Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1850: Three days!

Chapter 1850 Three Days!

Throwing away the unknown artifact and the top ten demons and the like, Shi Feng thought of it and said secretly, "Open the door."


"Boom boom boom boom ..."

With the fierce roar, as the void boils again, the gates of the Sinister Demon Palace slowly open again, and a majestic dark magic mist overflows from the opened gate, rolling and surging In the gate of the evil demon, a dark magic road appeared in the eyes of several people.

"Go in!" At this moment, Shi Feng said lightly, and said to several people.

Before Shi Feng's words fell, he saw that his body flickered into the hall of sin demons.

"Shi Feng, wait for me." Seeing Shi Feng flashed in, Qing Yan quickly exclaimed, her body flashed quickly, and she instantly flashed into the Palace of Sin Demon.

Then, Panpan and Weiru glanced at each other. Then, their figures also flickered, passing through the rolling dark magic mist and flashing into the palace of sin demon.

As the four entered, the opened magic palace closed again.


After Shi Feng entered the Palace of Sinister Demon, her shape teleported all the way forward.

The sight of Shi Feng didn't stop, and Shi Feng didn't stop them either. The three people behind them followed Shi Feng all the way, but their eyes kept scanning the dark and mysterious sin demon. Ground.

The dark inside of the Sin Demon Palace is really like a place where the devil lives, even filled with quaint and desolate breath from ancient times. It seems that as the legend says, the Sin Demon Palace of the Three Sin Lords exists Endless years.

Several people who moved forward all the time saw the ground from time to time, and there were ancient writings that they had never seen before, as well as ancient patterns that were profound and difficult to understand.

Entering here is like entering another world, it is like entering an ancient and mysterious period in an instant.

Soon after, in the distance in front of them, a mysterious bright light appeared, followed by a huge black statue that appeared in their sight.

When I saw Shi Feng's figure, he ate a meal in front of the huge statue, but the next moment, his figure flew up.

The three men in the rear first showed shock and looked at the huge golem. Suddenly they had a strange feeling.

Afterwards, they immediately chased Shi Feng again and flew up. The next moment, their eyes gazed at the flame tree suspended in mid-air, and they sensed a mysterious flame.

"This ... this tree ..."

Under the tree of flames, they suddenly felt the power of a mysterious flame.

At this time, Shi Feng's voice echoed in this dark space: "The statue of the demon has a magic power that can deceive the mind, but the cultivation and mind of several of you should not be deceived.

This flame tree, presumably you have felt the beauty. In the next period, you can practice with me under this flame tree, and you can walk freely in this sin demon palace.

There is a large area of ​​ancient formations in the demon palace, and my invisible enchantment is already there. Because of your cultivation, you cannot enter at all. Therefore, you can travel in this devil palace of sin. "

"Know my lord!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the pan and Wei Confucianists responded with respect.

Qing Yan said, "Shi Feng, I want to stay with you."

After hearing Qing Yan's words, Shi Feng looked at her and said, "Then you will practice with me under this flame tree."

"Well, good!" Qing Yan was full of good looks, and nodded at Shi Feng.

Afterwards, Shi Feng looked towards Panpan and Weiru and said, "After I enter the cultivating practice, I will return to God every three hours. If you have any important things, wait for me to return to God every three hours. Report to me. "

When practicing, there are times when it is crucial that you must not be disturbed.

For example, Shi Feng felt martial arts, at which moment, suddenly, there was a flash of light, but if he was disturbed at that critical moment, it was very likely that the inspiration would disappear and everything would be lost.

"Observe, my lord!"

"Observe, my lord!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Hu Pan and Wei Ru responded respectfully again.

After the explanation, Shi Feng didn't care about other things either. Aolly's figure moved and her legs slowly crossed her knees. This way, she sat cross-legged in the mid-air and under the flame tree.

However, Shi Feng did not enter into the feelings at this point, but a movement of thoughts, a golden image of a ghost, appeared in his whole body.

This is when he urged the Emperor God Bell to protect his whole body, in case he felt really disturbed.

Do n’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case, the Jia family and Wei family say they are allegiance to themselves, but knowing the others and not knowing it, Shi Feng cannot rely on only a few words from them, and only on their respectful behavior I am convinced of them.

He Shi Feng, naturally would not be so stupid.

There is also this blue face, which is interesting to herself on the surface. Although she speaks very well, she killed her biological father after all.

And she said that their snow and ice wasteland has now been stricken.

It's difficult to talk about it, and you can't get rid of it.

Under the protection of the power of the Divine Bell, Shi Feng has isolated this small space where he is from the outside world, but introduced the power of the flame of the flame tree without any influence.

Under the power of the Divine Bell, if these people dare to attack him, the strength of the Tiandi Divine Bell counter-shocks, which can make them instantly gray.

Then, the ghost image of the appearing **** bell gradually disappeared into the air.

"Unknown evil weapon, the top ten monsters!" The body sat hovering, eyes closed slowly, but at this moment did not enter the state of perception, but murmured in his mouth.

After a while, he murmured again, "Three days ..."

Secretly said this, then, Shi Feng slowly relaxed his mind, and finally entered the perception.

After seeing Shi Feng entering the cultivation state, Wei Ru whispered to Panpan: "Xiaopan, since this evil demon palace is here, since my lord agrees, I want to see it in this evil demon palace."

Now that Shi Feng has entered cultivation, they naturally use voice to speak, for fear of disturbing him.

If he accidentally interrupts his cultivation, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

But it's not just that he was killed by him. It is very likely that his entire family and thousands of lives will face an unprecedented calamity.

"Okay, I'll stay with you!" He replied after hearing the message from Wei Ru.

Then, Wei Ru nodded his head slightly, and their bodies fell down.

Wei Ru and Yan Pan left, but Qing Yan did not leave. At this time, her figure floated in front of Shi Feng, and she sat cross-legged.

However, she did not enter the state of cultivation, but her eyes flashed, just like that, she looked at him quietly.


In three days, the moment passed ...

(End of this chapter)

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