Chapter 1849: Ominous Device

Hearing the sound of the stone maple in her head, Qing Yan froze first, then lowered her head and looked at the ruins below, and then she saw the figure that was already full of wolverines.

Xue Ying had dirt on her head, her clothes were broken and dirty, her right face was swollen and dark blue, and her mouth had red blood stains. She had long ago lost the pride of the seven-star demigod.

After staring at the figure of the wolf howling for a while, Qingyan slowly raised her head, looking back at Shi Feng, which floated in the sky, and echoed back:

"This is a greedy and vicious man, peeping at the secret treasure my mother gave me, and trying to kill me. Originally, I also wanted to kill her, but forget it, after seeing you, all my killing thoughts are Gone."

"Okay." Shi Feng gave a faint reply upon hearing the reply from Qing Yan.

Since Qingyan didn't want to kill the woman, let her do it.

In the ruins, Xue Ying watched the four figures fluttering up to the endless sky, and gradually disappeared into her sight.

After the four figures disappeared, Xue Ying sighed a secretly sigh of relief. The person's departure also proved that he did not intend to kill himself.

I finally survived, I didn't die because of that humble woman.

"That woman!" When Xue Ying thought of the woman wearing a fur coat again, the look of her bun changed immediately, and a fierce look appeared in an instant.

Reaching out and touching the swollen right face, the pain had not subsided at this moment.

Xue Ying murmured secretly, ruthlessly:

"Slut, I hate it, Xue Ying! I will pay you back a hundred times, thousands of times. Wait for me, slut!"

Although this slap was fanned by Shi Feng, Xue Ying, how dare to count this slap on his head.

She naturally attributed this slap feud to Qing Yan's body, naturally thinking that that person would slap herself because of that woman.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Ying wanted to get more angry, more and more manic, and more and more anxious to tear the woman into pieces with her own hands.

And her face became more and more embarrassed and even distorted by the fierceness in her heart.


The four people of Shi Feng, fluttering figure stopped in front of a dark magic palace like a demon.

"Sin Demon Palace!"

"Sin Demon Palace!"

Seeing this legendary magic palace, Panpan and Weiru exclaimed.

Although they once entered the Temple of Sin Demon to pay homage to the Lord of Three Sinisters, at that time they entered from the secret way of space. This is the first time they saw this demon palace.

Not only Yanpan and Wei Confucianism, but even Qing Yan saw the Palace of Sin Demon, but she was also shocked.

She has also heard about the devil's palace of the three evil devil. It is rumored that even people in the abyss of sin can see the devil's palace with their own eyes.

However, I did not expect that I could see it with my own eyes today. At this moment, in the face of this evil demon palace standing like heaven and earth, Qing Yan only felt that she suddenly became extremely small.

At this moment, Qing Yan turned her head slightly, looking at the side of Lian Jun with a clean, sharp outline, like a knife, and said secretly:

"Sin Demon Palace, the legendary Sin Demon Palace, will it belong to him from now on? He ..."

At this moment, Qingyan looked at him so quietly, feeling extremely sweet and happy in her heart, and really wanted to be with him like this forever.

"My lord, there is news in the house." And at this moment, the respectful voice of Weijia and Weiru suddenly sounded.

"Oh!" Shi Feng, who wanted to open the door of the evil demon, heard Wei Ru's words and said lightly, turned her head and looked at him.

Wei Ru yelled again: "It is rumored that the top ten monsters have entered the seal some days ago, have unsealed the seals, and removed the artifacts they held together."

Upon hearing the Wei Ru's news, Shi Feng said, "You know, what exactly is their artifact? Why did the ten demon seal it?"

This is not the first time he has heard that the top ten demons will hold an artifact together, but many years ago, the artifact was sealed by their ten demons.

Shi Feng was previously curious about why a good artifact should be sealed, and there must be something hidden in it.

Thinking of the sealed artifact, Secretly, Shi Feng's heart suddenly raised a bad hunch, as if the battle was not easy.

Shi Feng's words sounded, Wei Ru didn't answer yet, but Pan said,

"Back to my Lord, I have heard about his artifact many years ago.

It is rumored that the artifact is very evil. Once the artifact comes out, it must be the blood sea corpse mountain and the creatures coated with charcoal. In the end, the top ten demons will only be able to seal it in a secret place. It was born. "

"Well, the rumors heard by his subordinates are also very similar to what Xiaopan said." When he heard the report from Panpan, Wei Ru nodded and said.

"As for that evil artifact, our evil abyss has been circulating this legend, and it is definitely an ominous artifact.

But what exactly will happen, no one can tell clearly after so many years. According to legend, everyone who has seen the power of the artifact is dead. "

"As soon as the artifact comes out, it must be the **** sea corpse mountain, and the creatures are coated with charcoal?" Shi Feng secretly murmured these words when he heard the words of the two men.

Then, I saw that he nodded slightly to the two people and said, "I see."

Although he had a bad feeling about the mysterious and evil artifact in his heart, his face still remained calm and indifferent.

As if indifferent at all, as if he still didn't take the evil artifact and the top ten monsters to heart.

The two young men who have been observing Shi Feng's face secretly saw Shi Feng's appearance. The two nodded secretly. It seems that despite knowing the extraordinaryness and evilness of the evil instrument, Master Shi Feng has not released it. In the eyes.

Before the two of them took refuge in Shi Feng, naturally they also did analysis. They said that the power of the top ten monsters surpassed the three evil demon masters. In fact, it is just a rumor. After all, no one has seen them in person. Battle of the Lord.

But the evil maple Shi Feng, but it did kill the evil three demon masters, this is a fact.

In the abyss of sin, many people subconsciously believe that the top ten demons will surpass the evil three demon masters as if they will inevitably surpass him.

The power of the top ten magic generals and that evil real artifact are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, the analysis of their uncle and Wei family shows that the real combat power and potential of the evil evil Shi Feng is truly unfathomable.

Shi Feng is pregnant with a real artifact and urges the real artifact to destroy the three evil devil masters. This is a well-known thing.

But many people may not realize that the three evil devil masters are dead, so their real artifact demon skull has naturally fallen into Shi Feng's hands.

The stone maple that is held by two real artifacts today is no longer comparable when killing the three demon masters!

(End of this chapter)

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