Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1874: Nine ghosts are handsome!

Chapter 1874: Nine You Demon is Handsome!

"Okay!" Shi Feng said with a smile when he heard Xi Mu promised to stay and help himself.

He didn't make a mark on Xi Mu, and also told him that he can leave if he wants to leave. Now that he is willing to stay, it is sincere.

Xi Mu knows that now that the overall situation is set, it is an irreversible fact that this demon has become the master of the evil abyss.

He chose to stay because he didn't want to see the chaos in the abyss of sin and he didn't want to see the tragic casualties.

Stay by yourself, do your best, and hopefully stop some things from happening.

"Xi Mu, from now on, you will be the nine ghosts of the evil abyss, in charge of all the officers and forces of the sin abyss, all the forces, and even all the affairs of the sin abyss for the time being. "

Shi Feng's voice echoed again and again into every ear of this void.

Although some people guessed that this **** of killing must re-use the former magician Ximu, but after hearing the word of this **** of killing, he was still shocked.

This **** of killing God, at this moment, can be described as giving all rights to this Ximu!

This Ximu is one of the top ten monsters against this killing god. Now he has suddenly become the nine ghost master, who is in charge of all forces in the abyss of evil. See him Ximu, see this killing god!

"In this battle, it seems that he is the most profitable!"

"The army we came to crusade, under the means of their top ten magic generals, can be said to have suffered heavy casualties. Ten million troops, less than half of the survivors today. And he Ximu, but has become a nine ghost monster handsome! "


"Xi Mu!"

At this time, the other eight generals gazing at Xi Mu with their eyes changed, but their faces changed.

Obviously, the status of the eight of them will be under his control from now on!

The eight of him became the "prisoners of war" of that evil spirit, but he Ximu gained the power of the world.

Although some people don't say anything, they are inevitable.

"Yes!" Xi Mu ignored anybody, but just fisted in front of the "that person", and gave a firm reply!

In fact, he didn't expect that this demon evil should value himself so much, appointing himself as his Jiuyou demo handsome!

After Fengmu was sealed, Shi Feng's gaze turned to the eight magicians, and he said:

"From now on, eight of you will be the nine monsters and eight demon generals. After that, you will enter the evil forest. From now on, without the demon's command, you eight will not take half a step out of the evil forest!"





Hearing Shi Feng's fate, the eight of them, despite their reluctance, clenched their fists and responded "yes."

Compared with Xi Mu, the fate of the eight of them is vastly different!

Letting them into the sinful forest is actually imprisoning eight of them.

"Next." Shi Feng drank in a low voice, and then, he saw Banda Sen white streamer flying out of him again, flying towards the eight demon.

Looking at the streamer flying towards himself, the eight demon will protrude one after another and grab the streamer in their hands.

There is exactly one jade per person.

Later, Shi Feng also said: "These eight jade bamboo slips are all marked by the Lord of the Demon. If there is a sinful forest of the Protoss who is not even equal to eight of you, you will crush the jade bamboo slip to notify the demon Lord, the demon Lord must rush to it as soon as possible. "



The eight devil will immediately respond to Shi Feng.

At this time, Shi Feng pointed to the scepter of the sky demon still floating above his head, and said:

"Before going to the Forest of Sin, nine of you will erase the marks on the magic rod of this day!"

At this moment, although the demon scepter did not spur evil, it was still immensely large, like a huge black mountain of bones floating between heaven and earth.

Now that he has won, this evil true God of War weapon, of course, belongs to himself.

When he heard Shi Feng's words, Xi Mu and the eight great generals changed their faces slightly.

People kneeling in all directions towards the nine ghost masters, countless people's faces also changed.

Now after this battle, they finally know the horror and evil of this evil instrument.

There were more than 10 million people who originally came to fight against the thieves, but now there are only 4 million people! It's all iniquity made by this evil instrument.

Now, even though they have survived over 4 million people, many people have lost their youth and their youthful looks.

Those who are strong and lose their strength are considered good.

After hearing the words of the Lord of Nine Demons, countless people's minds emerged from the scene where the evil spirit laughed evil and urged this evil instrument to devour life.

"I hope at that time, I don't want to be present!" Said a peerless powerman secretly in his heart.

His name is Luo Ye, and Wu Dao Xiu is a strong man who has stepped into the nine-star semi-god realm. However, under this evil device, he still has no resistance to let go.

If someone comes to kill him at that time, he will be left to slaughter.


At this time, I saw Xi Mu and the eight magic generals, their hands have been sealed.

Although Xi Mu wanted to re-seal this evil tool after the war, he would never let it be born again, but now he ca n’t help it.

Then, under the fingerprints of these nine people, they saw the scepter of the demon trembling constantly, "Oh! O!"

Then he heard that evil and weird laughter, which originated from the ancient desolate period, and then emanated from the magic power of this day.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the scepter of the demon trembled more and more fiercely, as if excited and excited by the people of Xi Mu Jiu eradicating their marks.

"Huh!" Feeling excited about the magic wand that day, she was indeed excited, and Shi Feng gave a disdainful hum.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body move, and rushed straight up, towards the evil weapon above.

At the same time, Shi Feng's right hand was in the palm of his hand, and a white mark of Sen appeared on his palm.

And at the moment his body moved, the two true **** warriors Tiandi Shenzhong and Demon Skull on both sides of the suspended demon scepter also made a sudden move.

Suddenly, Shi Feng's figure reached below the scepter of the demon, and the white mark of the forest appeared on the right palm, slamming up and slamming on the scepter of the demon.

And those two true **** warriors that just made a sudden move, followed by Shi Feng's right palm action, violently banged on the scepter of the demon together.

"Boom!" A fierce violent roar, Shi Feng's right palm, the emperor **** bell, and the demon skull, all three attacks exploded simultaneously.

The original tremor of excitement, with the strange trembling scepter of the demon, immediately trembled more violently. At this moment, it is not because of excitement, but it has begun to rebel against the imprint of Shi Feng's palm.

The artifact has a spirit. I just felt the endless years of waiting and finally let go. How can I be willing to be bound again by others.

(End of this chapter)

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