Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1843: Xue Ying's pride!

Chapter 1843 Xueying's Pride!

In these circumstances, anyone who sees the ruins here cannot be linked to the bustling giant city of the past.

"It is rumored that there are several ancient enemies guarding the Sinister City. The ordinary powers cannot be destroyed at all. This ... what kind of battle broke out at that time, what kind of powerful power was it!"

A young man spoke secretly again.

The three of them were still full of astonishment on their faces.

"Who! Who?" Just then, a cold, cold drink came from the distance of the three of them.

It was Xue Ying who was kneeling in the distance and found the three young people who came.

Followed by, Xue Ying, kneeling on the rubble's torso, slowly stood up, turned around, her face was cold, and she looked down at the three of Qingyan, an invisible force of ice, then radiated from her body. , Swept towards the three of them.



The two young men beside Qing Yan, but in the realm of martial arts, were in the state of five stars and demigods, and under the sweep of the force of ice, they suddenly exclaimed, their bodies could not help shaking.

At the moment, the two of them only felt that they would be frozen into ice at any time under the force of this ice!

Xue Ying in front of them, but the heavenly pride of the seven-star demigod!

However, under the power of the ice, Qingyan seemed as if she had not been attacked in the slightest, and her face was indifferent, looking at the woman in white in the distance.

"Huh?" When Xue Ying found the state of Qingyan, she twisted her eyebrows, and then said coldly to the three of them:

"You, who are you?"

When she said these words, Xue Ying's figure flickered, and she immediately flashed to the front of the Qingyan three, standing proudly on a broken rock, looking at the three people in front.

At this moment, when Xue Ying faced these three people, she looked completely different from Shi Feng when she faced them a few days ago. Invisible, she showed a proud look.

This is her pride as a seven-star demigod, facing five-star and four-star demigods.

Qing Yan did not answer Xue Ying's words, but spoke, and asked her: "You mentioned Shi Feng just now, can you tell me, where is Shi Feng?"

This ruin was searched by Qingyan in the dark, but Shi Feng was not found at all.

"You are here to find him?" When Qing Yan mentioned the two "Shi Feng", Xue Ying's arrogant face moved immediately.

But immediately following, Xue Ying seemed to think of something, and instantly restored her cold and proud look, and said to the three of them: "You go back, Lord Shi Feng, he will not see you."

When these three people came here, they wanted to see that person. They must be just like themselves. They wanted him to teach martial arts. They wanted to have a great opportunity this day.

However, the three of them are simply delusional, and their own divine seven-star demigod has been kneeling here these days, and they have not yet sincerely touched that person. They have a four-star demigod and two five-star demigods Do they deserve it?

Thinking of this, Xue Ying's arrogant face showed a scorn of disdain.

"Don't see us? Why didn't he see us?" Qing Yan didn't understand Xue Ying's words, followed, and then asked, "Shi Feng, where is he now?"

Seeing this woman who felt annoyed from the beginning, Xue Ying kept asking non-stop, and after listening to her words, she didn't leave, her complexion became even colder, and she yelled coldly:

"I told you to go back, didn't you hear me?"

When Xue Ying whispered these words, I saw a huge ice hammer suddenly appeared above the three of Qingyan's heads, and then blasted down towards the three of them!

"Oh no!"


Looking at the smashing ice sledgehammer, the two young men's eyes widened immediately, filled with incomparable horror, and uttered a terrifying roar.

This frosty ice hammer is condensed by the power of seven stars and demigods. The two stars and demigods in the past two years have differed by two stars, and there is no force of resistance.

"I want to, are you dead?" The thought instantly struck the mind of one of the young men.

"I don't want to die!" This was the voice of another young man.

"You!" But at this moment, there was a Jiao drink beside them, and I saw Qing Yan's body flashing an ice-colored light instantly, and under this ice-colored light, the fierce The ice sledgehammer blasted down suddenly and burst into countless pieces of ice smashing wildly.

Qingyan, even so, broke the blow of this ice sledgehammer! Even so, broke the power of this seven-star demigod!

"This ... how is this possible!" At this moment, Xue Ying's white cheeky face, there appeared an incredible disbelief.

This is just a woman with a four-star demigod, and she broke her attack!

She and her are different from each other!




Not only Xue Ying, but even the two young men beside Qing Yan were even more terrified on the horrified face.

Even they did not expect that this woman who was walking with them was so powerful!

"She ... is she really in the four-star demigod?"

"It's difficult ... can't she hide the real realm? She ... she's so amazing!"

In the evil forest, two young men saw that Qing Yan was a woman, and saw that her realm was only in the four-star demigod, so if there was any trouble along the way, it was his two to solve it.

They even secretly thought that the woman who knew Shi Feng was beautiful and tall, maybe one of Shi Feng's women was not necessarily, and she must be protected.

But at this moment, I did not expect that the woman's combat power was so abnormal when she shot it!

"Xue Ying from the Xue family, but a seven-star demigod! Isn't the fake Xue Ying in front of you?

No, she is indeed! About six years ago, when she participated in the battle of Tianjiao, I once came to Sinister City with my dad. What she saw at the time was indeed her! A young man said in his heart that he was sure that this was indeed the sky's proud girl, Xue Ying.

"Get it, I get it. That's it! That's it! Oh!" At this moment, Xue Ying seemed to have found something again, and suddenly gave out a cold sneer, and then she opened her eyes and stared at Qing. Yan said:

"You must have a secret treasure in your body? A secret treasure that can make you a four-star demigod and break the strength of this girl!"

"What's the matter." Unexpectedly, when Qing Yan heard Xue Ying's words, she did not deny it, and admitted it directly.


"There is a secret treasure!"

Hearing Qing Yan's admission, the two young men immediately exclaimed again.

For them, it is really hard to imagine what kind of secret treasure it is, letting a four-star demigod break the power of the seven-star demigod!

If it is a secret treasure, it is going to be against the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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