weapon!

Now that the bone stick has appeared, it means that their top ten have joined forces to finally unlock the seal and let this peerless thing appear again!

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" For a moment, I only heard a burst of evil laughter that seemed to come from the ancient times, and it sounded on the dark bone stick, and the sound sounded for a while. It was very dark and uncomfortable to listen to.

"God's Scepter!"

A demon general, with his face solemnly, said the name of the bone stick that appeared above.


In the twinkling of an eye, three days later, in the ruins of the Sin City, I saw the white shadow, still kneeling down on her knees. At this moment, she was full of firmness above her pretty face.

Xue Ying believes that Jin Cheng is the one to go away. As long as she keeps on her knees, I believe that she can be touched!

That man, so young, stepped into the realm of such legends and became the strongest person in the abyss of sin. I believe that in addition to his anti-natural talent, the true God of War weapon, there are also the exercises he has cultivated, his Peerless combat skills!

If he is willing to guide himself on the martial arts road, he will pass on his exercises and his peerless combat skills to himself, which will be better than all the adventures and opportunities in the world.

At this moment, Xue Ying had already figured out that, in order to wait for the first adventure in the world, she could escape everything! If that person needs his own body now, he won't hesitate at all, he can give it to him immediately!

And that person, in addition to having an innate talent, is so handsome. Is there a stronger man in this world?

Isn't this the man he always wanted to pursue?

If he could be his woman, what would happen to those people in the Xue family?

Surprised? Shock?

"Presumably, it will be extremely exciting!" Xue Ying thought to herself secretly, thinking of that scene, she felt a little excited, Jiaozi trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, Xue Ying held her white neck up, raised her head, and shouted at the sky:

"Master Shifeng, I sincerely implore you to guide martial arts, and please complete! If you wish, I will always belong to you from now on!"

"If you want, I will always belong to you from now on!"

"If you want, I will always belong to you from now on!"


This coquettish shout echoed in this world.

But at this time, in the distance of Xue Ying, there were three dark magic lights shining.

When the magic light fell, three figures appeared.

Two men and one woman, these three are the three young men who have just passed through the secret path of the evil forest and came to this ruin!

And Xue Ying's shouting voice just passed into the ears of the three of them.

At this moment, three young faces changed at the same time. Two young men immediately recognized the woman in white kneeling in the ruins. One of them suddenly exclaimed:

"Xue Ying! This is not Xueying's Xueying! I have heard that this woman's martial arts situation has entered a seven-star demigod state!"

"That's right! It's Xueying's Xueying!" Followed by, another man nodded and said, "I didn't expect this Xueying was willing to dedicate himself to Lord Shifeng in order to let Lord Shifeng direct her martial arts!

Discussing talent and posture, this Xueying can also be regarded as one of the first! Lord Shi Feng, it ’s a real blessing! "

"Yeah! That's right! Such a beautiful lady who came to the door. If I were Master Shi Feng, I would definitely ask her first!

As he said this, the two young men's faces suddenly showed envy.

"Huh!" Just then, a displeased woman hummed, and Qingyan said unhappyly, and said to the two:

"Shi Feng, is it like you?

Didn't you see, this woman is kneeling here and begging for Shi Feng? If Shi Feng really has your worries, how could this woman kneel here!

But where is this? Will Shi Feng really be in such a place? "



Qing Yan's last few words immediately reminded the two young men. They immediately issued an incredible exclamation, and looked at the ruins in all directions.

"We are on the right path! Passing that place, it stands to reason that we should have entered the Sinister City of Demons! How could it ... how could it ... how could this be!"

The man looked at the ruined land and said in astonishment.

Although he thought, this is the former evil demon city, but there is still some incredible. The once bustling magic city will become what it is today!

"Sin Castlevania! Here is Sin Castlevania!" Just then, another man yelled and called out the old name of the ruins.

"What! Sin Castle! How could it happen!" After hearing the cries of the two men around him, Qingyan's complexion also changed, and she shouted with incredible expression.

Sin Demon City, she has been there before, and she can't associate this ruin with that bustling giant city.

"I see! I see! Shi Feng! It must be Mr. Shi Feng!" While Qing Yan was still shocked, the shout of one of the young men resounded:

"My family rumored that Shi Feng and the three evil demon masters broke out in a peerless war. It must be in that peerless war that they destroyed that evil demon city ..."

(End of this chapter)

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