Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1875: God knows the mainland, so familiar

Chapter 1875: God Knows The Continent

The fiercely trembling scepter of the demon, no matter how it trembles and how to resist, eventually gradually stabilizes.

The seal of Shi Feng was imprinted. From now on, he is the new master of this evil weapon.

As soon as my heart moved, I saw that this huge and apparent black bone stick kept shrinking, and in an instant, it changed back to the size of an ordinary scepter, slowly fell, and fell to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng stretched out his hand, and grabbed the falling magic scepter into his hand.

"Evil Device, Scepter of Heaven Demon! Haha, okay!" Looking at the Scepter of Heaven Demon, Shi Feng laughed, followed, and then glanced at the Quartet again, toward the densely kneeling in the void, and kneeling towards himself people.

When seeing Shi Feng's eyes sweeping, countless people trembled with shock.

They are really afraid of this killing **** who is holding a weapon of evil, and take this evil weapon to test on himself and others. This **** of killing, what else can he do.

Countless people have rarely recovered their lives. Some lucky people happen to be exhausted. If they are swallowed again, they must be swallowed up like other people.

The evil power of this evil instrument, they really don't want to see any more!

However, Shi Feng did not intend to try this evil weapon on these people, but they were more attentive.

With this scepter, he now has three true God of War weapons, and his combat power has increased greatly!

In this wild continent, it is really difficult to find someone who can defeat him.

But it's hard to find. Shi Feng doesn't think there is no, it may be that he hasn't met.

Just like he once, in Tianheng continent is the world's first strongest person.

As a result, the imprisoned world in the forbidden area of ​​death, the races left over from ancient times, demigods abound, there are dozens of nine-star demigods, and in the true gods, all three old men ran out.

There is also the forest white mysterious coffin on the ghost ship. Shi Feng has been guessing until now, what level exists in it.


Therefore, everything is not absolute, you have not encountered it, does not necessarily mean no.

"Let go of your mind!" At this moment, listening only to a majestic and irresistible voice, sounded in this void.

The kneeling people in this void, although they heard the voice, knew what the deity would do to themselves, but no one dared to disobey, and did so immediately, completely releasing their minds.

"Oh!" I saw the huge manifestation of the true **** warrior Tiandi Shenzhong, once again violently shocked, again struck by a force of invisible force, issued a fierce bell toll.

An extremely strong sound wave swept out in all directions, sweeping towards the four million people kneeling in all directions towards Shi Feng.

If you look closely, you will find that the violent surging sonic power is full of invisible runes condensed like dense clear water.

In an instant, the power of the sound wave swept across the four million people who were in all directions and completely relaxed.

In the past, the seal of the three evil devil was left in each of them, but they did not expect that the death of the three evil devil was replaced by the mark of killing God. Master God of Killing.

Many of the people here were born in the abyss of sin. Once they were born, they were stamped into the mark of the three evil devil masters. Therefore, the mark of the three evil devil in the heart has long been recognized, and even taken for granted.

At this moment, the imprint of Shi Feng broke into the heart, and a sense of endless suffering was imminent.

After all, I am a prisoner of war in this war, and that evil killing **** will let me have a good life.

In fact, when Shi Feng just let everyone relax, just now, the uncle, Wei, and Xue's arrogant daughter Xue Ying all released their minds just now.

However, the sound waves of the Emperor God Bell's shock did not sweep over them, and Shi Feng did not intend to imprint them.

At this moment, the people in the family and the Wei family were grateful to Ded one by one. They knew that this was the Lord of the Nine Phantoms, and they believed in themselves.

Now that the overall situation has been set, the position of the nine ghost masters in their hearts is completely different from the previous evildoer.

It was difficult to say everything before. Who knows what will happen in the end, even if Shi Fengfeng and their two homeowners protect the law for the left and right, they do not take it seriously.


The sound of Zhongming, the tremor of the Heavenly Emperor's Bell, gradually fell silent, and all of a sudden, this void was reduced to all silence.

Everyone, who was waiting for their Nine Wraith Lord, had no other purpose.

After being silent for a while, at this moment, Shi Feng did not speak, and no one dared to speak or speak.

Even the five snakes under his body, the five snakes' mouths closed tightly.

Finally, they saw their Nine Wraith Lord slowly speaking again, and asked, "You, who have heard of God fighting the continent?"

"God fights the continent?"

"God fights the continent?"

"God fights the continent?"


When Shi Feng's voice sounded, these four words murmured in each mouth.

Shi Feng's eyes began to glance, and once again glanced at the crowd in all directions.

He thought just now that there are millions of people here after all, maybe who has heard of the **** war continent, or maybe there are clues about that **** war continent.

After all, the ancient scroll about the War God Continent that he obtained not long ago was obtained from the evil three old demons.

Immediately after, Shi Feng saw a blank face, and then he looked at Xi Mu and the eight great generals.

From the look on their faces, Shi Feng saw that even these nine people should not have heard of the Divine War Continent.

"God battles the mainland! Why are you so familiar? Huh?" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard an old, hoarse but unusually slight voice among the crowd.

Although the voice was very light, but it did not escape Shi Feng's ear strength, Shi Feng's eyes and the power of the soul, swept away towards the crowd who made the slight sound.

The voice was made by an old man who seemed to be eighty or ninety years old. Although old and martial, he was kneeling at the center of the crowd in a state of seven stars and demigods.

As soon as Shi Feng thought, he saw the old man who had just made a noise, and immediately flew from the crowd, leaving the crowd.

At this moment, I saw that the old man's old face changed suddenly, and the old face looked full of panic. He stared at the Jiuyou Demon with his eyes wide and said, "Master Devil, why is this? What was wrong? "

Shi Feng also looked at the old man at this time, and said, "You said that God is familiar with the mainland. Have you heard of it?"

The old man didn't expect that his voice was so quiet just now that he was heard by this deity.

However, after hearing his question, the old man didn't dare to neglect, and quickly replied: "The Lord of the Demons, his subordinates really feel familiar ..."

(End of this chapter)

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